10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Episode XVI: Eugene, tour the marina where the ship is kept

"Wow, Brother Eugene, that's amazing! You're full of ships!

"It's like this... something fuzzy"

"That's right, Mr. Eugene! Oh, does it feel different in Mr. Eugene's hometown?

"Brother Eugene! I'll show you Reese's ship!

Tense and shaky around, Alice.

Cottaloe under his feet is also waving his tail with a boom about what he liked.

Eugene looks around with a chirp in one hand on the camera and seems a little disappointed.

Inside the elves, further upstream of the creek and dock that Eugene and the others have followed.

Small lake.

No, should I call it a reservoir, given its size and the fact that it was made with people's hands?

There were more than 20 ships berthed there.

"Mr. Hal, because he said he was going back automatically, and I was wondering if there was an amazing facility like this."

"Oh, that's the thing! Ki (...) or (...)? That's not true! I'll use my magic!

The total length of one vessel is about 3m to 4m. The full width would be less than 2m.

Wooden ship shaped like a leaf from above.

In modern Japan, a two-passenger handkerchief boat, commonly found in lakes and other places, has been enlarged around the lid or more.

It looks like a bit of a big handkerchief boat, but the performance Eugene was heard and experienced was astonishing.

They use magic to move on, dive, and automatically return to this place when the owner leaves for a certain amount of time.

It is a breaking performance.

Well, because of that, Reese, who lost her key, couldn't go back inside.

Eugene and Alice, Cottalow.

Kevin, who inherited the role of connecting the elves to humans, and his father-in-law, Gegas.

Leese, the elf girl Eugene protected outside inside.

Today's guides were two of Elf's grandmothers, Hal and Reese, who are also adventurers.

'Then let's register the two magic powers. Mr. Eugene, come here.'

Reese's grandmother speaks to Eugene and heads to the back of the marina where the ship was lodged.

Register your magic, Eugene, and let your eyes shine with the otherworldly word. It is a simple man. I'm old enough.

"Is this ship made in the elves?

'Yes, Mr. Eugene. But, you know, this key and the lock, and then the frame was created only by Tessa. That's why I can't get more ships. Yeah, we can get more ships, but it's impossible to move them the same way.'

"Oh, Tessa, I was doing something useful."

Eugene, it is a much more rude thing to say to the predecessors.

But I have no choice.

After staying in the elves for the past few days, Eugene noticed.

Tessa, I thought you were teaching me a lot of good things.

Regardless of the secret underwater tunnel to the inside, 'cause it doesn't look like an elf' and hidden farmland, the elders' conversations and the pieces of language that go out of the elves in the inside.

It seemed like Eugene noticed that too.

"Hey, brother Eugene! That's rude!

'Hehe, it's okay, Liese. Really, Tessa does it when she does it... usually like this, something that wasn't hectic'

Leese's grandmother narrows her eyes and nostalgic for the old days.

It's been about 140 years since I saw the end, but I still seem to have love in Tessa's daughter-in-law's chest. To one of my daughters.

'Come on, Mr. Eugene, these are the keys and locks to this ship. Put your hands on each of them and let the magic flow.'

"Let the magic flow? Uh, how do I do that?

"Mr. Eugene, just grip me, google me, move my magic, and don't send me!

It is a mysterious language.

in the sense that it is an elf word but not understandable.

Hal seems to be the same sensationalist as Alice.

Eugene tilting her little neck without knowing what it means.

Together, Kotalou is tilting his neck. That's one with whom I've been accompanied for 19 years, and the movement was synchronized.

Hull's explanation didn't seem to Eugene to understand. Naturally.

'Eugene, just touch me with your hands. Right hand on the lock, left hand on the key.'

Reese's grandmother explains Hull's explanation through to Eugene.

Following that word, Eugene touches the key and the lock.

The key was shaped similarly to what Hal had.

It is about 10 cm long and a small bar-shaped key about the thickness of your finger.

Eugene grips a crushed circle at the tip of a bar with a geometric engraved with his left hand.

Eugene touches the 'lock' with the key plugged in with her right hand.

It was called a 'lock' but it's not like a padlock, it's like a pile of about 3 meters that connects from the height of Eugene's chest to the water surface and even the bottom of it.

The key was plugged into the top of the pile.

The chain extending from the middle of the pile is connected to the ship and becomes a beard.

'Uh, here's the thing?

"Yeah. Mr. Eugene can use magic, can't he? Try to use magic in that state. That'll be all right. '

"'Ah, yes'. Light, light, shine. But I'm not bald. (Flash)"

Chanted Eugene, but the magic doesn't work. It's not my hair.


'Hehe, it's okay, Mr. Eugene. Because magical minutes of magic just flowed into its locks and keys. What do you say, Reese?

'Grandmother, uh, I don't think it's enough yet!

'Yes, thank you, Liese. Mr. Eugene, repeat until you say Reese is good.'

"Huh? Liese?

"Brother Eugene, the devil's eye can see the magic vegetables around you! Reese, I'll tell you if there's any magic built up in the keys and locks!

Because I doubt Reese's name that came up, Eugene.

Reese was proudly chested. I don't have breasts. Because I'm only 12 years old.

Marina lined with ships inside the elves.

Eugene's chant echoed many times.

"Brother Eugene, it's okay now!

'Oh, Mr. Eugene is quite good. So, Mr. Eugene.'

"Ah, yes."

"Mr. Eugene's magic has been registered on this key and lock. I give this key to Eugene, a rare man. '

"Huh? But the ship can't be built anymore. Even the precious..."

'Mr. Eugene, you said the elves would protect rare people, right? If you need anything, lock up this river that leads into the elves and let the magic flow. It may take some distance, but the elves are on their way.'

"Mr. Eugene, take it! Because it's convenient!

"Hey Hal! Brother Eugene is not like Hal!

'Yes. Thank you. I need you to be so good and I need to give something back to all the elves, too.'

'Hehe, Mr. Eugene, just feelings are enough. We've been taking care of so few people. "

'I know that, but I didn't do anything...'

'What are you talking about, Mr. Eugene! Mr. Eugene helped Leese. "

"Yes, brother Eugene! Reese, I appreciate it."

Eugene, I seem to have forgotten a little too naturally to be with Liese.

"Hmmm... well, if anything happens ahead, I'll see you then,"

It is Eugene's skill, forward.

But in this case, I'm sure this is the right answer.

"Is that it? Then this makes the submarine mine! Heh, heh. '

Keys are given and ships can be used.

Getting the means of travel, Eugene had a disgusting grin.

Anyway, it's a submarine for me. A man would have no choice but to have a somewhat disgusting grin. I'm sure.

"Mr. Eugene... you know, diving requires magic? Mr. Eugene, can you use diving magic? We follow the same path as we go, so if we only have the magic to build up, we'll have no problem getting home. '

"Oh, I can't."

"Mr. Eugene, come on! Well, look, Elf's head's coming with us! Usually there's a ship here, and if I give you the keys, the elves come by boat. I mean, it's up to Eugene to just exchange information or take you inside!

"Here's what I'll do, crack the water and you'll be here! can't you...... '

'Well, if wind magic or water magic isn't compatible...'

"Brother Eugene! Because Reese will do it for you! Reese, you're a fine lady who can dive by herself using water magic? Come on, guys, get in!

"Reese, do you want to be angry again?

'Ugh... Inside! Grandmother, I'll do it inside!

"Isabelle, why don't you go inside? Eugene, the lady, Alice and Cottalow. And I'll follow you! See, it's harder to inherit your service, isn't it? Neither of us can use magic."

'Well, then, please. Reese, listen carefully to Hal...... Reese, never from the inside! Absolutely!'

"'Okay, grandmother!'. Go with Brother Eugene, Alice, Kotalou and Leese!

Reese's grandmother had stopped trying to tell her to listen to Hal. It is a wise decision.

'Next time. Sorry to keep you waiting, Gegas'

'Oh, shall we then? Hold on. I can't believe I'm giving Kevin this key.'

He said, "What are you talking about?"

"Hey! Oh well, he still doesn't get the elf word. It doesn't make sense, does it?

Gegas looking at Kevin with chillaries and sideways.

Kevin, his stepson who had married his daughter and had been trained by Gegas for both business and combat, was laughing at Nico.

"Hey. You didn't get through, did you?

"What is it, father-in-law? Did you say something?

Kevin was laughing at Nico.

Marina lined with ships inside the elves.

Eugene, the rare man, seems to have gotten the key as a sign of his connection to the elf.

A river a day away from the pioneering land.

Give it to the river that connects it to the inside of the elf and it is a convenient item for an elf to appear with a ship.

The river that flows through the elves connects to the city of Plumier, to the king's capital beyond.

Eugene, for the fifth year of our life in the other world, it looks like we finally have a different worldly means of mobility. Moreover, it has a driver.

That's the head of the pioneering group that also has the back of the aristocracy, the village chief, and only a man who cooperates with the Kevin Chamber of Commerce in developing new commodities to receive the distribution of profits.

Eugene, it looks like you got a VIP treatment with a driver in another world.

Waterways only, and if you turn against the driver, it's a drowning course, though.