10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Lesson Two Eugene, Learning about clothing conditions in different worlds

"Is this the market! It's so busy."

"Yeah, a lot of people bring vegetables that are harvested in the summer from the neighboring countryside. Eugene, Alice, please be careful not to fall off!

Yes, and Alice answers vigorously, holding Eugene's hand. It is a mystery whether Alice is keeping her from falling off or Eugene from falling off. As if to lead the way, Cottalow was walking in front of both of them.

This is the second time Eugene has visited the city of Plumier. After a tour of the blacksmith workshop, which was the aim, and a face-to-face meeting with the blacksmith who plans to emigrate, it seems to be a slow tour of the city today. At Eugene's request, Kevin and I were here to see a blue sky market lined with dewstores.

"Imo, wheat, vegetables...... crops don't really change. And after all, rice is the only thing..."

Of the blue sky market, Eugene and the others first look around at the corner where food lines up. Apparently, as far as I can see, it is not much different from the Earth's crops. Most importantly, Eugene and the residents of the bulletin board assume that this is close to medieval Europe. It is strange that there are already imos and tomatoes if... Eugene didn't seem to realize that.

"The next area is... oh, clothes! Whatever mine is, I'll buy Alice if she wants!

"Yeah! Yay!

Alice with a full smile. The leading cotarrow is looking back and squeaking one at the two. Well, I guess I'll have to be fashionable.


Blue Sky Market, Clothing Area.

There, even Eugene, a stylish amateur, slapped down in despair.

"What the... it's lame and plain and dull... Huh? Is this all you got?

Clothes lined up in outdoor stores are, to put it better, generated. All the clothes utilizing the colours of the material. It's also a lot used, and when I asked Kevin, he said it was still cleaner.


"You think this is underwear......? No, man...... right?

Eugene speaks out to an aunt who looks like a rough seller with a good width.

"What are you talking about? If you're not a man, a woman, a nobleman or a big businessman, this is normal, right? Oh, not down there, but up there? I think it's too early for that kid, though. Hey. Well, no, look."

What Eugene had in his hands were pants that made the Drawers even more perky. Apparently both men and women wear this.

And the woman's busty underwear given to her by the seller's aunt.

It was a cloth.

It is a salad.

"... are you serious? Seriously, is everyone here?"

Eugene's tension was down.

And when I was at Eugene's house, Eugene's sister, Alice's tense, who started wearing Sakura's clothes in preference, was also visibly falling off. Apparently Alice was also poisoned by modern Japanese fashion.

Kotalou sounds powerless with a coon. This is what I'm trying to say, give it up.

"What are you guys? Were you looking for the kind of clothes and underwear your nobles would wear? I didn't put that in the market!

A well-deserved aunt lovingly taught two and one sinking in. It's a lot of kindness to people who don't buy their products.

Taking the words of the seller's aunt, Kevin immediately speaks to Eugene.

"Eugene, because of this, would you also like to see a store that can store new clothes?

Eugene takes Kevin's word and glances at Chirali and Alice. Alice is still depressed. Seeing him, Eugene said, "Yes, I'd love to," to Kevin.

But I don't know Eugene.

That Kevin's eyes were shining on his plans.

Find the seed and that it had changed from guidance mode to commercial mode.

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"This is a tailor I use a lot. The arm of the needle is fine. Oh, when you met the lord's wife and deputy, it was this store's clothes you lent to Eugene."

"This is Kevin. Welcome. What can I do for you today?

Corner of the city of Plumier. When Kevin showed me into the store, the clerk just called. Clothing that resembles a suit worn tightly on a tall upper back. Apparently he also remembered the face of Kevin, a regular.

"This is Eugene, the head of the newly established pioneering group. You will also have the opportunity to meet the nobles, and please wear one for each of them. This is the first time you've made clothes, so let me show you some examples and fabrics."

Kevin tells Nico and the clothes store clerk. Soon I was supposed to make clothes for Eugene and Alice.

I didn't make it when Eugene and Alice met with the Lords Lady and deputies on the Pioneering People's application. But it's also true that Kevin thought he would have the opportunity to use it if he made it. The fact is, if I told you so, I was also working on the thought that it would show me a lot.

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"Now, when we can, we will deliver it to the Kevin Chamber of Commerce. We look forward to seeing you again."

A line that is dropped off by the clerk and leaves the store. Apparently, I ordered the clothes to wear when meeting with the nobles.

However, tension remained low for both Eugene and Alice, as well as for the cottaloes they were watching on the side.

There was dyed fabric. Naturally. Even though chemical dyes are around the 19th century on Earth, natural dyes come from BC. The clothes covered in beautifully dyed fabrics seemed to be worn by the royal nobility in this world as well.



And naturally, the design is old. It looked like a cosplay in Eugene's eyes. It is oldest and most commonplace given the times that residents of bulletin boards have considered and assumed.


I wasn't supposed to wear underwear.

Kevin, who distracted me, told the clerk to bring some samples for Alice's future.

Drawers, salads, or corsets for nobility. It was extreme.

Eugene was depressed. Alice was also depressed.

Alice turned downstairs and whined, even though Sakura's sister's room was full of cutes. Eugene did not comment on anything. I accidentally talked, because if Sakura found out, it would be catastrophic.

Look at the two depressing people and bark small as Cotareau encourages. You seem comforted that you should tear up the sawdust. But it just won't be possible. We're not just talking about how many cups are right. Cotareau is a gentle, carefree woman, but she was still a dog.

"Oh, yeah, Mr. Eugene. If I had a cloth and hired a needle, could I make more different clothes and underwear for Eugene or Alice?

As I just figured out, Kevin asks Eugene.

Eugene and Alice turn to Kevin with a lot of momentum and nod silently. The motion was perfectly synchronized.

Really? Shall we look for pioneers who can farm by day and needlework by night? For one thing.

Happily, it laughed happily, and Kevin told her.

That's good! and Eugene and Alice smiling.

Cottalow was sending a suspicious gaze to Kevin. I'd like to say, "Let's do it."

By the way.

Kevin trained the specialties of the Gegas Chamber of Commerce in Wang Capital, a number of rare products that come from somewhere in the handouts of the meeting Gegas, who traveled around the world when he was young. Popular products from nobility among them, but always thin in quantity. In it, there was silk.

Although at present the Gegas Chamber of Commerce only wholesaled silk cloth because of the most noble preferences and the fact that each has a favorite needle.

Later, an clothing boom involving royal nobles, merchants and even civilians.

That's Eugene's kindness in wanting Alice to wear cute clothes.

It was born of the enthusiasm and desire of the bulletin board dwellers who heard this story.