29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode 81 - We Had a Fast Ground Seat
"You're back pretty worn out again."
When you saw me, Mr. Delfida said so and stopped knitting hands, frowning.
"It worked great."
Mr. Ermina said that to Mr. Delfida, putting his bow and arrow barrel near the entrance and exit, and just walked away towards his room. Um, are you mad?
Mr. Ermina comes back with his clothes as he leans his neck.
"Take care of yourself, okay?
"Excuse me, I need the clothes I lent you around the corner..."
"No, I'm not. No, it's not, but it's more about you than your clothes. You must be Merkina's husband. If that's true, you shouldn't do such reckless things. What will you do if you die? But you're leaving us behind, so at least you have to live at all."
Mr. Ermina seemed a little angry. I did say it was a little far-fetched, or it could have been without thought. The feeling that maybe it would be okay was almost certain, but it's a demon at first sight, so it could be in case.
"It was frivolous."
"Well, reflect."
You were satisfied with that when I lowered my head. Mr. Ermina smiled at me. Um, you're still a mother and daughter when you try this. The smiling face looks just like Merkina. I mean, seriously, I don't look like your mother. Don't go through enough with your sister.
"Uh, I'll get dressed then."
"Yes, please go"
Kind of reminded me of Merkina when I was looking at Mr. Ermina, so I decided to go back to the loaned bedroom and change my clothes.
But you're burnt and worn out. But I'm also surprised that some prototypes remain. Is it a special cloth that doesn't burn out when it's seared by a flame of magic?
"You put magic through your body when you defended it, didn't you? Maybe there's some magic in my clothes, and I don't think I can burn it."
If it hadn't passed the magic, it would have been ZENRA. - Danger.
Spread the newly handed clothes on the bed, Ares, and take the sword belt you gave me out of the treasure box as well.
Hmm, it's strange after all. Why is there a man's clothes in Mr. Ermina's bedroom...... yeah? Oh, yeah. Is that bad?
'Right. I can't believe you burned memorabilia in the middle of nowhere and wore it out.'
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!? This doesn't have to be clothes. It's not Hermina's husband's clothes!? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I just have to apologize, but it's not about apologizing and being forgiven. Yeah, yeah! You'll forgive me, but I feel guilty! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Suddenly the bedroom door opened when I was bored in my underwear. Looking back at what was going on, there was an indescribable expression there, Mr. Elmina.
"Tashi-kun, do it..."
"I'm sorry. Ah!
I sat down at the speed of light. No, I know you haven't exceeded the speed of the light, but that's how much momentum drove me down to earth. I don't even feel like Marl has ever had such a brilliant dugout.
"Yep...? What's the matter? Suddenly. Put some clothes on."
"No, I'm really sorry. This is your husband's clothes, right? Something important to remember."
"What's the fuss...... Hermina, Mr. Taisi, would you do that kind of special thing even when I'm out there?
I even showed up to Mr. Delphida, who heard the noise, and it was already a mess. Besides, you're making a pretty diagonally upward mistake. Because that's not what it is!
"No, I'm not! Get dressed, get dressed!
Wear clothes that are somewhat thicker and more durable than the first one you lent me. Is it thick but breathable? Comfortable clothes. Attach the sword band securely as well. No, now is good? Well, no. Let's put it on.
When I finished dressing and went to the living room, there was Mr. Delfida, who made a tumble on his head, and Mr. Preprick and Mr. Angry Elmina.
"Daiichi Tae-shi is her husband? There's no way I'm gonna do this."
"Really? Well, if that's what you're gonna say, I guess so."
"Inclusive way to put it..."
"Because I'm your parent for once, too. I think it's been a while since you've had fun."
It is Mr. Delphida, who is pale even if he makes a tampon on his head. Am I gonna get fucked? That's a little scary. That's a strange feeling to expect.
"Aren't you too profound?
Why, Mr. Ermina, do it beautifully.
"Double Standard B"
I'm going to protect my chastity, but I'm not even going to stop thinking about romance for guys like this. You're a beautiful, young mother-in-law or a romance? You're a fantasy? You're an elf, so make it... no, I was human too. Something's wrong with Mr. Il or something.
"Uh, that girl's a little special, so hey."
It felt like God knew something about Mr. Il, but if you were asked for consideration, it would be a hassle, so I'll let it pass. It doesn't seem to be such an important project right now.
'Can I count on you more?
Say no.
Stand in the kitchen with Mr. Ermina and Mr. Delfida in the middle of a hustle and bustle, and put a fire in the fire. I'm sorry you're acting like you're in the morning! I'll make it if it's gonna come out like that!
"Mr. Delfida, should I put the liver and meat of behemoth through a good fire?"
"Oh, you better do that. Don't forget to eliminate the odor because it smells."
"Hey Taishi-kun, if you're cooking, I'll do it"
"No, I'm fine"
First, taste the condiments provided in the kitchen. Salt, sugar, pepper-like spices, mixed spices like curry flour, oils that smell like sesame seeds, oils that smell like garlic, drizzled sauce in a pot Something that is plated - taste like Uster sauce when you taste it. Soy sauce and miso were unfortunately not.
Vegetables were found something like green onions, something like cabbage, carrots no matter how you look at them, purple diced root vegetables, bunches of leaves like nylla, colorful mushrooms, etc.
None of them are vegetables I've ever used. Trouble. For now, tear a little leaf like a nilla and put it in your mouth. Yeah, that's Nilla. Maybe Nila.
Let's just fry Levanilla.
And then make up the soup with something like cabbage and thinly sliced behemoth meat, mushrooms and salt? These mushrooms are ingredients, right? I can't believe I keep poison mushrooms in the kitchen. There isn't, is there?
"This mushroom is edible, right?
"Of course."
Slice mushrooms that look pretty big shiitake. Let's slice the shaft and put it in together. The mushroom decides to end up in a soup that hasn't boiled much gras.
Slice a large chunk of lever into a large bite while you are making the soup, dip it in brine and leave to remove the odor.
There was a chunk of black bread, so I'll slice that in moderate numbers as well. The staple food is important.
Then saute the deodorized lever in sesame oil and shake the salt gently. When the fire goes through there, add the zak chopped nilla and fry. Here again light salt and pepper. And if you tangle with a little bit of mystery sauce in the finish, it's done.
The soup just tasted and boiled with salt and pepper. I got the ac right.
Have Mr. Ermina serve the dishes and the three of us get to the table.
"Surprisingly decent."
"It would be rude of you to say that"
"Even I can do this if I'm serious."
It's a cluttered man dish. Do you really need it, do you? Again, we must not let Mr. Ermina stand in the kitchen.
The taste of the Levanilla stir-fry was reasonably easy. The soy sauce was actually good, but even the one with the Uster sauce is delicious enough. I just want rice to fry Levanilla, but, well, I can put it on black bread. The soup is quite well made whether it came out of mushroom or behemoth meat.
"Then I'll be the one at night"
"No, I'll make it"
The dinner crisis was saved by Mr Delfida. You won't need all that seasoning for Mr. Elmina, who just shakes the salt and cooks it, so that seasoning must belong to Mr. Delfida. Then I'm sure you'll be fine.
"Then let me ask you a lot. I just heard it really lightly yesterday."
"Oh, are you talking about Merkina? I don't know how accurate the story was before I met her, because I just asked her the bedtime story, if that's okay."
"That's good. Shall I get you a drink?"
That being said, Mr. Ermina prepared the tea and stayed in the living room to talk about Merkina since I left this forest that I had heard about. I was just telling you how Merkina rang my daughter-in-law yesterday.