10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

The first story, Eugene, receives some stuff from Kevin who visited

The western side of Eugene's house, the border fence separating the pioneering land from the forest.

Today and today, Eugene and Alice were putting their energy into reinforcing the fence and strengthening the open moat.

As head of the pioneering group, as head of the pioneering village, the safety of residents is the first priority.

Looks like Cotareau went hunting with a look around the area.

Long after commissioning a crusade for a monster settlement in the city of Plumier and returning to the pioneering land, Kotalou has been on strict alert. Since coming to this world, the cottage floor has been Eugene's room, but lately she has slept in a doghouse in the garden where she once lived. I guess that means I can deal with it as soon as something happens. He is a wise dog.

All right, Alice, it's time to take a break, yes, brother Eugene! and when the two of them are exchanging words, you can hear the roar of wang wang from outside the fence.

Looks like Kotalou is calling Eugene on the southern side of the fence.

Oh, what is it, Alice, to go? And Eugene and Alice went to the southern end of the pioneering land.

"Oh, hello, Eugene"

It was Kevin's line waiting for the two toward the south side of the pioneering land as Cottalow sounded. Apparently, Cottalow, who was looking around, found it and called Eugene as he spearheaded the line. He is too smart a dog.

Behind Kevin, greeting Nico, was his usual dedicated escort and Irene, the bowman, of the troika of adventurers.

"Hello, Mr. Kevin! Is that it? Is there only one of the usual adventurers this time?

"Yeah. I thought I'd stay here, too, until the crusade was over. The other two were asked to stay for the store security. It's an idea to arrange adventurers on a temporary basis over a long period of time."

"I see...... But Mr. Kevin, is the store okay until the crusade is over?

That's what I say, Eugene, who cares about running the Kevin Chamber of Commerce. Apparently, I'm starting to get a little carried away. Most importantly, the survival of the Kevin Chamber of Commerce involves Eugene's life, which is normal.

"I don't really want to leave you. But I have my employees here, too. I'll see you soon."

It is not the name of the operation. Looks like it's one of Kevin's creeds. However, in view of his root-cutting remarks to monsters and his annihilation remarks to bandits, it seems that it is the lives of Kevin himself and his allies that will be taken care of, and that the lives of enemies and monsters are not as valuable as shards. That's the "fighting pedestrian" raised by "Blood Painted Gegas".

Either way, it seemed to have taken the force of war to visit the pioneering land in order to make sure the safety of the two Cat Clan Nina and Needle, Kevin Chamber of Commerce employees.

"Come on. This time, I brought you a weapon too. This is the bow. The arrows were bulky, so I could only hold them a little, but I've brought them and the arrow wings, so let's ask Tomas, the woodworker, to make the arrows later. I'm not in the main position, so the accuracy will drop, and I don't think you'll actually need it, but, well, just in case. Then I also brought three crossbows. Two needles, for Marcel or Marc."

"Oh, is this the crossbow..."

In front of the gate of Eugene's house, a simple square lined with stumps. So he was explaining to Eugene what Kevin had brought in while unloading.

Alice and Cotareau return to the premises to take care of the chickens in the garden. Do you understand it's time for winter, the six chickens were running around the garden fine. Soon we'll be trapped in a chicken coop built in Eugene's garage. It is just a behavior that needs to be enjoyed right now. No, it's always like this.

Eugene, who is also a well-known type of weapon in Japan but has not had a chance to see the real thing, is deeply emotional with a crossbow in his hand. Not particularly thoughtful, by the way.

After you take the camera out and take pictures, look at the table, flip over and look behind you, or touch the strings. On the side, Kevin watched as he harassed Eugene's behavior like that.

"Um, Mr. Eugene...... Crossbows are expensive. The number of parts is high. So the…"

Oh, oh, I'm sorry, and Eugene returns the crossbow to Kevin's hand in a big way. I think I understand Kevin's intent not to mess around badly and break it. I read an unspoken intent. It is progress. No, I've been dating Kevin for two and a half years. It was finally.

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That night Kevin visited the pioneering land.

Despite the fact that the two needles had already moved into a joint residence, there were five figures in the working tent.

"So... about the example, how's it going?

The first question pops up from a good shadow.

Inside the tent, it was dim for some reason.

"It's difficult to navigate. The fabric, the elasticity, the pattern, the moulding, the cutting, the sewing, it's all incredible skill. If it's in any other simple format I've been taught, I think I'll be able to do a prototype this winter..."

The answer was one man.

The woman next to her has a tooth that looks remorseful in her hand at the physical object offered. Naturally. I can do it to others and not to myself. If you do not regret this, it is another dream of dreams that you will grow up as an artisan.

"Really...... Well, there are other products that I have deposited, so it's enough for the beginning of business..."

The man with the right width who cut out the conversation first speaks again.

"Please increase the number of needles! Worst case scenario, because if you're clever without technology, I'll teach you this way. We're running out of hands anyway! I don't know how much stuff I've accumulated that I haven't been able to prototype... Oh no, there's too much I want to do! I wonder if there's a pill or something that can move without sleeping!

A woman whose teeth were scratching requests manpower from a man. I have thoughts, I have abilities, but not enough time. It is a sole of employees whose statements were intoxicated by the ideals of black companies. Looks like we haven't cut the stain yet.

"Okay. But anyway, wait until the crusade is over and it's spring. And, you know, it's hard to say..."

I've accepted people's arrangements, but they're still going to be ahead of me. The faces of the two men and women shade.

"Now I want you to tailor it."

It was a white cloth with a unique shine that was removed from the back brought in by a man of good width.

This... and the faces of two men and women who had a dark look shine at once.

"When I became independent, apart from that, it was the silk I got from the meeting of the Gegas Chamber of Commerce. Let Eugene think about the shape, and by spring, put one on."

Gokuri, and the men and women who swallow spit, no, two needles.

In this world, silk is so valuable that it can be 'super'. Only the Gegas Chamber of Commerce, which houses shops in the king's capital of this country, deals with it, including neighboring countries. I've heard rumors, but I don't see them. The eyes of two tired, blood-running needles shimmer out. The end is near.

What was Kevin saying during the day, more or less? Do you mean that you can't use it anymore? I guess you don't mean that. Probably, I'm sure.

"Mr. Kevin, could..."

The man who has been silently watching what happens, no, Eugene comes to think of that possibility.

"Hey, Kevin. No way, before (...), oh, before us..."

The scourge of the last one, a former adventurer party, who was similarly silent, also utters words. That tone is rougher than usual.

"Yeah. The store has settled down, too. We have seen not only daily necessities, but also commercial seeds that are clothed in preserved foods and fruitful to a large extent. Spring. I'm going to go to King's Capital with clothes that I made here, no one has ever seen, and sign up for marriage"

A couple of needles that listen to the use and make their fallen eyes even more radiant. Can we cross the winter?

Two single old men who drop their shoulders disappointingly and slap on their shoulders as if to encourage them. Spring is still far away.

The three single old men who once saw paper printed with brassiere in the thin lights of late summer and swore that they were different when we were born.

Finally, he seemed to understand.

No, I didn't even swear to it originally.

Either way, it was thus decided that it would be a winter of joy and misery for the two needles, and that Eugene would consider her own bridesmaid costume despite her celibacy.

The curse of the residents of the bulletin board seems to come to my attention. I only pray that the curse will not cross the world.

But whether Kevin's proposal is acceptable or not is another story.