4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 4659 Transformation

To silence all things, it is said, is its purpose.

In the void, many civilizations have perished ...... and others have not, but have gone into a state of permanent sealing.

In spite of this tremendous influence, there are some creatures that have survived, forming groups in this vast wasteland and slowly sailing off into the distance.

These creatures were generally from a variety of different civilizations, but all teamed up only if they had similar civilizational patterns.

In large scale civilizational extinction zones, there are usually multiple teams of creatures from many different civilizational models.

However, these creatures usually do not stay in the extinction zone and develop anyway; they always want to move further away from the area.

These creatures usually have a name like survivor, and then they keep moving farther and farther away.

They try to leave the void, which has become silent, and as they continue to travel, they discover that if they can travel far enough, they will encounter another civilization, but this civilization will be destroyed shortly after contacting them at .......

They then continue to travel and move further away.

There are also creatures that try to study the causes of these extinctions.

There are many reasons why civilizations go extinct, and these creatures that have tried to study them have found that in addition to the more normal reasons ...... some civilizations have abnormal reasons for their demise.

The normal ones are wars, disasters of the void, and so on.

The abnormal one is the way that the civilization of this 'particle creature' that Lynn knows about died out.

Its civilization was suddenly 'stopped', that is, it suddenly lost contact, and did not know the reason for its demise. ...... After it joined the survivors' group, it also went back to some of the colonies of its own civilization to look at them, and it found that the architecture of these places was still intact.

Even the inhabitants were intact ...... before they died, of course.

These places had not suffered any war at all, except that the inhabitants had suddenly stopped moving and died, and their bodies had been left untouched in their places.

The civilized buildings were not maintained, and they slowly crumbled over the years, but the overall picture is one of a place where everything was originally normal.

Occasionally, there would be some such civilization where everything just stopped and the whole civilization just died out.

This very odd form of extinction has attracted the attention of some creatures, who try to investigate such stopped civilizations.

Generally speaking, a civilization that dies because of cessation is a valuable thing, too, because everything in it remains relatively intact, which can be a great resource for the survivors.

But in any case, they will eventually choose to leave rather than stay and develop in the ruins.

Eventually, these survivors, too, will begin to doubt their own journey.

They feel that extinction is catching up with them, following them and affecting every civilization, and that while most civilizations die out normally, others strangely stop dying out.

Some creatures feel that the civilizations that have stopped dying may be of their own making.

Something is following them, and continues to affect all the civilizations they come in contact with.

This is what the survivor groups of the granular creatures think, that they are being targeted by 'giant monsters' that they are powerless to deal with, powerless to discover ......, and that extinction will follow them to the end of the void.

They are becoming more and more afraid of this, but they are also looking into what this thing is that is causing the end of everything.

In the end, they just gave it names like 'silence' and 'extinction'.

The main thing these creatures do is try to transform themselves.

They believe that they are being chased for many reasons, so they try to rule out such reasons one by one.

Some of the creatures in this group of survivors believed in gods and such, and they were the first to be considered suspicious ...... which of course was quickly ruled out.

Then they looked for a plethora of reasons, such as the technology they used, the direction they sailed, the things they encountered, and everything ...... In the end, they began to try to transform themselves.

They also listed their own biological species as a possibility of being pursued.

They began to try to change their forms, and they tried many different things, some of them creating intelligent machines ...... to channel their consciousness into.

Some creatures began to undergo more profound transformations.

They thought that by taking themselves completely out of their original biological form, they might be able to escape tracking.

This is also the case with creatures like the particle creature, which was not originally made up of such particles ...... It has undergone many changes to get to this state.

But they are still not free from the 'silence'.

Eventually, the group of survivors changed their minds.

They believed that they had been chosen by the silence, and that although the civilized creatures around them were dying, they themselves were not dying.

So they became fearless, and some of them stayed and developed on the ruins of civilization, while others felt they were the vanguard of ...... extinction.

They continued their journey, but not to escape, but to bring about the end of other civilizations, and they felt that they had this 'mission', and from that time on, they called themselves the vanguard of extinction.

Particle organisms are also part of this group of vanguards of extinction, and their constant search for other civilizations ...... is to bring about their destruction.

When they started their mission of destruction, they met many 'like-minded' creatures, all with the goal of spreading the silent destruction on .......

In fact, the granular creatures found it odd that they had not encountered similar groups when they fled as survivors, but had been receiving sporadic survivors of extermination on their journeys.

Now that they were just beginning to plan their destruction, they encountered many similar groups of creatures.

Of course, they didn't care so much, they all thought they were going to spread extinction.

But not long after, they encounter a creature that resists them.

That is ...... stellar ducts.

In fact, the stellar ducts are more likely to resist them than to slaughter them.

The stellar pipeline was so powerful that the army of the creatures calling themselves the vanguard of extinction was so large that, according to the memory of the granular creatures, their forces at the time numbered in the hundreds of billions, distributed mainly in tens of thousands of large aircraft.

There would have been almost a tenth of that number of survivors.

But the force was quickly defeated, and the particle survived, later finding itself in a special area.

This is the space of the cognitive apocalypse.

Cognitive Armageddon, in fact, has something to do with them, and it can be said that the Pioneers of Destruction created this place of Cognitive Armageddon.