10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Episode XVII: Eugene, it is decided to continue her journey with Elf Girl Leese

Adventurer's Guild of the King's Capital, one of its rooms.

Eugene finally met Elf, an adventurer based in Wang Du.

Alice, Cotareau and Reese are accompanying Eugene.

Salomon and Enzo as escorts, and Kevin and his exclusive escorts.

Elf adventurer Hull, who undertook to send Elf girl Reese inside.

Not only that, Hal invites Yuji, a rare man, into the elf.

When I heard you had information about a rare person, I decided to go, Eugene.

Eugene explained to Kevin and Salomon, who had been sitting unattended, because he had previously spoken in the words of Elf.

"So, Lord Eugene, where is it in the elf? Keep escorting, depending on the location…"

"Oh, indeed. Thank you, Mr. Salomon. I'll ask you a few questions."

the unexpected tension of Hull, and that there is information about rare people.

Surprised Eugene hasn't checked the location inside the elf yet.

"Mr. Eugene, I know what Ningen means. And... hehe. Mr. Eugene, the inside of the elf is... near the pioneering ground!


Eugene rounds her eyes to the words of Elf adventurer Hull.

But if you think about it, it's only natural to be close.

Reese left the inside and got lost and was captured by a monster.

Even if the monster moved with a fainting leash, there's no way it's far from the pioneering land.

"By the way, it took me three days from the inside of the elf to the pioneering ground!

"What? That? Mr. Hal, have you ever been to a pioneering place? Huh? '

More confusing Eugene in the words of Hal, who went on to be told.

'Yes! It's an idyllic place. Well, Eugene and the lady and I went wrong!

"Oh, after we left?"

'That's right. Mr. Blaze told me you went to Wang Du!

"Huh? Oh well, Mr. Hal can also speak human language,"

'Yes, it is! Well, I went wrong because of the people in there who can only speak the words of the elves...'

Yeah, in advance, Hal tells us about the elves in there looking for Reese.

"I was looking for a young lady and she found a wooden board with an elf lettering on it! That's the beginning of winter... '

'Oh, that sign was helping! Is that it? Then why didn't you pick me up right away?

'I don't know... I made sure your daughter was safe, but the people inside don't know what Ningen is saying. From a distance, Reese was nicotine, and for now, she's gonna be okay, so she's gonna call me in.'

'Ha, ha... Oh, so Mr. Hull wasn't in the King's Capital?

'Yes! So, I wish I had gone back inside, but now there's real snow. Well, it means punishment for the lady who walked out of the house on her own and her parents who weren't properly supervised, trying to pick her up in the spring.'

'... Huh? Aren't you a lot relaxed?

'Um, because that heck is an elf. For me and the elves who live hundreds of years, every season is a wonderful sensation. "


"But sometimes it seems like you've been watching from afar, right? Oh, Mr. Eugene! I'd love to get on a wooden box, too! He's the one who gets pulled and goes on the snow!

"Wooden Box...... Oh, is that Soli?

'That's it! They seemed to have some fun! He said he could see the lady was haunted from afar!

'I hope it's winter...... I wonder if I can pull off an adult ride'

"Yay! But winter... Nevertheless, if I knew there was a rare man, I'd have called him as soon as I could. '

"Is that it? Mr. Hal was in the elf by then, wasn't he?

"Ah, yes."

Hal turns a blind eye to Eugene's inquiry.

There seems to be something wrong with it.

'Oh well, I thought you said punishment?

'Oh, yeah, that's it! That's why I didn't go in the winter. Yes!

"Hal? What do you really think?

'... it's so cold with snow, isn't it? Besides, I haven't seen an elf woman since... you know, sometimes, hey?

Hal swims his gaze at Reese's stuffing and answers.

Waffling and waffling cottalows. I don't think he wants to be your cousin.

Eugene had a pulling grin.

"So, but! Because the lady seemed safe and fun! If it doesn't look dangerous, that's coming soon, yeah!

'Ha... nevertheless. Well, thanks to you, it was fun.'

'Right! Hey, it looks like your lady's grown up fine after all she's been through! Me and the elders didn't judge you wrong!

Elf man Hal trying to push off momentum.

On the contrary, Liese, even Eugene is a frightened face.

"So, Eugene, which part is inside? Alice said she heard it was close to a pioneering place..."

"Oh, oh, Mr. Kevin. Yes, near the pioneering land, about three days."

"Really? Then until the city of Plumier, add Charles and Doni to the personnel to go, and then you're Gisele! Will Mr. Hal be accompanied?

"Mr. Kevin, are you just taking me home!?

Heard it was close to pioneering ground, Kevin just set up a calculation for his return. Apparently, Giselle, who has decided to marry, is taking with her.

With all that enthusiasm, Alice's eyes shining wow, the nine-year-old girl already seemed intrigued by the romance story.

"Oh, can I come with you? It's like a carriage trip or something!

Hal answers Kevin's question of whether to accompany him with sparkling eyes.

'Huh? How did the carriage get to the inside of the elf when it hissed...?

"Mr. Eugene, it's a NISHO! I'll find out soon enough!

"Yes, Brother Eugene, it's a nightshaw! Lady has so many secrets!

'Really... No, I wouldn't be forced to ask if it was an elf secret'

Eugene shy away without asking deeply.

But the two elves were laughing. It's as if you're plotting a fling.


From the Wang capital to the city of Plumier, and to the pioneering land.

From the pioneering land, into the elves.

Looks like the elf's journey with the girl Leese still goes on.

□ □ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ □ □

"Speaking of which... I wonder if you're Kevin? You're marrying Gegas' daughter?

Tales with Eugene and Liese have just come to a paragraph, Elf adventurer Hal asks Kevin in local language.

"Yes, it is. Do you know the head of the meeting?

"We've known each other a long time! Oh, well, Kevin hasn't heard yet."

"Eh, it was like a secret and you shouldn't tell me from me..."

"Thank you, Eugene! Let's go to Gegas."

"To the Gegas Chamber of Commerce... yes, I'll show you around."

It's usually a good guess Kevin, but now he's leaning his neck.

Of course. Only Eugene and Reese talked about Gegas's connection to the elves.

Kevin was blessed to be surrounded by old employees and allowed to marry Gisele, and could not afford to observe around.

Salomon was present as Leese's escort where Gegas revealed to Eugene, but the conversation was Elf's word. That's why Salomon didn't know what the story was about either. Though Salomon vowed not to speak out, even if he understood.

"Nevertheless... I can't believe the lady's dick is connected to the discovery and usefulness of rare people."

'Cause I like how Reese does it everyday!

"Lady... Mr. Blaze from Pioneering Land tells me you were in such a dangerous spot?

"Ugh... oh, sorry"

'I'm glad you're safe... but work yourself out so you can protect yourself'

Hal stares at Reese in good shape.

Reese, dwarfed by its force, was honestly apologizing.

Speaking of which, I was introducing myself as this man, an active first-degree adventurer.

If the elves find out in public, they will be targeted.

That's what Eugene was told, and I've been careful not to find out that Reese is an elf. That was one of the reasons why he protected Liese in the pioneering land in the first place, not in the city of Plumier.

But Hal is an adventurer based in Wangdu after revealing himself to be an elf.

That means you can shake off the dangers you face with your own hands.

"Well, sermons aren't my pattern! I'll leave the rest to everyone inside!


"It's okay, it's okay! Because if you get used to sermon huts too, you're comfortable! Oh, shall I show you the way out?

Hal hits Reese with a grin with Niyanya.

Around knowing the way out, he's apparently a regular in the sermon cabin.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Eugene! Let's go to Gegas!

Elf man Hal stands up softly.

but what followed was, wow! and only bravely barked cottaloes.

There are few who can understand the words of an elf.

Reese is depressed, and Eugene is ill-conceived.

"Whoa, hang on. Ladies and gentlemen, let's go to the Gegas Chamber of Commerce!

Hal to say it again in local language.

He is an unscrupulous man.

Thus, Eugene and the others went from the Adventurers Guild to the Gegas Chamber of Commerce.

The elves smashed Eugene's fantasy of a serene and mysterious character.