Two tumbling headworms rolled into the middle of the three rock mountains. Lin found that this was a small open space, surrounded by a large group of infantry. Among them, there was also a special infantry, which looked very similar to ordinary infantry Like, but the abdomen is particularly large, Lin thinks it may be the queen, they all seem to pay attention to the competition between headworms.

Mktu and the head worms were lying in the center, Mktu made a sound first:

"Content of competition: hunting, walking through the jungle, looking for prey, killing the target first, and being the winner."

"Compete, accept."

Headworms made a recognized voice, Lin felt that both of them became excited and excited. Do they want to compete for hunting?But how do they hunt?

With Mktu's voice, Lynn saw ten of the infantry surrounding them come out, they were divided into two halves, and every five came to the two headworms. They lowered their heads and put their heads on them. 'S tentacles touched the head worm's body.

Mktu then said: "Infantry, ten, Mktu, Maya, five each, hunting target: Blackhorned cockroach."

Lin suddenly understood, is that right?It turned out that they did not hunt in person, but competed for who can control the infantry to successfully hunt. Sure enough, the head worm should be better than the head.

However, it seems that Mktu said that the hunting is 'black-horned giant cockroach'?Can that thing really be beaten with five "meter infantry" who are one meter long?

The black-horned giant cockroach is the largest cockroach that Lin has ever seen. The whole body is covered with a black sturdy carapace. The body is huge. It is more than five meters long and may weigh more than three tons. , Lin once asked headworms about infantry. They do n’t dissolve liquid or venom. They do n’t have the power of armor piercing. How to deal with black-horned cockroaches?

"The prey is found first, but you can attack first. You can't attack the opponent's prey first. If the infantry has died or lost, you can add up to three." Muktu suddenly issued a sharp voice: "The hunting begins!"

At the next moment, the two teams of infantry rushed out from the rock mountain, and Lin immediately released two pilots, catching up with the two teams of infantry.

The two pairs of infantry were moving fast in the jungle, and the headworms staying in the center of the rock mountain were all closed their eyes. Lin found that they seemed to be able to control the infantry at a very long distance. This ability is really interesting. Lin also looks forward to the results of the competition. This is a very interesting research subject.

But in this competition, Muktu has an advantage because it is familiar with the environment here and knows where the black-horned giant cockroach is. Lin's team of infantry is exploring the ground with tentacles. The team is still running around in the jungle.

There should be no conflict of prey, because the two teams are running in opposite directions.

Mktu's infantry walked on the ground while searching for the smell. Soon, it found a black-horned cockroach behind a twisted tree in front.

The black-horned giant cockroach has a huge body. It has a head of about one meter in length and a round obtuse angle at the end, so it has this name.

The black-horned giant cockroach is hitting the twisted tree with its horn at this time. It does not eat the bark, but relies on a strong impact force to knock down other things on the tree to eat. Basically it eats everything, including other arthropods. , Reptiles and leaves, as well as the hard seeds of the twisted tree, will eat it.

The infantry of Mktu did not move directly, but climbed on the nearby twisted tree, and then scattered around to search, as if looking for something, and one of them climbed on the trunk above the black-horned cockroach , Seems to be monitoring the black-horned cockroach, and at the same time it also hugs the trunk tightly, not to be shocked by the black-horned cockroach.The trunks of all twisted trees are rolled together and can be crawled through the trunk of one tree to another.

The head worm team is still running around in the forest, looking for the target. The head worm should be here for the first time. It seems that it does not know where the black horned cockroach is.

On the side of Mktu, the infantry scattered on the trunk quickly gathered again. Lynn found something biting in the mouth of one of the infantry. The pilot approached a little and found it to be a small beetle.

The kind of beetle Lin has also seen. It is a kind of beetle called 'Stink bug'. Although it is small, it can release a strong irritating gas. This gas can even damage the olfactory cells of other organisms, so there is no creature. Will eat this stuff.

Does it use stink bug to do?However, Lin thinks that the black-horned giant cockroach should not be eaten, and may not even look at it.

Mktu obviously knew this too, so instead of smashing the black horned cockroach directly with stink bugs, he let an infantry eat the stink bug directly, and then other infantry soldiers caught a lot of stink bugs. Eat these stink bugs into the infantry.

The odor secreted by stink bugs not only damages the sense of smell, but also destroys the cells in the esophagus. It is almost the same as the lysate after being eaten. The infantry who eats a lot of stink bugs has obviously been greatly injured, although it can not be seen. What kind of movement performance, but the breathing holes in its mouth and body had begun to bleed, and the infantry became dying, lying weak on the trunk.

It turned out to be such a tactic ...

Then the other infantrymen threw the infantry that had eaten a lot of stink bugs from the tree. The sound of the falling ground caused the attention of the black-horned cockroach.

The black-horned giant cockroach thought that the infantry was hit by it. It walked to the infantry and began to open its mouth to eat it, but only halfway through the action, it stopped.

The black horned cockroach seemed to smell the stink bug, which was mixed by the bloody smell from the infantry and became relatively thin, but it was enough to cause the giant cockroach to doubt.

Mktu also noticed that this method might fail. At this time, several other infantrymen climbed down from the tree trunk, walked to the front of the black-horned cockroach more than ten meters away, and waved their forelimbs to make a sharp cry sound.

Is this ... provoking the blackhorn giant cockroach?


The black-horned giant cockroach made a low roar, but it did not leave the place to chase them, but stood and roared.

Lin noticed that several infantrymen of Mktu stared at the dying infantry at the foot of the black-horned cockroach. This was a special message for the black-horned cockroach. Mktu tried to make the black-horned cockroach think, These infantrymen intend to snatch its food and eat it. If it chases over, they will snatch the food.

In this way, the black-horned giant cockroach will not chase, but may eat the infantry who has eaten a lot of stink bugs without hesitation.

Lin thinks this tactic is very interesting. Perhaps the brain capacity of the head worms is so large because they can operate infantry from a long distance, and they will think about these special tactics.

Compared to the fast-successful Muktu, the headworm seems to have just started. Now, Lin finally saw the headworm also found a black horned cockroach. This black horned cockroach was not hitting the tree, but lying on the ground. Sleepy.

Lin is very interested to see if the head worm will use any fun tactics, but the head worm's action surprised Lin. It actually let the infantry rush towards the blackhorned cockroach!

Are head worms going to fight hard?

The sleeping black-horned giant cockroach awakened, and it watched the rushing infantry burst into a roar, and then rushed towards the infantry.

The huge figure keeps the ground vibrating when running, and the difference between the two sides of the charge is very different. Is this hard way really effective?Or is it that the head bug is not going to win?

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the infantry of the head worm suddenly jumped aside, and the black-horned cockroach suddenly emptied, but it turned around very quickly at this time and bit the nearest one. Infantry, chew it into pieces instantly.

Black-horned giant cockroaches do not attack with horns. Their horns are round and blunt. They are only used to hit trees. When facing other creatures, they prefer to tear the target with a six-bladed jaw. .

The remaining four infantry did not escape, but rushed up together and crawled to the back of the blackhorn giant cockroach.

The black-horned cockroaches roared, shaking their bodies constantly to try to shake them off.

Although the infantry could not cause any damage to the black-horned cockroach, they only made it uncomfortable by lying on its back, and the infantry clasped the carapace on the back of the black-horned cockroach tightly The gap, they seem to be particularly tight, and the black-horned cockroach can't shake them off, but the black-horned cockroach has a new trick-roll!

The black-horned cockroach rolled up its arthropod in place, which was enough to crush all the infantry, but before it rolled, the head worm made all the infantry jump away, and the black-horned cockroach rolled in a circle.

When the blackhorned cockroach finished rolling, the infantrymen rushed up again, trying to jump on the blackhorned cockroach again, but the blackhorned cockroach reacted this time, and it turned to bite a rushing infantry in an instant.

Here, Lin noticed some details of the control. The infantry attacked by the black-horned cockroach instantly stopped his body and backed away at a very fast speed, avoiding the sharp teeth of the black-horned cockroach, while the other three Then they spread out and rushed to the black horned cockroach from different directions.

The black-horned cockroach was chasing an infantry bite at this time, but it also noticed that there were infantry on both sides of the body. It immediately began to tremble its limbs, trying to kick the infantry out.

The infantrymen changed direction slightly, drilled through the six limbs kicked by the cockroach, and climbed onto the cockroach again.

The giant cockroach suddenly angered, its limbs shrunk to prepare to roll again, and then the infantry lying on it jumped again, and the giant cockroach did not press them at all.

Then, the infantrymen repeated the previous action again, trying to jump on the back of the giant cockroach.

Lin noticed that the head bug wasn't planning to hurt the giant cockroach directly, but it made the giant cockroach more likely to move more and make it tired.

The giant cockroach will feel quite uncomfortable with the infantry that is thrown on it. It will constantly shake the body and roll, which will consume a lot of energy.

On the side of Mktu, the giant cockroach had already eaten the infantry who had eaten a lot of stink bugs.

So, where will the winner be?(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)