29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode 66 - Surprised to see an unexpected reunion
I roughly heard from Ivan about the location of the King's capital and major cities that I was going to return to the Kingdom of Misscronia, and decided to pick up what I was likely to be able to pick up in the shipment before breaking up. The shipment is dominated by magic guides and salt, along with a little local liquor from all over the kingdom of Misscronia. The breakdown of magic conductors was like convenient appliances for life such as stoves, igniters, lighting, etc.
I want to go home at night if possible because I'm going to be pissed off if I stay out without permission. If you have to, you can push a message around Thorne and stay out.
That's why I fly at supersonic speed in the direction Ivan told me. The destination is Pidna, the capital of the Kingdom of Geppelus. It's a huge city facing the sea, and it seems to have a population of over 300,000. Simply triple that, because the population of Alfen, the capital of the Kingdom of Calendil, seems to be about 100,000.
There are many flatlands in the Kingdom of Geppelus, the cause is unknown, but the demons are few and the food production seems to be quite high because of the low number. But you don't think you can afford so much food because of the large number of citizens? They import a significant amount of food each year from the kingdoms of Calendyl and Misscronia.
"I don't think so."
Looking down at Pidna from above, she squeaks unintentionally. Nevertheless, the area is quite large, compared to the skyscraper's lined large cities, which we were used to seeing in the previous world. Is this, like, a proper way to manage and collect taxes on your household registry in every corner? I don't think I can do it.
"Oh, I don't know what to do."
I glance at the town beneath my eyes with a fluttering float over Pidona.
We will have to decide on the final landing point first. The best thing to do is get the Geppelus kingdom to settle the spear in a circle without putting it to waste human death. To do this, you have to do something about the person, or the force, plotting to take my neck in the Kingdom of Geppelus.
Huh? You mean the First Prince or not the King Prince? No, I don't know. As far as Ivan's concerned, I doubt he's going to tell you to cut me in the front and give me my neck from what Prince Wang did.
The figure of the Crown Prince sending such letters with the Crown Prince, who blows up his hostile forces with bright hands and uproots and cuts off hostile aristocracy on them, does not match in any way.
The next point is to make the Geppelus Royal Army full bocco so that you can never get your hands on it again? Now you should do enough to gather information in advance so that you don't just get hit by surprises.
It would be an awesome massacre, but, well, I can handle it. I wasn't blurry either. I also made a weapon that didn't weigh much. It's a weapon, not a weapon. It's also like a weapon of mass destruction or something. I hope I don't have to use it.
I don't want to rely on the full power of my territory for a development called the Muddy War.
Come on, for now, we're starting to act towards the first point of arrival, but unfortunately, I don't have any force protection, no fairies to tell me where to go, and no wearable computer for subtly annoying characters to wear on Mascot's arms. I don't even have a gamemaster to give me a hint.
"Call me and jump out. Bye."
I didn't call you.
The Evil Gods go home, please.
"Why don't we just turn that royal castle-like place into a pile of rubble without a trace?
KA! E! RE! Go Back Home, OK?
'But I say no. Enjoy the long run. "
What the hell is this guy... and he can't even get away with it because he talks unilaterally in his head. Well, no, let it go.
Ultimately, you have to come into contact with the Prince and the King. How do we get closer to royalty, but perhaps the easier way is to use gold coin power via a commercial guild. It would also be good for exploring information on Wang Prince's hidden balls.
"It's easy. So, first of all, it's a commercial guild, huh?
What's so great about it? Speak like an evil god, Tekelili.
"It's not an evil god, it's a service species, and it's recommended."
I know. Serve me, Ola!
"I can't help it. Ahhh...... then let's proceed by flagging that we can meet our new daughter-in-law in the Kingdom of Geppelus"
Excuse me. Give me a break. It's the limit now. I'm going to die. With renal insufficiency.
I mean, I'm not gonna talk about it, so seriously, will you stop? I'm busy. I have to be home by night.
"I was suddenly returned to the vegan. I want to die... Nevertheless, leave it to me a little longer, you. If I may say so, I am the benefactor who invited you into this world. I even bothered to have a god call on the menu, but he would hardly use it."
You don't have to call me because this is how you come to make contact.
I really appreciate it though. I've never been bored since I've been here, and I've had a lot of beautiful, cute daughters.
"Lower Body Direct Chef B"
Teeth Turtle Stalker B.
I can't take it anymore, so I started descending towards my destination. The goal of descent is the royal castle, in the middle of the king's capital. No one will notice me while activating the concealment.
"Is that it? Is there some kind of drop-off point on your cousin?
It stinks a lot and is a waste of time. First of all, the first prince, no, slap the king's prince - not discuss it. So if it's settled, that's it. Boulder me, genius.
"Is that going to work? Let's have a look at it."
Hmm? Hey, now what? I said. Wasn't that some kind of nuance with some nasty thumping? Hey, come on, spit it out!
Akan, you shut up. Seriously, it's depressing when you tell me to shut up but I can't talk to you. Well, don't be as discreet as you can be, but if you find out, let's go bold.
"This is Tysi, we have a successful infiltration."
I'm not letting anyone in particular listen, but I squeal so. It's a promise.
I was just hoping that the Waste God wouldn't be easy to respond to, but apparently he decided to be static. Let's also try to decide to ignore this one because when this happens, no matter what God calls you, whatever you do, you're not likely to respond.
It's like a garden in the depths of the royal castle where I got off. A calm atmospheric garden with solid hands and colorful flowers to entertain your eyes. There seems to be a small but also a fountain. The corridor facing the garden is of open construction, just with some large stone columns and railings, with no walls. I can also see a few doors.
As far as the sign detection is concerned, the signs of the surrounding people are sparse. A garden with hands exists, somewhere quite deep, and people sparse during the day… is it a room, someone close to royalty, or a concubine's bedroom? First, we need to know where the target is, but we need to find it in the dark clouds... somewhere around here, with information, where we want to catch people who are likely to break easily.
You can't have soldiers, if you're entrusted with guarding a place like this, you'll have a lot of loyalty, and I don't think it's that easy for you to spit out information. My heart hurts, but my aim is a samurai...... hmm, I don't feel like it. Is there any guy who doesn't seem heartbroken and has convenient information to shake?
As I thought about that while hiding myself in the garden, I sensed signs of approaching this way. The numbers are two, we're both young women because of the signs. Two. It's easy if you're going to kill me, but when you're going to interrogate me, you can't. Let's do it.
"Has Father abandoned us..."
"Dear Nera... That is not true. I'm sure His Majesty has something on his mind."
Hmm...? It's like a voice I heard somewhere.
"Regardless of your sister, I can't help it. Ha..."
"That's not true. Lady Nera is beautiful and wise."
"It's okay, Stella. I'm sorry I even got you involved. Whatever I am, you're not worth it as a hostage. Be a little more patient because I will be speaking directly to His Royal Highness Prince Wang so that you can return it to your country alone."
"I am at Lady Nera's side. We will not leave Lady Nera alone."
Um, tears. If you think it's a voice you remember, it's Princess Calunera of the Kingdom of Calendyl and her maid.
I found people who seemed to be able to get information without even shaking it, but it would be awkward for them to just face each other... I don't know why they're here, but I'm afraid they would push their demands while leaving their daughter in the Geppelus kingdom. The king of the kingdom of Karendyl is not an insult.
No, in anticipation of not being able to reach the princess so easily? That king is like the type of king who can make some ruthless decisions, so I can't say anything.
Let's just try to follow. You shouldn't be too conspicuous to speak up.
tail them so that neither they nor the inhabitants of the castle can find them. Looks like they went into a room right around the corner. Maybe it's a guest room around here after all.
I didn't hear the sound of locking, so I entered the room silently even though I thought it was disgusting. I don't care how many people say sparse, but if you were asking questions in front of the door, you'd probably find them.
"Become, who!? It's disrespectful!
"No, I'm sorry. You can't find him."
Close the door and look back at the two of them, letting them stand one finger in their mouth.
If you look at it, there are many dishes in the room, including a seemingly luxurious sofa and a set of tables, with two doors leading to the other rooms.
And there is Princess Carunella, who rose from the couch, and one maid who stands with her arms wide open to protect her before her. Ha, look at my face. You look like a pigeon ate a bean cannon.
"Ahhh, hey!? Why are you here!?
"Shh, if you find me, it's not good, so calm down. If I sneak in here trying to do OHANASHI to the King Prince, I'm gonna call you because I found you."
"... yes, that's right"
Princess Carunella, who heard my reply, suddenly sat down, trying to fall on the couch. Hey, you're sloppy, princess.
No, I'm not a nibutin either, so I can somehow guess why I let myself down. Unfortunately, the king of the kingdom of Calendil did not tell me to come to rescue you, nor did he personally come to visit you worried about Princess Calunera.
"Sorry, not the kind of answer I was hoping for."
"If you can guess, there's no bee to distract you. Wouldn't it be nice if you paid a little more attention to your maiden heart?
"If you find out about the favor and trust of Haribote you've built with lies, you'll break apart brittle."
"Ha... you're clumsy. Stella, get me some tea."
Princess Carunella looked at me and sighed and firmly corrected her posture. I think I can fix it now.
Princess Carunella has urged her to take a seat with her gaze, so she decides to sit back on the couch sweetly on it. Oh, that's a pretty good couch. The softness and the comfort of the seating match perfectly. You don't really like sofas that are too soft to sink in, do you?
"I don't have much time to slow down."
"You want to talk to Prince Wang? Then you should wait another half an hour or so. After lunch, for about a minute, it seems to be time for" post-prandial exercise "in the back palace."
"You've been celebrating since daylight..."
"Have you ever heard of anyone else? You must be married to more than ten people, right?
"It's a misunderstanding. Nine of them are married, and only six of them still have their hands in them."
"Do you know the word" fifty hundred steps "?
Princess Carunella stares at me with her jitty eyes. It's a reward for being seen by a beautiful girl with a jito eye or something, you know.
But when you look at it like this, Princess Calunella is also an amazing beauty or a beautiful girl. Long, shiny blonde hair is a beautiful word, and the facial parts are generally neat. Most importantly, she has blue eyes as clear as the sky. He's got a rich expression and he's cute, and he's pulling in where he's out and he should pull in.
"What, what? I suddenly stared at him."
"No, he said you were beautiful again"
"Oh, thank you. But I'm tired of hearing that kind of praise. It's still called the jewel of the kingdom of Calendyl."
"Um, well, if you do keep your mouth shut, I can also nod that it's the jewel of the kingdom of Calendyl"
"If you keep your mouth shut, it's superfluous!
You get the beauty because you're cute even when you're angry while trampling the estate by saying mucky or something. Watch the princess make some camp and noise over the tea the samurai brewed for me. I guess I can afford it this way because I have a wife.
Eventually she calmed down, or simply tired, she sat down on the couch weakly.
"Ha... I haven't had a thing to do since I got involved with you. You know exactly what rumors you have among the nobles of the kingdom of Calendyl?
"No, you don't. I'm not interested."
"I thought so. Are you inviting not only Princess Marriel and Princess Tinava, but also subhuman and man-made demons? I'm rumored to be a good colored brave man who eats everything when she sees me as a woman. I've also heard that you've bedridden the wives of some other protective equipment shop and taken them to your own territory, or you're tutoring the young maids of your own mansion."
"Ah, bad eating...... I express my regret at that assessment to the boulders. It is true that we welcomed the armored couple into our territory, but it is practically rootless that they went to bed. And about the maid."
Mr. Perón didn't fall asleep with me, he was fascinated by divine silver. I'm not bad!
As for Mabel, that's it, I regret being trampled and feeling good, but I do bicumbicum and stuff, because that's a massage. Because it's a massage, no matter what anyone says. Because I'm just being a little evil. I mean, isn't it rather me being tutored?
"Really? Because there are things I don't like about you, and I don't even eat bad food colored braves. Although there is no way for me to convey that explanation to the nobility of the kingdom of Karendyl."
"Congratulations! The selfish himmer has fallen apart!
"Sir, Dear Nera, don't get too excited"
"Yes, yes, it's bad for your skin."
"Yu, don't stir up the brave, either. No!
You look like a boulder. A samurai embarrasses the princess and me with tears. Speaking of which, this samurai has some kind of similarity to the color of her hair, a good face and a good Calunella princess. Is it a relative or something?
But that's it, I've never had a close discussion with Princess Carunella like this, but how is she quite a fun lady. But I guess I made a little too much fun of you.
"I'm sorry, I'm a little too well. It was so much fun talking to you, I stuck with my wings off. Time for a serious exchange of information."
"You suddenly get serious and you're disgusting... when it comes to exchanging information, I don't really understand the situation myself. Three days ago, when I was staying in the daughter-in-law of my sister, there came a sudden use and soldiers from the royal castle, and they were half forced to take me to the castle."
"I see... or why to the Kingdom of Geppelus? You must have been full of dangerous information about the civil war with Centaur and the demons of the Great Flood."
"That information is old, isn't it? About two weeks ago, the Kingdom of Geppelus issued a declaration of an end to the floods. I visited your sister as soon as I heard the news."
"What? Two weeks ago?
If a declaration of an end to the flood had been issued two weeks ago, wouldn't it be unnatural for me, anyway, that Mr. Il didn't know that? Is the intelligence network in the Kingdom of Misscronia still being taken over, or...?
"Was it also something that bothered you?
"Just a little. Okay, but why are you guys in the Geppelus kingdom in the first place? I thought I heard they put me in a convent somewhere and I was halfway under house arrest."
"I was suddenly made vulgar about a month ago. It was when I finally followed the boards for my daily duties and prayers... when I was vulgar, I was vulgar. They would slap me in the pussy all over the place, and if that was depressing and I came to visit your sister, I would be a hostage, and it would suck. Maybe I was happier living quietly as a Sister."
Not very much from sinking deeply into the couch and sighing, but I can't imagine a devout Sister. Well, how dare you, if you witness a child like this praying quietly in his Sister clothes, many men fall in love at first sight?
If I saw what it looks like now, I'd be cold in love for a thousand years, too.
"What happened to suddenly being vulgar? Considering how you've been with me, it's a long way off."
"I'm not sure, either, but you think you've decided to marry me? I've never even seen his face. Though he's someone I don't even know his name for. When I got home from this trip, I was supposed to have a ceremony..."
That could also flow in this situation, Princess Carunella said, grinning sarcastically.
Yeah? Is that the right time to marry someone? My husband, I didn't hear that, and it can't be, can it? No surprise? No, no, no, no, no surprise like that would not be in a boulder. You don't have it, do you? I'd like to believe I don't... marry him but I'm not sure I'll treat him the same way as any other daughter-in-law, me.
"What's wrong with you? You look delightful, don't you think?
"... it's nothing, is it? In the meantime, the situation is quite clear. Thanks. I'd like to ask you on top of that, do you want me to get you out of here? I can get you both out of here right now."
"Well, that's something I don't even wish for, but can I ask you one thing? Why do you care about us? Isn't it true to you that we don't even want to face each other?
"Don't return the question with a question... wouldn't it be natural to help someone who sees your face if they're in trouble and it's not even that much of a burden for them? At least I am. If it's too much trouble, I'll leave you alone if I know you well enough."
Because I'm not a saint prince or a righteous ally.
If it's a little kind and good for someone, there's no reason not to. Even if it's self-satisfying. I'm the type of guy left out at the supermarket after accounting and when I go home. When I see a shopping cart or something, I finally put it back in the cart storage area to go with my share, right?
If there were three or four of them in the boulder, I wouldn't do them all.
Taking Princess Carunella and her maid out of this castle is about as sensible to me as it feels right now. You mean before breakfast.
"Aren't you angry that I served you sleeping pills and... oak?
"Uh... well it feels even better now. I'm talking about being made to be cautious about me for months, and you're not mad at me anymore. There were all kinds of factors overlapping and exasperating at that time."
I was tingling when the assassins were after me, and I was about to be set up by royalty. After being declared safe.
"Mmm... so you forgive me?
"But I messed with you, too, and I'm going to flush you down the water."
Gemstone bruises from the boulder calendar kingdom, like leaning down a bit and looking upward. If Marl and the girls hadn't been able to tolerate it, they'd have dropped it. Definitely.
"Well, let's talk about the future."
"How many children should we have?
"I prefer one girl for two boys."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
No, no, why are you looking at me with a face like what are you talking about? You can't tilt your little neck. The bruises are cute, but the teacher won't fool you because of that.
"It's a promise of a story that a captive princess will be rescued by a brave man to marry her. There's a way in the world that a brave man has to marry a princess if he saves her, right?
"See you again, kidding."
"It's true."
"It's true, right?
Too bad I started telling the maid as well as the princess that it was true, so I am leaning on the boulder. That such an irrational manoeuvre exists? No, no, it won't be possible. No, but this is a different world. Maybe we shouldn't be tied to the common sense of the original world. There is also the word to follow the township when you enter it.
Think, think. There must be only one cool answer. Think about it, Tysi...... Shh!
"All right, let's go home without seeing you guys."
"Hey, I wonder if that's more of a person than a brave man on a boulder. Wow!
"If the brave man abandons us, Nera and I will be the comforters of that cold-blooded prince."
"... cum"
The balance leans toward those who help the boulder when they help this unfortunate princess and unreasonably have to take it to their daughter-in-law, and when they put it on the scale to fall into the hands of Prince Wang, who has yet to see it as a result of abandonment. Apart from talking about daughtering Princess Carunella or something like that, it's not slightly funny to bother feeding the famous Prince Wang as a handsome animal. Mr. Taishi, who has a large strike zone, doesn't have NTR attributes on the boulder either.
If you think about NTR or something, I feel like I'm making a big mess of myself, but I'll put myself on the shelf. I'm sure you'll be forgiven because I didn't do it consciously. No, is it worse than that?
Don't worry about what's past. I have no desire to give in now.
"For now, I'll talk to Marr about it. Yeah, let's do that."
"You sent me ahead."
"You're in a bad mood."
"Yeah, shut up. Anyway, if that's what you decide to do, you act like shit!