29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode 96 - I was attacked by a suspicious old man
"... I think he's angry."
"Um, I didn't think you'd be so furious."
"It obviously felt like it was under control, and it didn't taste good."
Talking to Hisohiso, he raised his voice again to see if the raised elf had cut the paralysis.
"I'm asking you what you've done! Answer me!"
Whatever you answer, you'll be furious. The sword that was inside was absorbed by the gods, and now it's a complete mushroom. You'll find out soon enough if you spit a lie. I put that sword in the hands of God because it is dangerous, even so, can you believe it?
"Uh, stop. How dare you guys be high-pressure or high-tempered... I'll take care of this place"
"Ha, sorry"
An old man walks down a bridge made of tree roots for his unwillingness as he praises the elves he was raising his voice. He clutched one hand to his pocket and sighed as he scratched his head.
"Uh, no evil. These guys don't have to be a little accommodating. There's just a few delicate bums resting here, just in case it's in someone's hands. Well, I don't think it was easy to pull out, but the sword's safe, right?
We face each other in front of the old man who stopped for a certain amount of time. It's not safe at all. God gently pulled it out, and even broke it down and took it in.
"Safe, then, isn't...?
"... seriously? Did you fall out?
"No, you said it fell out or collapsed and disappeared"
My old man gave me a surprise look after hearing my words and staring at my face.
"Who are you, Mr. Kazumae? You're not from this world, are you?
You saw my reaction and you were sure, the old man drops his back and sits up.
"What's the purpose? Follow the elves, tour the ruins... are you looking for strength?
"As, well."
"What did you do with the sword? You said it collapsed. What happened to the pseudo-divinity?
"Mm-hmm... took it in?
"Is there such a stupid thing? That sword has two superior pseudo-deities. There's no way I can take that in and stay safe. No, you in the first place... what brings you to this world?
Shit, who is this old man? They'll reveal exactly who I am.
"There's only one thing that's fine with taking in two special pseudo-divinities. You, you understand what you're doing? That's the worst evil god that ever destroyed the Old World."
"Well, I guess so, but there's a situation that I can't stop."
"Whatever the circumstances, I can't let the man in charge of my one stick go wild, even as my uncle"
My old man sighs like it's bottomless.
"Hey, you guys are retired. I'll take care of this brother."
"But we are"
"Uh, uh, I'm not willing to face your husband now. I'm like a ghost from the past. You guys live now, so don't forget about us anymore. There you go, 'cause you got your feet together."
The elves disappear into the woods as they listen to the old man and look remorseful.
"Mr. Ermina and the others, please step back for a moment. Thank you. I think I'm motivated."
"Are you okay?
"No, what do you say? I think it's gonna be okay."
I'll take an appraisal look at the old man's information with my appraisal eyes, but I don't see anything just because I feel uncomfortable like a giddy itch in the back of my head. Apparently, he has some kind of appraisal eye protection.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not listening to you. You must be my vessel, right?
"Hey, please. I don't know if you're with me or your old man."
"I am an evil god who presides over decadence and pleasure that has destroyed the Old World. You don't understand, do you?
"Uh, well. Right, yeah."
"Then give up."
A white, gotten sword suddenly appears in the old man's hand. Treasure box? No, same storage as me? Hazard sensing worked while thinking, for example.
He jumps up with a demonic steel sword that pulls and shoots the exact spike from his sheath toward his neck and slashes it in the hanging with a knife to be returned. The old man took a half step back and tried to avoid it on paper, but my sword speed was slightly faster than that move.
A shallow slash enters the old man's chest, his jacket slashes in the hang and a small amount of blood erupts.
"... we'll do it"
"The training ground is diving quite a bit. Hey, why don't you stop? Nothing. Neither I nor he are trying to destroy the world. I just want to go home to where I am. He's not going to destroy the world."
"I guess so. But my uncle also has a grudge of years."
As the old man waved his sword, a gotten, white sword began to shed a blurry light. Shit. I don't know what it is, but I suck. Hazard sensing is ringing a bell with cancer.
A sword wrapped around the extreme light struck me in a bouncing orbit. The Demon Steel Sword does not destroy itself. It intercepts the same as the previous one with a critical magic.
It was my demon steel sword and my old man's glowing sword that seemed antagonistic for a moment, but soon my demon steel sword burned bright red and melted out. The heat emanating from the glowing sword of an old man nearby creates pain all over his body.
He hurriedly throws down a melted demon steel sword into the lake, distancing himself from the old man. But the old man pursued it unacceptably, packing his time and waving a shining sword.
"Holy shit!
Pull the Divine Silver pile out of the lower back holder faster than the old man waves down his sword and throw it off at close range. The old man tried to intercept it with a sword, but the divine silver itself is a metal resistant to high temperatures, on top of the magical lettering of acceleration engraved on the pile made of divine silver.
The pile off hand accelerated sharply, beating the high heat unleashed by the old man's sword and bouncing off the old man's body with each of its swords.
"Ahhh! What is that sword!?
"I don't have a brother-in-law."
The old man who stepped down to the water pointed a shining cut at me. Well, you're standing on the water, that old man. Ninja? Are you Ninja?
And you don't know what pops up, that old man! I mean, why would an old man in this world be slaughtered right away! Have some age-appropriate calm!
Remove the Divine Silver Stick from storage while spitting evil in your heart, overflowing with magic. This would also allow us to meet with that old man's sword - and suddenly the sword his old man had deformed.
The torso is broken vertically into two pieces, sliding slightly, spaced apart and parallel. It's like a rail...... Whoa, wait, you're lying, right?
Intense polar light contracts between the fillings lined up like rails. Whatever you think, Akan.
The old man pointed that cut-top - no, the gun opener at this way.
A shining band of light was fired from the old man's sword.
The belt of light fired broke the bridge at the root of the tree and landed a bullet in the lake. We had a water vapor explosion with that enormous amount of heat.
Though I myself managed to avoid a direct hit, I was stirred up by an explosively swollen steam and blown up without even knowing up or down. And fucking hot. Fuckin 'hot!
Activate the magic of the fly in an aggressive manner and position it in the air.
"Son of a bitch... thank you for being such a big boy."
The wind magic allows you to bring in water vapor. Blow it up, look for the old man.
"No offense, kid."
When the water vapor cleared, there stood a white armor all over his body - no, someone wrapped around something like a reinforced exoskeleton. No, as far as the sword in your hand goes, you're definitely that old man.
"What's cool about that? Slow down?"
"Adults don't cheat."
Don, and I'm kicking in the air and my old man comes up to me in the air and packs his time. I don't know what kind of surgical logic you're using, but I can't help but envy the reinforced exoskeleton that can jump in the air.
My immense magic flattered divine silver stick and my old man's glowing sword collide, and every time, huge magic and heat collide, shockwaves and hot air roll up. The old man's sword is extraordinarily fast and heavy compared to when he was biological. I'm sure something like that reinforced exoskeleton is increasing the old man's power.
"Are you really human? Power Armor, you gotta be kidding me about meeting someone decent."
"Maybe even my father-in-law can meet you."
I'm breaking human limits again.
"What? Huh!?
A divine silver stick sliding through the kende protrudes into the chest of an old man wrapped in a reinforced exoskeleton, ejecting the magic that was stored all at once. The ejected magic burst on the surface of the reinforced exoskeleton, blowing the old man flashly.
An old man flies toward the lake with the impetus of a fired bullet.
Sure, the old man's sword is fast and heavy. But compared to my father-in-law, who was always slashing me, I'm not overwhelmed with ingenuity.
Store the Divine Silver Stick in storage and watch the old man's sinking point while concentrating his magic.
"Shit. This guy's a one-on-one god standard."
Soon an old man comes up from the lake and spits evil. No, I'm a little hard to believe you're taking the blow now and pimping. It must have been hard enough to break down the walls we're building in Clover.
"You have as much power as you can do with people who call themselves gods. If you want to overwhelm me, you're gonna need another step of gear up there, right?
"He's a jerk. Is that common sense?"
"I don't want to be told by an old man who's going to be slaughtered without question!?
An old man deforms his sword toward me screaming and toward me in the air. Ha? You saw the melee as unfavourable? That's what I predicted.
Open up the magic you were concentrating on and in an instant transfer straight to the side of your old man.
"That's a good sword. I'll take it."
Twist up the old man's arm and take the sword that remains deformed from his hand. And he swung his old man around thoughtfully as he was, throwing him toward the beach. Zudon, make a noise and now the sand column goes up.
Observe the sword before the old man returns, but you don't know how to use it. Well, let's just try to squirm around later. You just have to ask God for the worst. You're also an ant to take a closer look with an appraisal eye.
"... you'll do it"
"You're the one who set me up first, and my old man must have smashed my sword...... by the way, aren't you willing to give up? I think the difference in strength is historical."
"Can you stop revenge in front of your own people and family?
"Hmm, you can't. So, whatever happens, you mean we have to kill each other?
The old man didn't answer my question, and I can see that Magic Vision increased the output of the reinforced exoskeleton.
No matter how much I fix it, I hate what I hate. Even I would never forgive my daughters if someone killed them. I don't think vengeance gives birth to anything, what a beauty.
Then there's no way. If we're gonna have to kill each other no matter what, that old man is totally my enemy. Enemies must be eliminated while they can be eliminated. I can't even look you in the eye if you get stuck at your feet and lose someone you care about. There's no guarantee that I'll be the only one targeted. Then I'll just do it.
The next moment I cemented my resolve, my old man kicked me on the beach, turned into a white shell and ran into me. I instantly store my sword in storage as it remains deformed and intercept the old man as he penetrates.
My fist hits me directly in the front with the old man's fist I'm going to intercept, the air plays and ripples spread across the lake. The old man's fist, protected by a reinforced exoskeleton, can't be shattered by the blow of my immensely magical fist. Performance of a reinforced exoskeleton made simply of white material, or the will of an old man?
But the fist seemed damaged even if it didn't crush, and the old man's behavior stops for a moment. It's not me who misses that gap.
Quickly take the old man's wrist and pull him in, grabbing the old man's neck with the opposite hand. And concentrate your magic. The aim is a bombing in complete closeness.
A blast light bullet that completely blew up the stone building with one blow burst at the old man's neck.
An explosion like splitting your ear.
An incomparable shock wave rippleted the lake surface violently as when fists bumped into each other. The old man's body blows far away as he pulls the tail of the smoke.
"Fuck you..."
Apply healing magic to your left hand, worn out by unscrupulous magic exercises. But that reinforced exoskeleton is sturdy. You fired a bursting light bullet with the intention of blowing the top off your neck, and the top was still stuck to your torso from your neck. Maybe that power won't make the contents safe because of the shock... I don't know. That reinforced exoskeleton is unusually sturdy.
I'll look into the old man's signs with sign perception, but I can't capture them. Dead, or blew it up to outside the sensing range...... you hit me bad. I should have killed him in a way that would have allowed me to properly identify the body.
No, let's keep it in mind. I jumped up with wind magic and stood still in the air. Concentrate your magic and create a total of ten light bullets at the fingertips of both hands. I generally know the direction the old man flew. The sensing range for sign detection is roughly up to that area, and if it's blown out of the sensing range, it's more or less that area.
"Big Bang"
Take a general view from the direction and angle in which it flew, and from the sensing range, and keep the area where the old man's body would have fallen in mind with a huge blast, further wide-ranging. You should punch in as many as 30 shots per set or three sets. More than I've decided to do. This Taishi, I won't forgive you!
But if this is the case, I really should have killed him thoroughly. There's nothing I can do about what I've done, even if I regret it now, so I scratch my head and turn back to the giant tree sinus. The area around the giant tree sinus seems to be unbroken. The bridge at the root of the tree is double-crossed in the middle, and the lake surrounding it is also bumpy in the aftermath of the battle. That old man is bad because the tragedy around here is mostly caused by that old man.
Whatever it is, if we stay here like this, the guys from Lii's family could come back. It would be better to move quickly.
"Hey ok!?
"It was a great sound and tremor, but no injuries?
"It's okay."
Hold the two of you running by and focus your magic with only minimal replies. We're on our way... there's a marker on the map. I don't know where it is, but it's fine here.
"We're flying."
The moment Rijuana uttered a voice that seemed out of her mind, her vision blacked out. Long time no see, this feeling.