"Oh my goodness - Brother Eugene!

Morning after an overnight encounter with an adventurer.

Alice wakes up and speaks to Eugene.

"Brother Eugene, have you been there (...) in the morning?

"Hello, Alice. Yeah, a little bit."

Eugene answers with a tired look and a laugh.

If Alice's up, it's breakfast! and utter a loud solitaire, typing in with a kacha kacha and keyboard before pulling Alice's hand and heading downstairs.

Let Alice sit on the couch in the living room and Eugene glances out the window.

The adventurers are getting up and preparing breakfast in front of the gate.

All right, and Eugene in a small, gutsy pose.

A big man, Joss, who respected this one and asked discipline for permission to camp, is as he reads that he will never cease to be silent.

Something tells me Eugene has business with the adventurers.

And in the living room after breakfast, Eugene asks Alice.

"Alice, I need to ask you something... okay?

"Yeah, okay. What's wrong, brother Eugene? It's a little rough in the morning, isn't it?

Alice with a small neck.

Kotaro, what are you talking about? I stare at Eugene with a freaking eye.

"Mm, nothing. Yikes. So, Alice. When I was in the village of Amphore, I wonder if anyone who lives (...) outside the village and knows (...) are there any relatives in the city or other villages..."

That's right.

The village where Alice lived was attacked by bandits.

Of course it's possible that someone survived and fled, but it won't be easy to find.


If you are outside the village and know something about Alice.

I definitely live in some village or city and it would be easy to stay in touch.

Now we have the means to keep in touch.

Right in front of the gate, because there are adventurers (...) going back to the city.

"With the village? Hmmm...... your father and mother said it was because they were all alone in the family, and, um, hmm"

Put a wrinkle between your eyebrows, hands on your head, yeah. Alice thinking about it.

I guess Cottalow noticed Eugene's idea.

I sit beside Alice and stare with my crushed eyes all the time saying yes, Arisu, good luck and good fun.

"Right, and then, occasionally, someone who was coming to the village or something... Anyone?

"Ah! I know Alice if you've been in the village from time to time! Uncle Gyee-san (...)!

"Right! You're the merchant that Alice was teaching you how to calculate and help! Wouldn't that be great!

It's obvious if you think about it, but the pedestrians seemed to live outside the village of Amphore.

"Alice, do you know the name of the pedestrian? There was only one pedestrian coming to the village? Does that person know where he lived?

Are you excited, Eugene, who asks a number of quick questions to young Alice.

Kotalou moves from the side of Alice to the front of Eugene, takes a nap, and slaps Tashitashi and Eugene on the foot with his right front leg. Unlike yesterday, it is a gentle meatball touch that does not claw.

Oh, it's all right, Alice, because it's slow and good, and it was Eugene who added.

"Um, um... In the village, my uncle will come after spring and autumn. So, only Uncle Gyee-san! He said he lives in town! Nah... Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah..."

"Enough, Alice! Thanks! Alice will be here in a minute. Cottaro, let's go!

On the couch in the living room with Alice as Pocan, Eugene heads to the gate.

It was just behind that that that Cotareau proceeded.

"Good morning, Joss, Irene. I wanted to ask you one thing. Can I have a word with you now?

Eugene speaking to the adventurers over the gate.

casually, he was calling for the exclusion of the flashy armored man Ectre.

"Good morning, Lord Wizard of the Woods. Irene, come here. Ektor asks for a clean up."

When you heard what I wanted to ask you (...), you understood that it was every negotiation.

Joss also turned the ect away, understanding that Eugene had taken the ect off and called out.

"So, what's it like? We are still level 8 adventurers. I can't do very big things..."

A big man lowers his body and speaks frighteningly.

That should be it, too.

A wizard who creates an invisible wall and lives in a shaped museum that no one has ever seen, behind a forest.

It is a situation in which Joss thinks of stories, heroes Tan, and is not compelled to set up.

"No, it's not that hard. We're going back to the city of Plumier, right? In the city of Plumier, twice a year, I want you to find a pedestrian who used to go to the village of Amphore and bring him here."

"Are you a pedestrian...... Being there twice a year would mean a regular route. You'll know which pedestrian if you ask the Merchant Guild, so that's fine. Just bring him here afterwards, is that..."

"Do you understand! All right! Then it's no problem! Alice, it was that girl yesterday, but you said the village had been attacked by bandits and fled, didn't you? That's the village of Amphore."

"I did hear in the city that the village of Amphore was attacked by bandits..."

"Then, when the pedestrian came to the village, Alice also said she was helping. So if you know who that merchant is, I think if you tell him, he'll come. Tell her Alice is alive and wants you to come see her."

"Hmm...... It's possible, indeed. But the..."

"... even in Grade 8, we are adventurers. Consider the request. to each of us and the pedestrians."

I've listened to Eugene and Joss conversations in silence so far, but Irene breaks in here. I don't have a bow right now, and it looks handless.

"Of course! Wait a minute!

That's what Eugene says and runs out into the house.

Cotareau seems to remain on the spot.

Keep an eye out for the three adventurers, but not as alert there as yesterday.

Though I still don't seem to trust you at the point where you keep your eyes open.

He roughs his breath and Eugene returns to the gate.

I have four sheets in my hand, about 20cm (L) and 15cm (W), more or less like a small plate of size A5.

"One is for rewarding pedestrians. The other three will be given to you when you bring the pedestrians this far. That'll pay you well in time, won't it?

Hold one in your right hand and Eugene reaches out from above the gate and crosses the border.

Joss roughly receives something like that board.

"This... what is it? Sounds like some kind of hard, twitchy, strange board..."

"Try opening it. I even fingered the outing about the shorter one, and here it is, kappa."

Let Eugene use one on hand to actually open it.

The light just in the morning reflects chilly.

It was a mirror.

It's a compact mirror that must be in a woman's bag in Japan.

The four pieces prepared by Eugene are a large number of compact mirrors.


The sound of Joss and Irene swallowing their spit overlapped.

In the camp, Ektor is in the process of cleaning up as he sings his nose.

Under Eugene's feet, Kotalou shakes his tail and rubs his body every time he tells him not to. Though I haven't kept my eyes off the adventurer.

"Lord Wizard of the Woods. This... If you bring a pedestrian, give us three of these? Then I'll take it..."

"Adequate. Adequate compensation. What's the deadline?"

Joss seemed hesitant to do something, but Irene answered with a rough snort.

"The deadline…. I'd like to ask you as soon as possible...... what do you say in 10 days?

"Lord Wizard of the Woods, that's just short. It takes a whole three days from here to get to the city. There's a chance the pedestrians aren't in the city right now."

"... until 20 days later. Add another one if you bring them here by 10 days later"


"Fine. Because the sooner I'm happy, the better. Instead, don't tell anyone but the merchant about the mirror and this place until you come back."

Eugene, who puts on a non-verbal condition and receives offers of additional rewards.

No matter how much you know it's going to be worth in different worlds, for Eugene, it's about 1000 yen. If you don't care about the quality, you can get it in the 100 yen shop.

Last night, when I looked for Gasagoso, his mother and sister's room, the compact mirrors alone, large and small, came out with eight pieces.

Apart from appearances, washroom mirrors, and mother's mirror benches, this number.

It was Eugene's feeling that it would be cheap if one extra sheet was 10 days early.

"Well, thank you"

"Okay. Let's do all we can for what we've received."

A compliment, Eugene.

When Eugene raised her head, what came into her eyes was Joss and Irene, who remained upright and somehow hit her right palm against her left chest, around the underside of her clavicle.

Apparently that is the thanks of this world.

Thus the second day of interaction with the adventurers ended, and the three adventurers hurried back to the city as they stepped on the wet soil with Guchuguchu.

Eugene and Cottalow dropping off inside the gate.

When the adventurers are invisible, Eugene sits in a loud exhale.

"Good. Aww, that worked. Aww!

Weakness, rolling straight into the garden still damp with Goron.

Cottalow jumped on Eugene falling asleep in a good mood.

Cottallo turns around Eugene's face as she waves her tail with the boom.

After that, it's not amazing. If you do it, you can do it. Yuji, I'm going to take a ladder and describe it in my body.

Cotalou in an excited state, but we don't. Because she's a lady.


That I checked with Alice to see if she knew anyone outside the village.

Ask the adventurers to find someone they know and bring them here.

Compact mirrors prepared as rewards.

Negotiations from where the ect is removed to when the deadline is set.

It works so well that I don't think of it as Eugene.

Will the spear descend tomorrow or will the heavens fall?

Or is it awakening, or is it definitely weird?

Yesterday's Eugene, no, the previous Eugene is a lie move.

Of course, it's not like Eugene has grown into a flying leg.

A neighborhood that floats firmly on your face, fully stretched hips, shoulders, wrists, palms and fingers.

That's right.

Eugene spent the night talking to the bulletin board from last night until this morning.

No, it's not a consultation.

From last night until this morning all night, I was just taking instructions from the bulletin board and remembering those instructions and acting...