10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Episode Two: Eugene, Going to the Adventurer's Guild in Wang Du

"Come on Mr. Eugene, let's go to the Adventurer Guild today!

The doors of the rooms offered to Eugene are bang! And it opens, and Kevin comes in and screams.

It is so high tension that Eugene has never seen it before.

It's like a scream. A fluttering cottage. That's still the way it is, I guess.

Only Cotareau was awake. Well, Salomon and Donnie woke up at Kevin's sign, and so did Eugene, Alice, Reese and Charles, who would stay out of Kevin's shout.

"... good morning, Mr. Kevin"

"Yes, good morning! Look, ladies and gentlemen, hurry up and support me!

Kevin's tension is high. is annoying.

"Wait a minute."

Sleeping Eye Eugene tells Kevin.

Kotalou and Salomon, Doni woke up well, but the other faces move out with it. I have no choice. It's just time for the sun to rise.

Kevin, who is waiting, is in a good mood to sing his nose. Apparently, something good happened last night like that.

I don't even have to ask why.

Apparently Kevin's proposal worked.

The real deal is after my parents, "Blood Painted Gegas," returned.

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"Oh! Something like this, it feels like a foreign city! The road is wide, and the atmosphere is a lot different from the city of Plumier."

A line of carriages from the Gegas Chamber of Commerce to the Guild to advance through the King's Capital.

Eugene is shooting with a camera with a black exterior on his hand with his face on the side of the passenger seat from the carrier.

As Eugene put it, unlike the city of Plumier, the road is wide. In the middle of the wide road was a carriage through. Up and down, two different sizes. Left and right are apparently walking paths for people on foot. Although it seems somewhat because it is not particularly separated.

Kevin is the one who sits in your seat and operates the carriage.

Left and right of Eugene riding herself out of the carrier are Alice and Reese. The two girls let their eyes shine, Alice fuzzy! and raised his voice from time to time.

It was accompanied by two of Kevin's dedicated escorts and an elf girl, Leese's escort, Salomon.

The needle Yurschel is working at the Gegas Chamber of Commerce to fix the dress he brought in.

Charles and Doni take care and leave a message at the Gegas Chamber of Commerce.

Yesterday, Enzo, who went to the Adventurers Guild to announce his arrival, was not to return to the Gegas Chamber of Commerce and was to rendezvous at the Adventurers Guild. It is unclear where he was going last night. I'm sure he was collecting information like a scourge. I didn't disappear into a bad neighborhood. He has Yvonne.

Enough to run the carriage.

Apparently, the King's Capital Adventurer Guild is in an area closer to the outer gate than the Gegas Chamber of Commerce.

"Hey, Mr. Kevin!

"Ah, Mr. Enzo! Thanks for waiting!

In front of the Adventurer Guild was the figure of former Level 3 Adventurer Enzo, who had accompanied him from the pioneering land. Apparently we were able to rendezvous safely. In a world where there are no cell phones, no pokebells, no station message boards, meeting is hard.

A line where Kevin stops the carriage in front of the building and gets out of the carriage with all sorts of places.

Kevin leaves the carriage to the boy running out of the space next to the Adventurer Guild. Apparently there's somewhere to put the carriage.

Eugene stands in front of the Adventurer Guild and looks around with Kyolo Kyolo. Of course, it is being filmed.

Heavy stone buildings look like three floors when you look at the window position. On the left and right side of the building there is space for adventurers and clients to stop the carriage.

I don't know Eugene from the table, but behind the building there is a wooden indoor training area and a wider outdoor training area.

King's Capital Adventurer Alliance.

Finally, the Eugene line seems to have reached its destination for the journey.

The most important purpose is to meet the elf adventurer, and this is not where the journey ends.

Eugene, Alice and Reese look around Kyolokiolo in a rare way.

It is Kevin and the two dedicated escorts, Enzo, who smile and watch the three shining eyes.

And Guildmaster Salomon, an adventurer in the city of Plumier, speaks to Eugene and the others.

"All right. Welcome, Lord Eugene! This is the King's Capital Adventurer's Guild!

□ □ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ □ □

Alice and Reese, Yuji with the two girls in the hood, had been led to a separate room without being particularly tangled up.

Well, it was Salomon on the strong side who led the Eugene and there were two of Kevin's dedicated escorts and Enzo on the side. Naturally.

By the way, Kevin and two of his exclusive escorts don't wear an ebony brown cape. I don't see any plans to rain blood all over the city.

"Mr. Salomon, what were you talking about at the counter?

"Yeah? Yeah, Lord Eugene was the first to travel around the city where the Adventurer Guild is. Adventurers are obliged to report to the Alliance when they arrive and when they leave the city where the Alliance is located. I don't have an adventurer's guild. I don't need a lodging town."

"Huh? Me, I didn't do anything when I left Plumier City, did I?

Yeah, that's 'cause I took care of it.

"Oh, you did. Thank you. But why do you need to say it?

"Lord Eugene...... The Adventurer Guild has to figure out how much power he's got, right? What did you do when the mighty monsters and herds came out?

"Oh, sure."

"Then there is the obligation to report back to the lord. Well, what level is rough enough for how many people? It's not the Lords who rule in the king's capital that make him king, but just report it to every official."

"That's how lords grasp the power of being in the city. Sometimes when you're an adventurer per premium from grade 4, you have restrictions on mobility. Sometimes the city you're out of can be underpowered. Besides, some noblemen don't like to see adventurers as disturbing molecules and come in with grades 4 and up."

"Really... is that it? Was Mr. Salomon okay? He's ex-grade one, and he's the most powerful class in the city of Plumier, right? And Mr. Enzo."

"Oh, me and Enzo are retired."

Cotalou bites one-on-one into Salomon's words. Sounds like you're trying to say that you're not always the same as Ri Le.

"If you're allowed to retire, you're free."

Salomon with his chest stretched to say so.

Cottaro barking once again. Seems like you're trying to tell me what's wrong with every single one of them. Most likely. If the old man from the Adventurer Guild in the City of Plumier hears about it, he will surely shed blood tears.

By the way, I can tell you at the time of registration that the Adventurer Guild has to report when traveling around a city. If you forget, you usually notice it there because the city gatekeeper tells you when you leave and when you enter.

Eugene didn't seem to notice because he had left Kevin to deal with the gatekeeper. Of course Kevin has confirmed it with Salomon. What is a convoy captain?

If we're having such a conversation, the door is knocked.

Apparently, someone has arrived at the King's Capital Adventurers Guild to respond to the Eugene's.

It was the old man who opened the wooden door and came in.

"It's not a hiccup, Salomon. Strangely stick your neck in again. Didn't you retire?

Her hair stroked behind her was gray. He has enough canes in his hand to reach his chin, and a long beard is white. He had a robe around him.

"Ugh, wow... Wizard, no, Gandal -"

I almost said something. One word of Eugene! and barking and blocking cottages. I don't think so. No, maybe not anymore. It is nonetheless a scratchy absent party.

"Grandpa, you're still alive."

Salomon can't hide his happiness somewhere, whispering like a shudder. Apparently, we've known each other for a long time. The tone is completely different.

"Hmm, I'm not dead yet. So, what, an elf?

An old man looking over the line with Giroli. And, look at Reese, who was wearing a hood.

"That's right. So, remember, there's an elf adventurer here. They were going somewhere, but are you home already?

"No, not yet. It's because of the whim. I think it's time to come home as usual..."

It was addressed to this old man that Guildmaster Salomon, an adventurer in the city of Plumier, sent a letter when he protected the elf girl Reese. This old man knew what was going on before Eugene and the others headed to the king's capital. I heard you arrived from Enzo.

Eugene looks sorry to hear the old man's words. Eugene interprets to Liese because he was taught beforehand that there was no danger.

Alice and Reese, who understood the old man's words, were shining their eyes.

The Elves of the King's Capital have not yet returned.

I mean, Reese can still be with everyone.

Aside from the adults' worries, the two girls seemed happy to be together for a while now.