10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

First story, Eugene's sister, Sakura, I'm gonna go check on the house.

"I want garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic... garlic!

"Okay, so do you want to thaw the boar meat? Lunch is steak! And Alice, you know what? Because you want meat."

Eugene walks around Alice. It is extremely sweet to my sister-in-law.

There are only two of them anymore, so I also tolerate Kotaro with my eyes.

My dog, which I can count on, seems sweet for my sister.

Is Alice's education okay?


Calling noise ringing in the living room. It's a phone call.

Yeah, the internet, of course, sounds like a phone call.


"Yes, Hojo.... again. I knew I could only hear curly weird noises. This is probably a call from Japan..."

Yes, I can only hear the rubbing sound of a curcum, whether it's on the phone or on the phone, as if I turned the tape early.

"I don't even pick up the TV waves... The house is over here, and what's going on with the Japanese house? I tried to reach my sister, but I don't know her email address... Ha."

□ □ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ □ □

"Here we are! You've been torturing me in a small space for 12 hours. And Japanese samu!

Down at Narita International Airport was Sakura Flores, Eugene's fruit sister, and her maiden name Hojo Sakura.

First you hire a car, but now you won't get there while Yang is there. Sakura goes to the counter with a bumpy grunt.

The loudness of the voice of the soliloquy seems to be that of the brother sloppy.

"If it's Utsunomiya, the district central road is open, so I think you can get there in about two hours. You can now take the Kuki Shiraoka JCT to take the Tohoku Expressway from Dai-yu."

"Ooh, I connected while I was in America. Zone Central Road. Thanks for letting me know, sister!

Sakura was on her way to the Hojo family, talking to herself again, saying she had to be careful because it was a left-hand pass.

"What the hell!!!

It's not Matsuda Ozuki.

When Sakura reached a place with the Hojo family, what was waiting was empty space.

I have no home.

There's no gate.

On the contrary, there are no hedges surrounding the house.

The place where the Hojo family was located was just a vacant lot about 50 cm lower from the ground around them.

"Oh, really, Nanicole. Brother, I wonder if you moved out. No, I wonder if I'm in the wrong place. Right, ahahahahahahahaha"

In the meantime, let's go to your neighbor Fujiwara, who's a long way from home. The lights are on, and you have an uncle or an aunt or someone, but if Fujiwara were there, what would happen to us?

Sakura walks to her neighbor's house about 300 meters away, whining bumps. I have a car.

It seems confusing.


Next door was Fujiwara-san.

The Hojo family had disappeared from its original location.

"Ah... I don't have anywhere to stay today"