4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 122: Picture in the Wood

Leviathan folded his wings and swam to where the headworm said, which was just by the lake and covered with a pile of ferns.

Leviathan opened the fern with his tentacles, and countless small flying insects immediately flew out of the fern bush. This is a small golden beetle that exudes a shimmering luster under the sunlight.

"Ethnic group?" Leviathan stretched out his tentacles and sucked a small golden beetle with the sucker on his tentacle, and asked before reaching the head bug.

"Polcater, bright, reflective, food, not ethnic." The head beetle bit the little beetle on the tentacle sucker and chewed it.

"Ethnic smell, there are residues, continue to search."

After eating, the head bug rolled over, rolled off Leviathan, and fell into the fern bush.

"Danger, don't do it without permission." Leviathan reached out his tentacles and pulled the headworm out of the fern bush. Lin had long noticed that although the headworm knew what was dangerous, it didn't seem to have a sense of crisis itself. , It has almost no self-defense ability, the only trick is to roll over, so it is easy to be attacked.

The captured head worm moved his body and seemed to want to continue to roll down. Lin felt the excitement of the head worm. It said: "Find the ethnic passage, three meters in front, on the ground, under the fern."

Ethnic passage?

Lin walked suspiciously to the place where the head bug said, and picked up the fern bushes there. Lin found a tree hole about one meter in diameter there.

"Ethnic settlement, home tree, inside, tumbling!" The head worm tumbling from Leviathan's back again excitedly and rolled into this tree hole.

Inside the home tree?Sure enough, as Lin thought, the middle of this tree is also empty, but it should not be all empty, otherwise it is unlikely to support such a huge body.

The opening of the hole was too small for Leviathan to get in. When Lin was thinking whether to blow up the hole or release a few soldiers, the sound of a headworm came out ...


Now the head worm will use the name "Lin" regardless of any of the arms, instead of finding the biggest leader like before.

It seemed that there were any problems in it. Lin still planned not to blow up the hole first, but let Leviathan release a few pilots into the cave.

The cave ** feels very narrow, a small space less than one meter wide and less than three meters long, and the head worm is lying on the ground at the bottom of the cave, as if looking at something.

It found that Lynn ’s pilot had flown in, and said, "Pictures of ethnic groups, Lynn, look."

Lin found that there was an obvious circle-shaped drawing where the head bug was lying, but there was nothing else.

"Paint?" The pilot with the vocal sac questioned the head bug.

"Painting, traces of ethnic groups, residual smell, start searching." The head bug began to roll up, Lin watched it roll against the wall of the cave, rolled back to its original position, rolled to the entrance, and found that it could not roll up, Rolling back to the bottom of the cave again, this motion only lasted for a while, it stopped rolling and said: "The cave is too small to use the rolling search method, and the clue is interrupted."

Lin sometimes really doubts that 98% of its brain cells are not useful.

Headworm is now staying on the painting, it seems to be thinking about something, and after a while it suddenly said: "Found new clues, use the second search method, vibrate."

"Ga--!" The head worm suddenly made a very sharp sound. This sharp sound made Lin feel that his hearing seemed to be subject to a rapid sense of vibration. Under this vibration, the ground under the head worm and Cracks appeared around the cave walls.

The original sound still has this effect?Worth studying ...

I saw that there were more and more cracks around, like a net, covering the entire cave, but the headworm continued to continue to pronounce. Eventually, the entire cave cracked, and Lin found that it actually appeared after the cracked cave wall. A wider and huge space.

The head bug fell down due to the cracking of the ground, only to hear the sound of "Dong", Lin found that it fell into a lake.

This lake is exactly the same size as the one above, and is about 20 meters wide. It should be the center layer of the tree. It is a fairly large space. It is more than 30 meters from the bottom to the top, because the outside light cannot shine here. The whole looks dark, but in the central lake, there is a strange blue light, which illuminates the whole space.

Headworm floats in the lake and rolls desperately, and screams: "Close to death, close to death, dangerous, roll quickly, escape from death, do not want to die, refuse to die, Lynn—"

Lin immediately let the pilot fly away, grabbed the head bug and dragged it to the lake. The head bug was light enough to float, otherwise sinking into the bottom of the lake might be quite dangerous.

Lin's respiratory system is generally amphibious, but it seems that most creatures have abandoned the ability to breathe in water.

Headworm rolled to shore: "Out of death, safe environment, tired body, need rest."

Looking at the head bug resting on the ground, Lynn looked around. There are only a few plants growing on the ground and inner wall here, all of which are moss, no ferns. In the center of the lake, there is a huge wooden cylinder directly and top Link, Lin thinks that the upper lake water may flow here through this cylinder, forming a new lake.

But are they related to the waterfall below?Lin felt that the two lakes would soon run out according to the flow of the waterfall.

"The rest is complete, the search begins, and the smell of the ethnic group remains." At this time, the head worm began to roll up again. It rolled about a distance of about ten meters and then stopped. It began to creep and rubbed its body on the moss pile. After the dust was wiped off, I saw a picture appearing under it.

Lynn saw that it seemed to be a mark carved with a sharp object, but couldn't understand what it meant.

When Lin was about to ask the head worm, it suddenly said first: "Pictures of ethnic groups, which cannot be understood."

"Unintelligible?" Lynn was surprised by the headworm's reaction. Isn't it his ethnic group?

"The ethnic group does not draw pictures. It is possible that I will learn new skills while I am away."

That is to say, its ethnic group would not have drawn pictures, but did it learn within the time that the head bug was captured by Chibucha?

This is also normal. Lin remembered that the headworm was only aware of the changes in the pigment cells used by Lynn before he knew how to draw. It can be seen that he did not know the method of drawing.

Next, the head worms turned out many pictures on the ground. Except for a few feelings that are doodles, most of them still understand. The main thing is to draw some creatures of the head worms. Hunting, eating scenes, etc.

However, why is there no head creature in the head group?

Lin's pilot followed the head worms who kept flipping the picture on the ground. Lin suddenly discovered that a new picture it turned out was drawing a creature exactly like it.

"Mktu, the new headworm, replaced me when I left." The headworm looked at the picture and said: "The ethnic group has a new head and a new idea."

"How do you know?" Lin looked at the picture and only drew a head worm. She didn't draw anything else. How could it know so much information?

Headworm said: "The smell, like the painting, is carved here."

It turned out that Lin had also seen many creatures communicate with odors. Scents can carry extremely complex information. It may be quite troublesome to interpret. Generally, this kind of information can only be understood by the same family. Lin then asked: "Replaced?"

"Yes, there is no head, no thinking, no hunting, no eating, only death, the ethnic group needs the head, and the queen gave birth to a new head." The head worm said with a somewhat 'lost' emotion, this feeling of emotion It's like delicious food escaped.

'Queen' is a word that headworms produce exclusively in the ethnic group. I think this word is quite interesting.

"Continue to trace the traces of the ethnic group." The headworm then continued to roll on the ground and found more paintings on the ground. Lin found that all the paintings were drawn around the lake in the center, and most of the paintings were Is recording some life history, it seems that there is nothing particularly interesting.

And after the head bug turned around, it finally stopped and said very tiredly: "The exploration continues, and the lake bottom has a special smell that cannot be explored."

The bottom of the lake?

Lin looked at the lake with its blue brilliance, and Lin thought it necessary to study.

Thinking, Lin directly let the pilots enter the lake. Although the pilots are generally flying, they can also move in the water.

Lin found that the water was filled with a small amount of light-emitting creatures, and the number was quite large. The pilots slowly approached the bottom of the lake. Lin found that the bottom of the lake was full of various impurities and debris, mostly corpse remains I couldn't find anything special at all. There might be paintings buried in these debris.

But the pilot couldn't dig, so Leviathan had to come down.

Wait, what is that?

Lin saw a huge creature coiled together in a pile of debris. If it stretched out, it might be about ten meters in length, and it looked ... like a worm.

The pilot approached slightly, and Lin noticed that it was indeed ... the mist worm. This body is much smaller than the ones on the other side of the sharp pillar forest, but the carapace and appearance are exactly the same.

It seems to be asleep, not moving at all, how could this creature be here?Lin Ke had never seen a misty worm in a twisted jungle.

"The exploration of the painting, the storage of gas has been completed, and began to roll, together with Lin." Lin suddenly heard a sound of falling water, and the pilot looked up and could see the head worm rolling continuously on the water.

With this sound, the misty worm slowly raised its head, and when it woke up, it saw the head bug rolling on the water ... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian. com) vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)