29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode 105 - I did the end of the battlefield
Hi, it's Tysi.
This is Tysi, who has regained strength after an occasionally exciting great adventure in the Great Forest and talked to several gods to interact with them and come back to my home. When I come back, I discover that my daughter-in-law was pregnant and I am the happiest Tysi. Hiccup.
"You can let me get pregnant, too, right?
A girl's voice echoes in the back of her brain.
You're out, god forbid. Are you... are you crazy? Or deadbeat?
"Sorayako, you'll be able to do it naturally in time. I mean, I've done it a couple of times already, and if I wanted to, I could pop my stomach right now, right? I'm a god."
Stop it. Stay for the peace of my family.
"I can't help it. Ah... fine."
Yours. Is that the flow you have to do every time? Well, I don't care.
"I don't care. It's a little sad to be through."
I can hear you crying and lying hard, but through magnificently. If I had, I wouldn't have the chili.
Now, I want to sort out the situation as things move.
First, with regard to the greatest threat, the gods. No, some gods are on our side now, so let's just say this place is hostile to me - the Vaults that are making me dangerous.
Their level of danger is with me and the godless - they can no longer come directly to beat me up by the fact that Real brought the liquor gods Meronel, Zephyr, and Dior to their side, starting with Balgand, the blacksmith god... Apparently. It's still the biggest threat, but it's no longer like coming directly to kill me or my daughters, which is a huge improvement.
It's tough to hit each other directly with them. I don't want to lose one-on-one, but they can't beat me to the end because they're coming at me multiple times.
I can't hit radical measures against them at the moment, but I'll leave the basics to you because it looks like Real is doing something. I have no choice but to interact directly with them because they only have connections in real life. Please. Really.
'It's okay, it's okay. You can count on me.'
Yeah. So, the next threat is the human army that's attacking Clover. Despite the threat, the main unit was wiped out by a large demonic nuclear mine planted by Marr the other day, and is now in an admirable defeat.
Oh, how dare you literally call a demonic nuclear mine. Demonic nuclear mine because it is a mine using a large demonic nucleus obtained from a powerful demon. [Tor] I feel like even humans in this world could easily make such a weapon (actually, the Demon Nuclear Mine was made by Marr), but Marr, the producer, said.
"I didn't have the idea of making a powerful demon nucleus a one-shot disposable weapon in the first place. If you hadn't seen Mr. Tysi's magic cannons and flying demon bullets, I wouldn't have thought of that either!
and. Normally, powerful demon nuclei are commonly made into expensive and advanced demon conductor materials that work sustainably, and it seems unlikely in this world that they can be made disposable.
My idea could revolutionize the use of this world's demonic nukes. Would it be better to be a little careful handling...... well, leave aside the problem about the future of weapons technology for now, the problem is the power of that demonic nuclear mine and the magnitude of the damage it inflicted on the enemy.
That power is roughly one or five times as powerful as the huge bomb I unleash. A radius of about 70 m was blowing up beautifully around the blast site. Unfortunately, they burst in the middle of the invading army's main force, and the damage just covered their eyes. The majority of trained regular soldiers were blown up without a trace by demonic nuclear mines, and it seemed that it was the peasant militiamen who were at the forefront and the commanders who were in command at the rear and their escorts who survived.
The wounded peasant militias were abandoned, and the commander and his escorts, plus the rear barracks unit, were crushed and retreated, apparently.
So the threat of invading armies came to a good level, largely ignored at the moment. We can't do anything like drop clovers with the remaining soldiers, and we won't be able to do anything more because morale will be depressed to the lowest level in the first place.
As it stands, I haven't found the point of purposefully chasing them until they are destroyed, but around Marr, Tina, and Nella, there may be another difference of opinion. I'll try to ask you later. I feel like I should chase around Kusukha and insist that there should be no one left to destroy.
So, next. This looks like the worst thing at the moment. If we stay like this, we don't have enough food.
No, it's tomorrow. I'm not talking about this. Anyway, if it's just for the clover dwellers, there's nothing wrong with it, but I have a feeling there's going to be more food support in the bin. Outside the walls, the soldiers of the invading armies, wounded and gasping for pain, are rolling. I'm not supposed to help, but I can't just throw it away.
By the way, the population of Clover today seems to be a little over six hundred and fifty.
How much did it cost to find and bring in the Centaurs wandering the wilderness before I was flown into the Great Forest, and then someone else migrated from other settlements and inside the Great Tree Sea while I wandered through the Great Forest? So he said it was some more than he had counted before.
So, the total number of invading troops that have attacked us this time is about 3500. I don't know how many of them will be taken prisoner, but there are sometimes fifty or a hundred. Poor could even hold a larger number of prisoners than Clover's total population.
That burden of material management will go to Yamato, the horse beast man who manages supplies for the territorial capital Clover. I'm sorry... I'm sorry...! But it is unacceptable to throw out a job. For a while the black company may also be a bright blue work system, but I want Yamato to do his best because it will be resolved as soon as possible. Like a carriage horse.
Speaking of what I can do about this, I'm going to procure food as soon as I can, and I'm going to return the prisoners. Even when it comes to food, you can get as much as you want by hunting demons of the Great Tree Sea when it comes to meat, so the problem is vegetables and cereals. Ordinary humans like herbivorous beasts and mares may surprisingly be able to do just meat, such as beasts and Arkenia, where there are factors for carnivorous animals. And there's no such thing as an elf like the Merkinas. And the prisoners.
A prisoner, a prisoner... that's a headache problem. I am going to accommodate you because I won't be sneaky to abandon you, but what should I do with that treatment? A nobleman or knight would do well to take a ransom and free himself, but the other common soldiers would be peasants conscripted for the most part.
This is the middle of the great tree sea. Even if you let him go with your weapon, if you let him go home the way he came, sooner or later he'll be the food for the demons. We don't have any demons on the north route where they marched.
If it is a large tree sea crossing street stretching east and west, it will be safely pulled out there because it also has demon removal installed, but what a wrecked soldier with a weapon is basically like a bandit/burglar reserve. It's painful to let those guys go to the kingdoms of Calendil and Misscronia.
There is no way to be accepted as a resident, but it will be difficult. I guess they will have families too if they return to the country, and it will be hard for the residents of Clover to accept enemy soldiers as neighbors.
Hmm, is this where the status quo is? Yeah, at least this is the place as far as I'm aware. When I get back, the problems are piling up early, but let's just say we solve them one by one.
The day after I returned to the territorial capital clover.
No, to the boulder. I don't know if it was a family reunion as it was yesterday... I think it was a little intense to say reunion, but I spent some time without water with my daughters anyway. Even for me, I'm still very satisfied because I wanted to be sweet with my daughters-in-law, or I want to get laid, and I wanted to be healed anyway. Yeah.
I'm very satisfied, but I can't stay very calm. I dared to walk around Clover, the territorial capital, after breakfast with Mr. Elmina and Rijuana, and my three beastly daughters - Karen, the sheep's daughter, Sherry, the fox's daughter, and Thetan, the dog's daughter - but things went wrong with everyone but me around my feet pointing to the west.
I'm kind of restless with my nose cumming and my ears pickling.
"What's going on?
"Smells like blood and guts"
Karen, the sheep daughter, spewed out her violent words with a slightly sleepy look as usual. You can wrap it in an oblate, can't you?
And that's the same weird thing to say. I wonder if they're even receiving suspicious radio waves from somewhere. But Karen is very smart at the same time as she is a wonder, or she is also a daughter with adult thinking skills. Its smart, or flexible thinking, is enough to put even Mar and Kusuha at a glance.
However, her body is very minimal. I mean, it's just a girl. I'm not a toddler, but in the original world, I'm totally out of t... no, I don't have to say anything. She is also a fine adult in this world. And he's one of my daughters. Don't think too deeply. To keep my mind at peace.
"Was it the wounded that came out of yesterday's fight?
I don't know if it's a good idea to describe the array that blew up so heavily with a demonic nuclear mine as a battle, but the invading army that's been attacking Clover would be a large number of casualties. I didn't give any instructions for the internment of the wounded in particular, but someone must have noticed and put them away. Hmm, you want to go see how it goes? If there are so many wounded, my restorative magic will help, and it will help create a prisoner holding facility.
"I'm going to go see how it goes. It will help to treat the injured. Um, will the three of you tell Tina or Kusuha I'm going to ask her to arrange for the prisoner's rescue and internment?
I'm not a child yet - but I don't want to show the scene as tragic as possible to my three young beast daughters. Besides, I'm pretty sure we have to arrange a lot for Tina and the others to handle the prisoners.
"Mmm...... ok. Yiko."
Three beastly daughters run. Oh, that's pretty quick.
"That's sweet."
Mr. Ermina calls me like that when I drop the three of you off. She is the mother of Merkina, one of my daughters, who will be my mother-in-law. Even though she is an elf when it comes to her mother-in-law, she is very young and honestly she only looks like a sister to her daughter Merkina.
My relationship is with... a woman who lost her power and lost her way into the Great Forest in the northern part of the continent, supporting me in many ways. That's how my widow Hermina and I got along. Guess... you think women in this world are too aggressive, me.
By the way, she is also the owner of one or two fighting abilities among her daughters.
"It's nothing like that... you've never crossed the line to see anything you don't like."
"Oh, what about us?
A brown-skinned elf with a pranky look - Rijuana asks me that. She got lost in the Great Forest, too. She's the woman who supported me in many ways, just like Mr. Ermina. I usually twinkle one way or the other, but when we're alone, it sweetens up to Delodero. Is it also called an orthodox tundelle? That place is so cute.
"You don't care about us both as much as the wounded, do you? In fact, I may be the worst."
In my reply, Mr. Ermina and Rijuana. Well, what a return. They look so young, but they're older than me. I won't tell you because if I say this, you're going to get hurt.
I've had a long life over there, too, and I think maybe I'll be fine, but the demon grosses and the human grosses are a little different... maybe I'll be fine, maybe.
"You really look a little pale."
The three of us walk towards the west gate of Tech and Clover, waving that it's okay with Mr. Ermina, who worries us. That's how I started to smell blood on my nose when I walked a little. I smelled it a lot during the flood, this smell. I don't know, the smell of the battlefield.
When I arrived, the square in front of the West Gate looked exactly like a battlefield. The wounded soldiers of the invading army, who were still alive after a night, have been continuously brought in from the West Gate and are being given first aid in a makeshift ambulance.
"It's more important than I thought, this is"
"Something where people's lives and deaths are at stake, that's what it must be."
You can't watch like any other HR forever. I step into the ambulance and speak to an elephant beast flying directions out loud.
"I'll help you."
"Oh, Admiral! Are you with your daughters now?
"Honestly, I want to be pulling off with everyone for a month or so, but how about that? Magically heal the wounded once and for all, gather them."
"Okay. Hey!"
An elephant beast speaks up and the wounded are gathered. He's always been seriously ill. Some guys are just five bodies satisfied with broken or lacerated hands and feet, but the majority are losing somewhere in their hands and feet, or their eyes are crushed, just catastrophic. Because it was a wider blast than my extreme blast, I guess I'm just lucky to be alive.
Anyway, even blocking the wound with blood and mud is going to make me sick and die, so I'll start by putting the prisoners together and magically purifying them. A voice suddenly came up from both the captives and the inhabitants of Clover, surprised by the sudden cleansing of his body. Yeah, it's troublesome to narrow the subject down, so I purified a wide range simultaneously, I'm sorry.
Next, use healing magic to heal the wounded who are dying. The Clover residents start to say that their shoulders have suddenly healed, their back pain has disappeared, or their stomach upset has disappeared, but they don't care. Aren't we all happy to be cured?
"It's really cod... it's something that doesn't run out of magic."
"It's nothing like this. I can do the same thing more than thirty times."
Exhale as if the rifana were frightened. I don't know what it means to be stunned, but it's thorough enough to do it on both the raven and the corner. Limbs and eye defects are not cured by range restoration magic, so I have to treat them a little cumbersome separately. This won't even have to be done in a hurry.
Instruct them to manpower the recovery of the wounded, leaving only the minimum number necessary for nursing and surveillance, and to care for prisoners who have become physically incapacitated by the five satisfied prisoners.
Some of them complained, but when I carried out the scratch healing by beating them to the point of crying, and beating them to the point of healing the wound again, I grew old. You're two birds a stone because the other prisoners have become submissive.
"Tysi-kun, you're unforgiving."
"Ha, I didn't kill you, so I forgive you enough."
I don't have the mercy to put a blade in them. And I'm not allowed to complain even though they saved my life.
"I think it's a little too much...... didn't these people come here to like it too?
"I don't know much about it, but human beings can't resist people like nobility, can they?
"Hmm, I see"
When Rijuana told me to gaze at the captives with blue faces, they nodded in small pieces as if they were gushing and trembling.
"I see, there's room for sympathy. Surely I must have been afraid to defy the nobles and their men. But that still doesn't change the fact that you guys tried to turn your blades on this Federation of Brave Demons people. You are unmistakable invaders. I've come to kill you, so you deserve to be killed. The quick ones are beheading, tying necks...... no, isn't it useless to use them as criminal slaves to crush them?
The faces of the captives, who heard of beheading, tying necks and criminal slavery, stain with despair. Because criminal slavery in this world is like a far-fetched death sentence. You think a woman would be a comforter in the lowest whorehouse if she were to be made to work in a dangerous mine, if she were to be treated like a living bait or meat wall to lure demons? Yeah, even men were liked by people with that kind of hobby, or were they sometimes sold as male whores to whorehouses for people with that kind of hobby?
Anyway, the thing about the treatment of criminal slaves is so terrible. There is no question that ordinary people in this world are number one in what they most don't want to be.
"But I'm merciful. Oh, merciful, too. If you behave yourself, I promise I won't make you criminal slaves in the Federation of Brave Demons. I'll feed you right, and I'll send you back to the country. So behave yourself. All right? The one who can't behave... right, I'll throw him into the Great Tree Sea and feed him demons. Got it? Hey, what's up? Reply."
"" "Yes!
"Good reply. Tell your upcoming friends what I said."
I glance at the gawking prisoners again, then turn my heels back and leave for a little while. I have to build a facility to house these guys. There shouldn't be much free space near the West Gate, do you want to use the vacant land on the south side? Probably will still remain vacant. It's not a facility to use for that long, and you won't have to be so constrained to be able to do it.
"I saw your new side..."
I look back at the voice I heard from behind me. Rijuana was laughing bitterly for some reason.
"Did I miss it?
"Yeah, that's not it. I was just trying not to piss you off."
"Really... Mr. Ermina?
I regretted that I scared you a little, but something's wrong with Mr. Ermina. Why is this guy staring at me with a pompous face?
"Mr. Ermina?
"Hmm... nothing. By the way, what are we going to do?
"We'll build a prisoner's camp."
It uses wind magic to jump and rise to the walls. They both jumped up against the wall about after me. I guess it doesn't have to be this many walls for the two of us who lived in a settlement built on giant trees.
"Looks like there's a vacant lot over there."
Rijuana was right, there was still a wide open lot on the south side of Clover. Yeah, that heck looks good after all. We descend from the walls and speak to the tiger-like Orcs before heading to the empty land on the south.
"You have quite a bit of land left."
"Considering future developments, we've enclosed quite a lot of land with walls."
If it's the current population, there's too much land. Looks like there's more buildings while I'm away from Clover, but there's still more land. Within the walls, on the north side, there are so many large fields. Maybe that field will eventually be the premises as we expand.
Use the high-speed travel method cultivated in the Great Forest to descend into the vacant land on the south side.
"Can I jump around the building?
"I don't think anyone's gonna complain."
I guess it's not something anyone can do.
Well, I wonder what it should be when it comes to prisoner camps. The image I know of a prisoner's camp... that's it, a movie about digging a tunnel and escaping. I think there were a number of iron strip nets and objects, a number of outposts in the spotlight, and other security facilities available.
Will we need security up to that point? I don't think I need it. In the first place, it is impossible to escape from this camp and return to the national licence without any preparation. Clover here is in the middle of a great sea of trees with fierce demons. The great tree sea is wide enough to take a light week or so on foot, even on roads maintained east and west. It's impossible to escape with no food. I think I can handle it, Mr. Ermina.
So I think the facility to stop the escape is enough for a dirt wall less than three meters high. Let's also think about the expansion ahead and take some space to spread the word so that the top edge feels like it's broken inside. It feels like a rat back.
Put your hands on the ground and concentrate your magic. The basics are the magic of dirt walls. But magic changes the effect somewhat by the image. Earthwalls surrounding the camp, earthwalls...... with return. All right.
Zuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzu...... and the dirt walls came up from the ground with a dull sound. I've been thriving.
"What's the entrance?
"Yes, I'll open it now"
I had lost track of the entrance, so earth magic chooses a part of the wall to make the entrance and exit. Enough for four adults to come and go side by side. At night you'll just have to block it with something appropriate.
"That's quite splendid. What is the strength?
"Is it as good as a stone wall? I don't think it's going to break unless you let it go by magic or poke it again and again with Marutai."
If it's a broken castle hammer, this thickness could be one shot. Well, you'll be fine.
Next we will build a quarters inside the walls for prisoners to spend their days in. Should we let twenty people sleep in one building? No, I don't know what to do with bedding or anything... I don't know how many prisoners there are, but isn't there an overwhelming enough number of blankets or something?
Um, can't help thinking about it. Let's put that worry aside now. Let's just build a building first. I might get you to sleep in the worst hard stone bed, but it's somehow better than the ground without a roof.
"In the meantime, I'm going to build a prisoner's quarters, so can you let me out?
"Fine. Rijuana would be nice, wouldn't she?
As a result of the trial and error, the quarters (tentative) were completed.
The shape is a simple rectangle, with ten sloppy earthly sleepers to the left and right of the entrance, with a total of twenty lined up. In the center of the room, make a larger table that can be used as a table and a chair replacement table. The rest is done by drilling three holes to the left and right instead of the window. The strength is more than soil and less than stone, well is it about as strong as a dried brick?
I don't have bedding even if I have a bedroom... well I'll think about that later. The shape has been decided, so I'm going to make a crisp, identically shaped quarters. How many should I make? Thirty is enough. I won't have any trouble with the excess, and I'll probably be fine.
Then also make toilets, water plants, etc. I'll have to pull the waterway later. Leave it to the Antilles? No, let's make sure we build and supply tanks outside the camp. You just have to dig sewage for drainage. No. The toilet is bottoned. Ultimately, you can bury it or magically erase it.
I made what I might need, so I'm going back to the ambulance. Making a water storage tank was easy, but it was incredibly difficult to make a water supply pipe and a simple faucet.
"We'll be outside the city helping with the wounded."
"Okay. Be careful."
I broke up with the two of them, and when I went back to the ambulance, I had three Beast daughters, Flam, and Deborah. I noticed what I look like. Flam comes running over here.
"Tired. What's it like?
"We make a roster in parallel with accommodating the wounded. And cook it out."
Flam answers my questions. She was originally an assassin of the kingdom of Calendyl, and she had targeted the lives of me, who had just come from another world, and Marr, who had been acting together since that time - but she became my daughter-in-law after various circumstances that had engulfed her and she became my slave.
Since he came to Clover, he has used his original experience to concentrate on espionage and policing. He seems to have given me a name as soon as possible to deal with the prisoners today.
Deborah, Sheetan, and other Clover women are cooking something out in total. Sounds like you're throwing down something like dough in the soup and simmering it? What do you say?
"This one has built a prisoner's camp in a vacant land on the south side. Thirty dormitories where twenty people can sleep for now. And the toilet. Ask the Antilles to dig the sewage for the drainage."
"The boulder is your husband."
"Hehe, praise me more. And what about the bedding? I've only made bed frames."
"I have a lot of stockpiles of demon fur, so I'll take care of that for now"
"I see. Um, I also have to stockpile bedding. At least I want to make sure I have a lot of blankets."
I don't know if these disturbances will happen again in the future. It will not deteriorate if stored in a space-time warehouse.
"Is there no damage or anything to Clover?
"Right...... especially so far. In yesterday's battle, demons were attached to some of the walls, but there have been no reports of damage or anything. Few arrows had arrived here either, and Marr's demonic nuclear mine burst before the full-scale collision in the first place..."
"OK, I understand."
Because the invading army was crushed by that explosion... I don't think I can do it either. If all of a sudden there's a big, unidentified explosion, I might get away with it.
"I'll take care of this place. I'll treat the injured."
"Yes, leave it to me"
We leave this spot to Flam to head to an area where there are wounded soldiers who have been housed. Then there was the appearance of Sherry applying first aid to the wounded soldier. He seems to be bandaged with an unexpectedly clever hand.
"Ugh, sappy, sappy..."
"Strong consciousness. Almost there."
"You're right first. Let's recover quickly."
"Ah, brother!
Shelly, who admitted my voice and appearance, makes her face shine. I nodded at Sherry and applied healing magic to the wounded soldiers. The wounds clogged as I looked at them, and the wounded soldier, who was trembling, looked better. In the meantime, it will take some time to regain lost health.
"You've worked so hard. Come on, let's make allowance with me."
"Yes. Take care..."
Shelley spoke so quietly to the wounded soldier who had lost his mind in the wounded recoil, and followed me behind.
The golden fox ears that were petered over my head until just now are pinned and the equally golden tails that grew from around my buttocks are shaking pretentiously. I've been looking up to you somehow. Shelly and I look at each other.
"Let's go"
Funce, and sherry showing motivation.
She is one of my daughters, just like Karen. She was originally a very quiet kid, but after the wedding, I felt like I was getting more and more confident about something and speaking without fear. He's been interested in healing magic lately, and he's been learning healing magic from fairy family users.
What do you mean, do something? That's not what you're talking about. She's also a fine otna in this world, so it's legal. Okay? That's what you're gonna do. Otherwise my vitreous heart will be shattered.
He heals the wounded soldiers as he explains his magic and wounds to Sherry. It's not a big deal because it's a story to the best of my knowledge when it comes to commentary. I'm talking about the extent to which I know that cleaning the wound is to prevent sepsis, tetanus, etc. caused by purulence and its deterioration.
"I think it would be better if a proper teacher taught me something more professional. I have a skill request for magic. Mine is just powerful, so I want Shelly to be a 'clever' wizard unlike me. And I want you to tell me."
"I'll do my best"
Shelley holds both hands in front of her own chest, tempered. It's cute.
She is a tonal magic user who works with Karen to exercise the same magic for two to dramatically increase its effect. The precision of magic manipulation is very high, and as a beast man, it can also be said to be a beast bearer of magic, with very excellent qualities as a wizard. I would love for you to grow up in the direction of harnessing that talent.
"You're done all the way"
That's what Shelley said and exhaled when she finished healing the wounded soldiers she had been holding. Some injuries were pretty bad, and you must be mentally tired. I look around as I stroke Shelley's head.
There is no more appearance of an injured man groaning in pain. I guess it's time to put a stop to new injuries, as they haven't been accommodated for a while either.
"Right. Make a face for the cooker."
"Yes, I'll do my best"
"So much so. I'm sad that Shelly can't do it and fall."
Moving to a place where Shelley and I were taking him out for a cookout while we talked about that, he was already cooking or starting to distribute. The prisoners are devouring something like soup poured into a large bowl.
"Be careful with the burns. There's plenty of them, so don't fight and get in line!
Sheetan was holding up a sign at the rear of such a cookout row to raise his voice. Thetan's body is small, but his voice passes very well. Actually, I could hear her even from the ambulance a little further away.
She is also an animal girl, just like Karen and Shelley, a very cute dog beast girl with shiny blocks and a mixed black fur of silver. She's a little hairy, just like Deborah, but the facial makings aren't much different from regular girls. Is the chemistry something like one or five?
She is a rare, normal girl among my daughters.
I'm not good at martial arts, I can't use powerful magic, I'm not good at manufacturing, I don't mean special blood muscles. I also have physical abilities and have not crossed the range of a normal beast tribe girl. There was no special cause for me.
And yet, at some point, I was getting into nostalgia. He's such a strange kid.
"Oh, this one's fine!
Seethan, who found me, waves his hand and tail with a boom.
"There's Mr. Deborah in that cooking area over there, so speak to him! And don't worry, Master Marr and Mr. Merkina will be waiting at the mansion. Mr. Kuszha should be at Yamato's in the staging area to confirm the stockpile. Lady Tina and Lady Nera said they would make a magical communication to the Kingdom of Misscronia and the Kingdom of Calendyl at the Mansion!
"Oh, okay. Don't even push Seatan."
I smile back at Sheetan with a full grin as he waves his tail before heading to the cooking area.
Yeah, it's weird, but she's got to be there for the whole family, including me. Somehow, should I say it's like lubricant? I get into everyone's nostalgia with sulli and get along. Maybe he has such a talent.
"I'm finishing it more and more! Liza, hey, don't pull some guys to build more kamado! We need more water..."
"Can I help?"
"That'll help."
Help Deborah, who was in command in a cooking area like the battlefield. When I hit it, I decided to fill the large barrel of empty water with water magic. The large pan for soup is also refilled with water and immediately boiled by fire magic.
When it comes to a large pot of this size, it takes the most time to boil it from water to hot water, doesn't it?
I also helped pinch the dough to put in the soup with Karen, who had come by sometime, and Deborah called out in a paragraph. Shelley seems to be helping Sheetan.
"Thanks for the help. I knew magic would be useful in times like this. I wish I could have used it, too."
"I can't. Deborah, my sister's low on magic."
"That's right."
"But it's okay. I have Tysi or I when I need to."
Deborah's hand strokes Karen's head with a washer. She's a big bear beast and one of my daughters.
The feeling of seeing is like adding a human and a bear and dividing it by two. Chemosity is about two degrees in jargon.
She is a woman who is good at cooking and sewing and has a tender temperament for her sister's skin. Although it is easy to be misunderstood because the way it is spoken seems a little rash or lotus-leaved.
It is also certain that she is a female jewel who can beat down most demons if she has a blunt instrument. Never piss me off. You like that?
"Looks like we've settled down here, and I'm gonna come face to face with the supply stack."
"Right. We've got enough men, and the steeple's up, so we're good now. Thank you, thank you."
"Nothing like this. I got this place."
We wriggle our hands around each other and turn to the supply staging yard around the centre of Clover. Karen and Shelley seem to stay here and help cook it out, so I left it there.