"Huh? You, Ningen, but you know the language?

'Huh?... Huh?

To the words of the elf girl, Eugene looks around with a Kyotong face.

Alliance Master. Pocan.

Women adventurers watching the elves. Pocan. No, my eyes are turning into a predator's sole. Looks like you found an excellent and excellent property.

Kevin's exclusive escort, Ias. Pocan. No, it turns into a bitter object bitten look, polypoly and head. Do it, I should have brought Mr. Kevin, he said.

Alice. Pocan. Gradually, its eyes turn into an eye of respect. Brother Eugene, wow! I think I hear voices.

Kotalow. He exhales waffles and shakes his head. Yu-jie, you're not aware, I guess.

"Yu, Lord Eugene... do you understand the words of the elves?

Salomon, Adventurer Alliance Master of the City of Plumier, asks Eugene. Even if I was upset, that was the person in charge of the place.

"Huh? Huh? No, Futu can tell, can't he? Arr?"

Eugene is in trouble!

"No, you don't normally know, Lord Eugene. If you are a scholar in Wang Du or...... Yes, no, it's fine now. Lord Eugene, could you ask that child if he can go home on his own to the elves?

Although the number of places on the battlefield is treading, the Alliance Master is in a tone that I'm not sure if I'm confused by unexpected events. Leaving aside why Eugene can understand the language, he seems to be looking for a thread to solve the major problem at hand. He was a realistic man.

Oh, yes, and Eugene asks the elf girl a question that she hasn't quite figured out yet. Eugene, head of the pioneering group, village chief of the pioneering village, head of the defence group of the pioneering land and adventurer, also seemed to serve as an interpreter.

"Can this uncle go home to the elves? I hear... You know where the house is, right?

'Course you do! Reese is already a lady! Uh... oh, no, no! Liar, what am I gonna do...... I can't go home with this!

Elf girl responding to Eugene's words and answering with her chest stretched.

But when I put my hands on my chest, I blued my face, explored Gossogoso and my whole body, and gradually began to tear eyes.

'I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I dropped it somewhere, that, without that...'

He called himself Lady, but his tear glands are on the verge of decimation.

Cotareau approached under the feet of such an elf girl and just peed, poking the girl's foot with her head. She is a well-looked after and trusted woman. It's a dog.

'I don't know, let's just calm down! Right?'

Crouch down, gaze, and speak to the elf girl, Eugene. As we naturally go to the height of our gaze, apparently the experience of living with Alice is alive.

Alice also approaches the girl and looks up worried. I don't know the words, but I seem to understand that the girl is in so much trouble that she's about to cry out. Alone in a place I don't know. Maybe he's laying on the boundaries when he's protected. She's a sweet girl. To people.

"Uh, Mr. Salomon. I can't seem to get home..."

Eugene interprets the girl's words and reports to the Alliance Master.

Damn, you can't be so good, Guildmaster with your head. Exhale one more time. Apparently, I've changed my mind. Bread, and clap your hands to get the attention of the adventurers.

"All right! In the meantime, put those guys who stay on the spot as planned and the rest of them are ready to go! Individually, spread out in charge! Look, I'm not talking about the elves. Give it a try, I'll get rid of it right away!

Guildmaster's shout, no, adventurers who just move on to action with barking instructions. We act quickly with all this luck and leave first. It was like not wanting to get involved in any trouble.

Scattered in various directions, by the way, to find and kill any Goblin and Oak remnants. A few will remain on the site of the settlement to see if there are any monsters returning late, like a team that took the elves, and to kill them as soon as they are discovered. I feel like cutting my roots off.

Remaining on the monster's catchment site were Eugene and Alice, Cottalow, Ias, Kevin's exclusive escort, Salomon, the guild master, and then former third-degree adventurers residing in the pioneering land, as well as an elf girl.

There was a line of opposition, a few adventurers gathered as far away from the settlement site as possible, just not wanting to hear any trouble. Apparently, they're the remnants.


Eugene blacks and whites her eyes into the sudden movements of the adventurers. While wandering, ask the Alliance Master.

"Lord Eugene. I want the girl to hear it. If you can't make it home alone, you can only contact the famous Elf Adventurer of the King's Capital. Ask me if there's anything else I can do. Even if the Elves of the King's Capital do something about it, it will be spring..."

Do you understand or not, yes, and turn to the elf girl and tell Eugene the guild master question to the girl. Completely an interpreter.

'Damn, you have him outside! Good. Ah... So will you tell him I'm asking you to do me a favor? But it's spring... I guess I'll have to live in the city of Ningen...'

An elf girl who was in tears can flaunt her face in Eugene's words, no, Salomon's words through Eugene. He was finally behaving like a lady as he called himself. Eugene's face, stared at by a beautiful girl with moist eyes, is red.

Eugene, who just tells the Guildmaster what the elves say. I have no opinion of my own there.

"Hmm...... Either way, I'll report it to the lords and deputies, but the city, hey..."

Salomon, an Alliance Master who glances in one direction of Chirali and the woods. I have already left and I do not see him, but beyond that there should have been officials seconded by the deputies of the city of Plumier and the criminal slaves.

The elf girl is a beautiful girl. And the elf is a long-lived species, whose beauty is preserved for a long time. There is little interaction with humans and other races, which is so rare.

What the Alliance Master cares about. It meant that if the elves were known to be in the city, they would be targeted by the undetected no matter what they thought. Furthermore, Eugene is the head of the pioneering group and cannot go beyond winter in the city. Where the early horses were used, it is also impossible to call the Elves of the King's Capital by the time the snow becomes unable to act. I mean, we took the elves to the city, and we don't even know what to say.

Whatever you think is troublesome. It's also an interracial problem if you're bad at it.

"Lord Eugene...... I know, but I need a favor..."

That's what I'm saying, Guildmaster, who tells Eugene what's going on if an elf girl spends time in the city. The guild master tells Eugene that there should also be a home offering and escort from the lord who doesn't want it to be a race issue, sending a trusted adventurer, even as an adventurer guild, but doesn't know the language and will probably be a life of disabling from a security point of view.

And. Even though I'm lost, if I can do it to Eugene, I throw a favor.

"Lord Eugene. Could you protect the elf girl until spring? That pioneering village should be safer with snow rather than people in and out. If Lord Eugene understands the language, he'll feel a lot easier too. Of course, let's also offer money and supplies from the Lords and Washi and the Adventurers Guild. Lord Eugene and Alice's lady, then reward the four of them," Deep Green Wind, "also in the name of escort costs. Can you take it on, please?

"Really, if it's a city, it's dangerous and the words don't make sense... I don't mind, but there's nothing in the pioneering village of Houjo yet... I'll ask this kid which is better."

Take the word of the Alliance Master and answer so, Eugene. Whichever way you choose, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Apparently he decided to let the elf girl choose herself.

I'm just going to pass on information about the city, about the pioneering land, Eugene. For some reason Alice is staring at the girl with her expected eyes. I think I'd like to get close to Mr. Elf, who I've only heard in the story.

Cottalow was rubbing his body against the elf girl's leg. From Benrisa, I think you're telling me to flaunt my soul. Because I wanted to, I wanted to say that it would be best to say no. It is ocane physique.

Having heard the circumstances, did you realise that you had to stay away from your family and fellow countrymen, surrounded by humans and go over the winter? The elf girl remained nagging and silent. I stopped because of it and I have tears in my eyes again. I'm a lady, but I'm still a young girl.

A snubbed, silently reaching out elf girl gently pinches the hem (softly) of Eugene's jacket.

Nippa, face down, Alice with a full grin.

Cottaloe barking happily ever after. Yeah, well, I'm not the only one who says that.

'Er... Is it okay if I mean to come to the pioneering land?

Girl with a snort of elves.

Apparently, even if it was a little inconvenient, I chose an environment where my safety and words would make sense.

Strange land when I wake up. The Ningens have been told to be careful around. I don't know the way home. That's the situation that forced me to go over the winter. It would be impossible for a young girl to rely on Eugene, whose words make sense.


After the crusade between Goblin and Oak, only a winter's guest would be added to the pioneering site to ensure further safety.

Um, let's just talk to Mr. Kevin about reporting and, oh, I have to report to the bulletin board, too, leaving the head of the pioneering team with an uneasy grunt.