29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
Episode 120 - Welcome Tons of Ex-Slaves
Hi, it's Tysi.
If you think you let all the shamelessness of an empty nest aim fall on you, it's Tysi rolled with corn on the flat of God's hand again. Damn it. Remember me.
"I already forgot."
Yeah, and then Marl made me blush and he repelled me, so you decided to forget about it, you know. Hey, that was a brilliant run away.
Mr. Real is so cute trying to elevate me with those hands to stay with me forever. Uh, were you an evil god who conducts decadence and pleasure? Is it the mistake of a goddess who presides over innocence and health?
'Ugh, shut up!? Oh, you were so upset!?
No, you were interrogated about my relationship with you after that post-root digging leaf dig. They guessed all the exchanges I can remember.
'... what?
As a result, you have been judged by your daughters-in-law. I don't think you are. Ha ha, it's good to see you as well as your voice, right? Come on, I'll give Clever a hug everywhere.
"Become, be, that's not it. Shit!
His signs can disappear. I won, part three is over! No, part three or something is appropriate.
"What's wrong with you? suddenly nibbling."
Was there something interesting? The colored head fades in within sight, saying something like that. No, because it doesn't say anything funny about this paperwork.
Her name is Marl. His real name is Marriel-Blanc-Misscronia. She is the first princess of the kingdom of Misscronia with prints in the eastern part of the continent, and my beloved wife, who houses a child with me in that body. I'm not very noticeable now because I'm wearing loose clothes, but my stomach has grown swollen lately. Stop being such an impossible posture because it might sound like a belly child, see?
"I tried to respond to Marl's advice because I received a radio wave from the godless. He's fled beautifully."
"I see Mr. Real was here! I wish you'd show your face anyway. Pretty, isn't it, Mr. Real? That beautiful hair, that bright white, puffy skin, that sparkling beauty. I'd like to think it over once."
I raise my gaze from the paperwork I was looking at, and Marl grins at me.
This is Clover, the capital of the Federation of Brave Demons. It is the office of the Lords' Palace in its central part. Gotagota, which involves various external forces, has been cleaned up to some extent, but then the next thing you need to look at is the internal problems - that is, the various problems that the Federation of Brave Demons itself has.
One way or another, I'm good at moving my body around and doing all sorts of sabotage, and I was throwing pretty much a round at my good daughters handling those inward issues, but I can't let my weighty daughters do the black-companies a bright blue labor either. So I'm in the middle of helping my daughter-in-law get canned into the office this morning to reduce the burden of her decadent daughter-in-law.
"Nevertheless, if you try this, the Federation of Brave Demons is full of problems."
"That's right. The size of the body, the culture, the habits, the life expectancy, the diet, everything comes together."
With his fingers on his lips, Marl tilts his little neck again as he wanders his gaze.
How many species would have lived in this clover in total now? Uh, Beast Man, Arkenia, Ghost People, Lizardman, Sahagin - Sahagin? River boy? No, it's good with sahaggin for now. Sahagin, River Elves in Aquatic Habitat, Centaur, Antilles, Forest Elves, Dwarves... And are there also very few but Harpi, Night Demons, Crystals, Wings, Monoculars? And humans. No, there are fairies. And technically, there are herbivorous beasts and carnivorous beasts in the big mess. If you put that in, uh... eighteen species?
"It's eighteen species, even if you count them all. Then you'll get in trouble."
"Right. And then there's the launching of industries, starting with agriculture and manufacturing of processed products using demonic materials, resource surveys and mining, demonic problems around clover and the transoceanic route, securing means of communication between clover and settlements dotted within the sea of the great trees, developing laws and tax systems… and that's just around the corner, right?"
"What's going on?
Marl's eyes narrow to my inquiry. Is that it? I don't know, did I say something wrong? I can't even think about it......
"It's about time that Mr. Tysi arrived from the Kingdom of Geppelus, isn't it?
"Whoa, whoa... right?
"There's a pile of problems."
"I'm reflecting."
Put your hands together with your beloved daughter-in-law and bow your head to worship.
An act of aggression against the Confederation of Brave Demons planned by the local nobles of the Kingdom of Geppelus - what I demanded of the Kingdom of Geppelus as a price. That is the identity of all the subhuman slaves present in the Kingdom of Geppelus.
Young and old, of all races, all subhuman slaves present in the Kingdom of Geppelus, whether they are debt slaves, criminal slaves or born slaves. That was the 'loot' I demanded as a consideration for the war.
I don't want to differ from the slavery of this world on this continent. Whatever the history, I don't think it's such a bad thing for a debt-ridden person to be served as a slave, and I don't have any particular complaints about criminals being driven out into harsh labor.
For whatever reason, because debt slaves act as a kind of safety net by being required to provide adequate standards of clothing and shelter, although they may feel hard, and as far as criminal slavery is concerned... well, it's practically like a death sentence. I can't say anything about that. Basically, they're not going to let you go, and they're going to crush you right away, but there are some examples like our flam. When I start to say the guilt, I don't have any kiri. criminal slavery instead of death, I am not willing to deny the very system that
Then why did you deliberately decide to take on a large number of subhuman slaves at our disposal, because you sandwiched your ears about hunting human slaves in the Great Forest? If that's how some slaves were taken away, I wanted to give them back. But I don't know where a slave like that is... let's face it, this is a good opportunity, so you got a subhuman slave from one end of the war! So I had a brief thought, yes.
As a result, I was narrowed down to three princesses who presided over my work for the inside. Physically and mentally. Yeah, a lot. Forgive me already.
"Ma, it's good. It's going to be tough, but more people aren't all negative at the moment."
"Yeah, that's right"
As a matter of fact, whatever you put on it, it's time for manpower. Whether it's an industrial launch, an architecture, a defensive force, a trade, whatever, it takes people to turn it around.
We need not only a simple workforce but also the development of human resources for the future. I also expect somewhat from the knowledge slaves who would come from the Kingdom of Geppelus with regard to that area. Some of the slaves employed in aristocracy and large chambers of commerce are known as knowledgeable slaves with specialized knowledge and skills, such as government officials, accountants, teachers, doctors, and craftsmen. Because I can expect to acquire such talent, that's why I was allowed.
With that in mind, the magic props of communication set right next to the desk where we were doing our errands began to emit light and sound. Of the three, the newest one.
"Rumor has it, isn't it?
"Maybe so."
That's what I said, reaching for the receiver while distorting my mouth into the form of a laugh.
"So here comes a notice from the Kingdom of Geppelus to surrender the slaves for the first time..."
In response to a briefing from the Kingdom of Geppelus, an urgent family meeting was held at the Lords' Palace - as well as a Confederation of Brave Demons management meeting. It's not only my daughters and daughters who are here, but also a mix of people who hold various key positions within the clover, so it's a little impossible to have a family meeting, yeah.
"Let's check the status quo first. Yamato."
Kusuha starts partitioning the place with some obnoxious stuff.
She is the head of a species called Arkenia, which has long inhabited this great sea of trees where the Federation of Brave Demons exists, and is one of my daughter-in-laws.
Her appearance is more human away than anyone else on this scene. From around my thighs up there is a glossy brunette beauty, but from there down there is a vicious looking big spider. This anomaly is the standard for the Arkenians.
The upper body, or upper body from the same thigh as a human being, is a young looking kusukha that can only be seen in the precise mid-twenties, but its actual age can be slightly over five hundred years. Sometimes I've been the head of the Arkenians for years, and as a new American head of state, I'm a very dependable woman.
By the way, the array at night is intense. Physically. Blah, blah, blah, blah. At the level of seeing blood.
I'm also sorry I got bitten ten or twenty times. It would be more than a hundred times I've been caught with my nails. But I want you to stop hitting me with that big, successful spider's forefoot, your stubborn attack arm. That's hardly happening anymore, though. Because we've gotten used to each other.
"Yes, we have enough food stockpiles. Clover residents can eat only preserved foods and cereals supplied by the Kingdom of Misscronia and the Kingdom of Calendyl the other day for three years. Fresh vegetables, fruits and meat are also secured in the space-time hangar, and I was wondering if it would mean at least an immediate food crisis"
Yamato sighs at Bruun after finishing the explanation in one breath. Yeah, he's a horse. No, I'm a horse beast man to be exact... my face, my horse, my legs, my hands and torso look human, but whatever it is, it's big and makes my horse look like he's walking on two legs as it is.
But don't be fooled by appearance, he is a deadbeat horse. That's literally what makes me work like a carriage horse from morning to night, taking charge of the management and distribution of supplies in the clover. I want to put it under him as a subordinate if there's one of my former slaves that might be able to use it, and relieve him of that heavy duty. If you're there.
"It was superimposed, and I was worth flying around."
"Right, good luck. I was wondering if Tina would like a report next time."
The next person Kuszha prompted me to speak was Tina - her real name, Tinava-Bran-Miscronia, who looks similar to Marr. She is the second princess of the former kingdom of Misclonia, Marr's sister, and one of my daughters.
"The reception facilities are ready and maintained, aren't they? It's a form of diversion of reception facilities for prisoners, but I don't think it's a problem for the moment because it's been renovated so that you can think of different patterns and protect your privacy properly"
"We need to make a decent house, too. It would be helpful to have the people in it."
"What do you think? I'm not sure what's going on around here."
Marl tilts his neck. Well, you are. So is Marl, but both Tina and Nella are authentic princesses. There must have been little contact with slaves. I, too, was intrigued and took to the slave market once, but since I found and picked up the fram that was mentally worn out, I've somehow become uncomfortable and don't lean on it.
How's the rest of the mentz? When it comes to elves Merkina, Hermina and Rijuana probably didn't have much to do with slavery. There's a time when Merkina was traveling outside the Great Forest and eating, so maybe you know what? Deborah with her three beastly daughters, Kusuha wouldn't know because she would never have gotten out of the woods or the interior where she lived and interacted with people in the first place.
"I'm not too familiar with that, am I? 'Cause there were a couple of times I was about to be sold off, and I basically didn't lean on the slave market kind of thing."
You noticed my gaze right next door, and that's what Merkina said and shook her head.
She was also one of my daughters-in-law, and when I met her, she was a salt compatible elf about Tsung Tsung Tsung Tsung, but when I took care of the beasts in a verbal execution, and prepared a new heaven and earth for the Great Tree Sea, I suddenly made a declaration to be my daughter-in-law and become a dada sweet deleade. I was so confused at first that I thought it might be someone else.
But, well, I don't feel so admired and bad for me, and you lodged my kid in my stomach at about the same time as Marl. He is one of my dearest and dearest wives.
It seems that with my words I have had a good chance of dealing with slaves, and yet within this Ments my gaze gathers in Flam, a relatively commonsense frame.
"Wow, is that me?
The flam noted by all makes me look back on my body in a bit of a pull.
Fram was originally the daughter of a knight in the kingdom of Calendyl, who had a good arm as a swordsman and was part of the darkness of the kingdom of Calendyl - the assassination unit - with all sorts of bad luck. He was showing up as a brave man, and he attacked me to assassinate me, but I destroyed my assassination squad by paying back other than Flam. It was a coincidence that Flam survived, but then I stumbled upon Flam, who was sold on the slave market as a criminal slave, and Marr and I picked it up, and there was a lot going on and that was the relationship. And now she's my daughter-in-law. In my daughter-in-law, Marl's next longest relationship.
As I recently found out, she's been keeping my kids in that too. Until now, he has put his energy into training, directing, and spying for the defense forces, but that's also now on holiday. Because if anything happens to a kid, it's tough.
"Right... I'm not that familiar with the slave market either, but the majority of the slaves traded were serfs. I think the number of knowledge slaves was small and that price was about five to ten times that of serfs. Inevitably, you were considerably less numerous. And then I've heard of a beast lover slave being traded among senior aristocrats, but I had no connection. Knowledge slaves are also rated, and prices jump in order of who can read and write calculations at a minimum, who can do more than enough, and who can educate them. Around here, merchants, government officials, etc. have been enslaved by debt."
"I see. So it's better to think that the new comers are more or less former serfs and don't have any special skills. Carpenters and craftsmen are unlikely to be able to expect... to arrange for them to be taught in the Kingdom of Misscronia as apprentices if they wish."
Maybe most people choose to plow the dirt again, but some of them must have their own dreams. I want to wave a weapon and protect someone, I want to try to make delicious dishes and treats, I want to try to make weapons, protective equipment, clothes, ornaments, I want to write a book, I want to paint, I want to sing a song... I don't have the chili to start mentioning it, but I guess some people want to be something different than I've been before.
"What's up?
"No, that... you're thinking amazing."
"Really? Whether it works or not, I want you to do a lot of things. They're not slaves, they're a people when they come to this country."
You're not going to be able to do a job you're not used to all of a sudden, so you're going to have to start with an easy job or a familiar job.
"In accepting the people coming in, there seems to be no problem with clothing and living for now, so does that sound good? Clothing, bedding and other household groceries don't seem to be a problem for the moment?
"Yes, because there's stockpiles around there, too. However, fur doesn't allow you to stockpile cloth anyway."
"Cloth... both cotton and wool are specialties of the Geppelus kingdom"
"Right. We also produce in the kingdoms of Misclonia and Calendyl, but it's still the Kingdom of Geppels when it comes to cloth products and textiles."
The three kingdoms, the Kingdom of Geppelus, the Kingdom of Misscronia and the Kingdom of Karendyl, do not differ greatly in the breadth of the national territory itself, but the Kingdom of Geppelus is the widest in the sense that it is an area where man can live. It is unclear what the factors are, but there are very few powerful demonic habitats on the national soil of the Kingdom of Geppelus. There are places where the land is slightly lean, but there are many plains, and there are many large farmlands with flourishing livestock. There seems to be a shortcoming of weak soldiers for less battle with demons.
"I don't mind, but we can't help but hang out forever. There's one thing here, is it a hand to walk over here? If you're going to be rejected, or if you're going to be stuck in unfavourable conditions, you can rely on the Kingdom of Misscronia or the Kingdom of Calendyl."
I don't think it would be in vain to create a companion who can trade reciprocally without even going to the Geppelus kingdom to make some profit. Building relationships through commerce would not be a bad hand.
"I mean, there's no clue to that when I say I'm going to make a handover... punch you in the royal castle again?
It's not a bad idea to insist on introducing a handover while teasing that low-boiling, cold-blooded prince. Isn't it rather there? Mostly in a fun way.
"Stop. I have a proper handover."
Nera embarrassed me when I leaked my plans for a third royal castle raid with polarity.
Her real name is Calunera-Arville-Calendil, with brilliant blonde hair and literally beautiful blue eyes like gems. A former princess of the kingdom of Karendyl with territory in the western part of the continent, one of my daughter-in-laws. Like her and Flam, that was already a lot, but I was to be greeted by my daughter-in-law by burying an outer moat in the cut for helping her, who had been held under house arrest in the royal castle of the Kingdom of Geppels.
She's my daughter, who feels a little arrogant and high-flying with all her stories, but she's a gentle shy of heart, and she's so cute when she teases. And I'm very serious about my job and my role, and I'm a hard worker.
"What's Nella's handover?
"It's your sister. Didn't we talk a little before?
"Oh, speaking of which. Nella's sister is married to a nobleman of the Kingdom of Geppelus."
Speaking of which, I think I heard that story when I was helping Nera out of the royal castle of the Kingdom of Geppelus. I see, can you handle that?
"Well, then the Lord and Nera should make plans to visit your sister soon."
"Right, I think that's a good idea. The rest is actually a step toward welcoming the former slaves."
"Step by step? Don't you just bring them in normally?
Tilt your neck to Marl's remarks. Though I thought we were just going over there at the metastasis gate and bringing everyone back at the metastasis gate. Are you going to do it at any ceremony?
"Mr. Taishi, picking him up alone isn't looking a bit good. Taishi is the only one who can use the transfer gate, so Taishi can't help himself, but it's not a good idea to go without one of his associates."
"Is that what this is about? Then Marl and Merkina, Fram and Karen will leave a message."
Karen's got my kid in her tummy, too. Especially since she's young among pregnant women, and she's worried a lot because the Beast Man means she's shorter from pregnancy to childbirth than a human or elf.
I forbid the transfer of pregnant women because I don't know how the metastasis caused by spatial magic affects my belly child. Even I'm too afraid to give my belly child the kind of stimulus that makes me unconscious for a moment. Some people have metastasis sickness.
"Mm-hmm. Then who's going to follow..."
"I'm going to play the welcome role over here."
That's what Mr. Ermina says and smiles like he controls the front desk. She is the fruit mother of Merkina and one of my daughters.
Yeah, I hope you don't tell everyone. I also know very well that the business is deep, I know, but she got bogged down by the gods and fell into the Great Forest, wandering me. It's a woman who's already taken care of me a lot.
We spent quite a long time together, and there were circumstances that forced me to stay away from my daughters-in-law for a long time, and Ermina also missed her husband a long time ago, and she lay her husband on me wandering without a place to go... and all sorts of things happened and that happened.
Fortunately, I was forgiven for being critical tolerant, both elf and daughter-in-law and Merkina. No, you were forgiven...? I feel squeezed pretty tight, but now that I'm safe, it should be a good decision to be forgiven.
At the time, Mr. Ermina has a lot of experience, and he seems to be counting on it among his daughters. With all the drawbacks, Clover often turns to everyone's support in a step-by-step position, and it feels like everyone's dependable sister. Even Kusukha has relied on Mr. Ermina lately.
"Then I, Kusuha, Deborah, Rijuana, Sherry go to the Kingdom of Geppelus, Mr. Ermina and Thetan, Yamato greet them with clovers, Mar and Merkina, Flam and Karen leave a message, and Tina and Nera are the housekeepers in the hall."
I nodded, confirming that I had received an acknowledgement from everyone. All right, tomorrow's the real day. I hope nothing happens... but nothing, right? Yeah, there shouldn't be that element. None.