29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode Seventy: I've Got In Touch With The Guardians
I had a terrible time last night.
How did you get in the wrong way? Shelly, Karen and Seatan cried at me. No, Karen had eye drops in her hand. You bastard.
Isn't that the only way to punish you? Yeah, that's right. After that, it was used as a teaching material. What kind of material? Don't let me tell you, I want to die. Let's just say their curiosity and spirit of service were intransigent. I can't go to my son-in-law anymore. Oh, I only protected their chastity. With my pride.
There are countless things to do. To be honest, I haven't got my hands around a lot.
The opening of streets on the part of the Kingdom of Misscronia, the procurement of food, the territorial capital - no, if it is to be an independent country, should we call it the capital - is this the case that we have no time to develop clovers, to develop legal aspects, to strengthen armaments, to develop agricultural land, to investigate the Great Tree Sea, to develop magic tools for mental magic measures, to say the least... to name a few?
By trying to solve one of those countless concerns. I quickly left the legislative meeting and headed to the ground. Never because I got bored with the legislative session. Say no.
'Cause if you decide on a major muscle, then you're basically just listening to the discussion. You don't need me sticking around forever, do you?
"I was talking about this neighborhood... is that it?"
I was aiming for the southern part of the Great Tree Sea, the white tower that rises there. There is a vast group of buildings made of the same materials as the tower, mainly the white tower. That group of buildings is the capital of the Guardian. We are talking about the residence of the last intelligent species of the Great Tree Sea that we have ever weighed our contact with.
"Nah, that's it. SF Chiku."
Stationary over the sky, groaning overlooking the White Asia Capital. When it comes to the capital of White Asia, it's not that big. Is it the size of a precisely smaller village? However, most of the buildings are more than three stories in size, leading to the central White Tower, which is probably the height of the Tokyo Tower.
Overall, the form has a lot of streamlined objects, like it was portrayed a long time ago as a future city - a paradoxical expression, but an impression of a 'retro-designed future city'. What the hell does this darkless, round design mean? and is a scenario that is likely to call into question.
Anyway, I can't help but look at it like this, so I decide to get off to the White Asia Capital. It was in front of the White Tower that I stepped down.
If you touch it closer to the White Tower, the hand feels as if it were ceramic and quite stiff. I'll tap it lightly, but I don't really think it's metal. Is it a ceramic material? I don't think it's simple stone.
Doing so, a goron and white balls rolled out of a nearby building. They're made of the same material as this white tower. Is it a tough ball big enough for me to manage to hold it with both hands?
The gollon gollon and the rolling balls stopped about 10 m from me and floated on the spot. As far as the magic eye is concerned, it appears to be floating magically.
Keep an eye on it, it spins in the air and points something like a red eye at this one. I hear something like a working sound of a machine with Vienna, but is it even in focus? I feel aggressive because suddenly I have trouble getting shot at something beamy, but I don't feel particularly dangerous. Looking straight at what was going on, a paper blizzard broke out of the top of the sphere along with spawn and comical sounds.
What's this?
"Congratulations Gozaimus! You are the millionth visitor to our facility, Death!
"Huh? Huh?
"100,000 visitors commemorate Tosite, the latest ceremonial spacecraft presents Salemas! Congratulations Gozaimus! '
"Oh, uh... thank you, sir?
"Then please process the receipt, Simas. Go ahead, Cochillahe. '
Soon more than one similar sphere appears around, sounding like a fanfare or launching a paper blizzard. Huh? What? What the hell is this?
In the meantime, go inside the White Tower as it is flown into the air on the spot and guided. I was a little surprised that the entrance and exit suddenly opened onto the seemingly nothing wall. I mean, I really can't swallow things.
Is that it? Does that mean I stumbled upon a visitor campaigning alle who often does it in a theme park or something? What that auspicious luck. Was I that lucky?
"Go ahead, then, okakekudasai."
Sit in a chair proceeded with a raw reply. This chair also has no legs, and only the part of me that sits on my back floats in the air. What a waste of this technology. But you're comfortable sitting down. This.
"Then please state your name and address here, Itasimus."
"Oh... I don't know the address."
If you dare, it's a place called the Lordship Hall of the Capital Clover, but I don't think saying that would pass it on to something like this round sphere.
'Yes, Ka. Lost, Ka?
"No, I know where the house is, but I don't have an address yet. It's like a new building."
'Oh, it's also Alimusne that if it's a new building, we haven't decided on an address. But just the right ta. If it's a new building, the space-time hangar will help you, Tachimasune.'
"Ooh. Shit."
I don't know what a time bank is. Something item boxy, I suppose, literally.
"Then accompany the staff on your return to Sacete, let them install it directly to Itadakimus"
"Okay. By the way, what is this place?
"The facility exhibits and sells Breakthrough's latest technology, the Technology Museum Death. Military technology made from daily supplies, buildings and latest appliances. Everything about Breakthrough is here, Alimus. '
"I see."
Maximize your head while responding appropriately.
Kusuha and the others didn't seem to understand, but I do have the knowledge of the original world. This protector is definitely like a machine doll. They seem to have the intelligence to be able to have some conversation, but I don't think they can think of anything themselves and act spontaneously.
"How long has it been since this place went into operation?
"Now it is the year Descaras in the New Calendar thirteen thousand five hundred and twenty-one, and Desnay in the year eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty-six,"
"Oh well... no mobs coming or dangerous organisms pushing at this facility?
"Breakthrough's latest military technology, Nyotte, our facility and your safety are perfectly tamotalemas. Don't worry, Kudasai!
"That's reassuring. By the way, can we meet and talk to the head of management at this facility?
"Sorry Gozaimasen. The connection with the head office personnel has been lost since eleven thousand eight hundred and forty-eight years ago, Olympus. Also, we non-Moribito series senior officials are at work to inappropriate, Death is currently impossible to cope with. Sorry for the inconvenience, Okechtheorimus. '
"Well... that's tough"
Guardian - No, I feel sad when I hear Moribito's answer.
This is a graveyard. It is the remains of an unknown civilization that perished tens of thousands of years ago.
The Machine Dolls named the Moribito Series have lost their creators and their Lord, and I guess they continue to defend this place according to the mission they have imposed on themselves. No one will reward you, just until its body decays. I don't know when that will happen.
"Hey, how long are you guys going to keep this facility? I guess I can't even get in touch with HQ anymore, and I don't have an officer with senior authority?
"The facility brings together the latest technology from Breakthrough to Olympus. Automated maintenance, semi-permanent power, yoli on a complete circulation system, facility operation is semi-permanent and mass'
"Really... do you accept cooperation or partnerships with external organisations, etc?
"Dekikanemas Without Headquarters or Senior Officials Settlement"
They have no room for negotiation. Because that authority has not been set. If you try to rob something with strength, you'll be fighting back with the latest military technology. I don't know how much that is, but so far I don't think it's what I want until I burn it.
My purpose was to negotiate with my guardian to gain that power, but I don't think I can fulfill that purpose. Let's just get what we can and relax.
But, well, how much should I ask you?
"To what layers of military technology does Breakthroughs sell?
"Our military technology is widely used throughout Forestin, Olympus. Shield Toshite Against False Divine Union '
"False Divine Union?
Something disturbing came up.
"Down upon man the power of God, Shi, the undead comrades who proclaim God. We are the true gods, Toshite, never the false gods, Domoniha, the succumbing Masen. '
"God's power on people, hey... how do you counter it?
"My breakthrough company developed the technology of people's shield Toshite to Olympus. Immortal Building Materials Using Space-Time Manipulation Techniques, Yor Based Defense in Our Moribito Series, Supply of Semi-Permanent Energy Using Space-Time Seismic Engines Nadodes'
"What about the spear?
"Olympus is responsible for the partnership between Kagutschi Biotechnology and our breakthrough company. A groundbreaking project to destroy space-time seismic engines installed in different dimensions by releasing energy sources Tosite biological weapons to Culture Si, False Divine Union bases'
Biological weapons are probably about guys like Kusuha, right? I'm talking about a long time before I got reason, and the damage would have had nothing to do with the average person or anything. I don't know why the creators of these protectors and the Union of Pseudo-Gods were arguing, but I guess that was the kind of battle that washed blood with blood.
But biological weapons that show up from different dimensions, hey. It's like I heard it somewhere. Besides, let down the power of God upon men?
God, God. Um, I don't know. What's a god? Sometimes I call myself God, but I didn't see him. I know you're not being paranoid because you're giving me a lot of power, okay?
The tide was strong that no such thing existed in the original world. I think a lot of people thought God didn't exist, although nobody put it into words. Ningro, I guess a lot of people saw the strife in God's name as a fire across the shore and thought it wasn't busy. At least not in my country.
I still drag that consciousness. We're talking about being invited to this world by the gods of this world. Maybe I need to know exactly what God is like in this world.
You have to know what the purpose is and what you are doing. I feel that way.