2000 Years of Magic History in My Head

109. 28. Special One (2)

Where is Kang's safety most curious?

Reinforcement Warrior?

Ordinary people?


It was magic academia.

They came to visit Kang Min-hyuk's room every day.

"How are you feeling? I don't know how worried I was after the non-action ended. I ran a month in anxiety, but I'm glad it's not as serious as I was worried. And I brought a German magic special to help with my recovery. Eat this, and make sure you get well."

It was Marco Dawson of the German Magic Association.

Unlike his usual style, which is rumored to be tough, he spoke in a voice that was as soft as ever.

Marco Dawson did not leave Kang's side for a long time. When he coughed, he brought him water, and next to him, he talked to him, and showed glaring eyes. Kang knew what it meant. He seemed to want to hear about the magic used in the non-Muhaeng, but he couldn't ask the patient, so he only looked at him.

Kang turned a blind eye to Marco Dawson's eyes.

The purpose of pretending to be a seriously wounded man was to evade questions directed at him for a while.

Marco Dawson left.

A lot of wizards came from all over the world. Famous wizards, who know their names, visited the hospital room with a basket of Korean culture and fruits. Now Kang Min-hyuk is a hot potato in the magical academic world. All the magic shown by Kang Min-hyuk in the non-Muhaeng were called mysteries of the magical academic world, and to get its clue, the wizards responded with a feeling of giving up both the liver and the gallbladder.

Of course, there were not only visitors with a purpose.

People like Chung Sang-hoon, Yoo Jae-myung, Lee Hak-bum and Kim Sung-ho also visited the hospital.

Especially in the case of Lee Hak-beom, he was staying in England, but as soon as he heard the news, he boarded a flight to Korea.

And Choi Byung Ho.

His visit to the hospital was noisy.

He came with a man in his presence, and said in a loud voice.

"Do you think Minhyuk should use this room? Let's move to the VVIP room right now. And Minhyuk. Be easy. I know the head of this hospital very well, so I promised him the best medical staff. Oh, look at Minhyuk's thin face. What, anything you want to eat? Just say it, I'll give you a hotel buffet."

Choi Byung Ho was a very funny person.

Although the relationship was formed by mutual interests, at least the eyes of affection were showing sincerity.

After a lot of trouble.

Kang finally welcomed the desired guest.

"Are you feeling well?"

He is the Magician of the English Magic Association.

It was John Wesley.

John Wesley felt new to see Kang Min-hyuk.

The day I first met Kang Min-hyuk.

In the jury seat, he was in a position to evaluate Kang Min-hyuk, who is still only a student.

But the situation changed in less than a year.

To the shame of judging the great existence of Kang Min-hyuk in the past, Kang grew up so fast.

"It's all right."

"You went too far this time. I don't know why you didn't do anything, but choosing the guardian gate was a dangerous choice. If Kang Min-hyuk had died during his non-action, the magic history would have regressed for at least hundreds of years."

I meant it.

Kang Min-hyuk is at the heart of the magical academic world.

As a result of it, the magic civilization was developing, no one wanted Kang Min-hyuk to die in non-action.

Kang Min-hyuk laughed.

"You know what? While I was in the hospital room, many wizards visited me. They all reacted the same way. I wasn't worried about me, I was concerned about the knowledge in my head. I'd like to know about the magic that I've shown you in my non-failure, because if I die, all that knowledge will be lost. I think John Wesley is no different. As you just said, in the end, knowledge I know is more important than the wizard I am.”


I'm speechless.

That's right.

Inevitably, John Wesley expressed his affirmation in silence.

"That's not to blame them. I wouldn't have been different if I was in the opposite position. That's how important my knowledge is. By the way. As I've been through this, I've been wondering if it's the right thing to do to make knowledge public."

".........what is that?"

"I've been making several presentations to help the magical academic world develop. Double casting, magic shape change, mana dongha, medical magic, etc. What did the other wizards do while I was doing this? Did you reveal what you had? No, I didn't put any. I accepted that the magic I put out was good, but they didn't put out anything. It was really bitter. I offered knowledge without consideration for everyone's progress, but all I could do was to demand that it seemed natural. Before I knew it, people seemed to regard me as a repository of knowledge."

There was no exception in the magical academic world.

Everyone did.

The American Witch Association that was rude, the Korean Witch Association that didn't know the subject, and the British Witch Association that kept the example.

In the end, I wanted magic.

Public goods are now a right for them to exercise.

Kang Min-hyuk showed consideration, but there were people who accepted it like a right.

"I'm sorry."

John Wesley bowed his head.

I had no excuse.

In fact, Kang Min-hyuk's safety is important, but he wanted to find out the magic clues that he used for his non-action activities. That was the case with sorcerer's learning. I couldn't stand still with the seething curiosity.

"No. As I said before, I wouldn't have been different if I were in the opposite position. However, I was convinced that the magical academic world would not be able to develop at this rate. I hope this world will stand up to monsters. I don't want to be satisfied with staying alive, but I want everyone to work together to eliminate the source of this disaster that exists beyond the gate. But it's impossible at this rate. Because Ganghwa warriors are the mainstream? That's not the problem. On the contrary, even if the magic academia were mainstream, things wouldn't have been the same as they are now."

It was a certainty.

That's what happened to the world of Chris.

The place, which achieved the magical civilization of 2000, eventually showed a friendly attitude by choosing to coexist with monsters.

In the end, a certain amount of coercion is needed.

Powerful forces must lead people.

"While humans are fighting for rights, monsters beyond the gate are getting stronger. So I'm trying to unite forces into one, and I'm going to be at the center."

"That means..."...?

John Wesley's eyes shook.

At first, I could see what Kang Min-hyuk's words, which criticized the wizards' attitude, were ultimately directed at.

Kang Min-hyuk said.

"Yes. I want to build a tower. If I'm planning an all-out war against monsters in the center of the world, would the British Magic Association give me a boost?"

John Wesley opened his eyes.

This, for him, was totally unexpected.

John Wesley's thoughts got complicated.

What Kang Min-hyuk said was an ideal theory.

Of course, if everyone joined forces, they could fight the monsters, but there was a reason why it was impossible.

'There's just enough trials in the world to handle.’

When the monster first appeared.

People thought the world was coming to an end.

Back then, people who fought for their lives gradually adapted to reality over 100 years.

Gate and dungeons have become routine, and have a system to cope with them. Hunters have protected the safety of the general public, so it has become a world where people can live even if they coexist at some point.

That was the problem.

a manageable ordeal

If they were really in a corner, they wouldn't think of interests, but when they had a chance to catch their breath, the human beings rolled their brains. The idea of taking advantage of the current game and gaining one's own advantage.

After all, it was not a matter that could be decided by itself.

John Wesley, who flew straight to England, explained to Wayne Burns the whole story, because there was a separate owner of the British Magic Association.

Then Wayne Burns showed signs of trouble.

"...that's a dangerous plan."

Kang Minhyuk.

He's a great man.

He is the best wizard in the world, and as a scholar, no one can cross over his stature.


It is a different matter for him to form a force.

It is clear that many people will flock to Kang Min-hyuk's name value.

The problem is that the ripple effect is so great that existing forces will protest. Kang Min-hyuk had no reason to impose heavy sanctions when he didn't belong, but if Kang Min-hyuk had a affiliation and was given strength, the magical academic world might quickly turn into Kang Min-hyuk's world. That cannot be accepted by existing forces. No matter how much knowledge Kang Min-hyuk has, it is only meaningful if he has power.

For power, leadership is important.

When the first tower was built.

The existing vested interests will certainly try to pin down the timing when Kang has not yet taken his place.

John Wesley asked.

"What should I do?"

"It's not a matter of hasty choice. The reason why Kang Min-hyuk is being defended by the World Federation of Magic is that he has done magic as an independent. People want to use Kang Min-hyuk as a tool, not as a leader who gives instructions above their heads. Eventually, there will be a war of interest. Right now, even the World Federation of Magic, we don't know what choice we're going to make."

It was a very difficult situation.

Kang Min-hyuk only reached out to the British Magic Association.

If a chaotic situation takes place, the British Magical Society should stand by itself, not the adversary.

I felt dizzy.

I couldn't make a hasty choice.


It is important.

But Kang's magic has more power than power.

If Kang Min-hyuk's tower takes over safely, their strength can never be stopped from expanding.

A predator who will destroy the ecosystem.

Kang Min-hyuk's tower had that meaning.

Now, the meaning of non-failure has been grasped.

'What a scary person. Kang Min-hyuk proved that he is the best wizard in the world through non-action. His A-level certificate from an academic competition and reputation as the best wizard prove to people that he is qualified as a master of the mower. But it's also ambiguous to point out the background of the gate. This time, Kang Min-hyuk has enough to refute by showing that his relationship with the guardian sword has completely been severed.’

I got goose bumps.

There was a sudden side to non-failure.

Everyone didn't understand Kang Min-hyuk's choice, but if there is a plan called a tower at the end, the situation fits perfectly.

There was a chill in the air.

Kang Min-hyuk is premeditated.

And it also has the strength to match it.

Then should I stick to him?

But the power of vested interests can never be ignored.

Their strength and ambition built up over 100 years can collapse at once, no matter how great Kang is.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

a crossroad of choice

Wayne Burns is in the mire of agony.

However, he was not given enough time to worry.

After Kang proposed to John Wesley, he had already set DDay and put the plan into practice.

Just a few days later.

Kang Min-hyuk is in front of the TV.

The producer of the S network readily accepted Kang's request for filming.

I didn't even know what it was about.

In order not to miss Kang Min-hyuk, he had to accept any conditions, and so the live broadcast went on.

Even then, the atmosphere was amicable.

Maybe he'll tell us a story about non-failure.

Why he attempted non-failure, and how his relationship with Kang Duk-chul was.

As a producer who was expecting such a situation, Kang Min-hyuk's comments instantly made him doubt his ears.

"I'd like to tell you the beginning of a new tower right now."

TV-watching people.

It was the start of a truly unconventional move, shocking and frightening all of them.