4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

131 The Mystery of the Population

Leviathan left the head worm and flew alone into the depths of the far-distant twisted jungle. Without taking this small carnivorous creature, Lin had a feeling called 'not used'.

Therefore, Leviathan flew back after that, leaving a display in the headworm community, Lin planned to maintain information exchange with the headworm, so Lin felt that the discovery of new species, the study of new environment, etc. Waiting will be helpful, because you can discuss with the head worm.

Lin also observed how the head worms expanded. The head worms recently commanded the expansion of the community. It seemed to plan to build more rock mountains nearby. It used powerful techniques to hunt a lot of prey, and the community began to grow rapidly.

The way in which the head beetle commands the community is very peculiar. It will first use a sharp voice or touch the tentacles of the infantry. As long as this behavior is done once, it can command the infantry.

Lin once tried to decompose an infantry who died while hunting, and Lin found that the infantry ’s brain was quite peculiar, their brains were quite small, totally disproportionate to their bodies, and their shapes and cell distribution were strange, not so It ’s better to say like ...


Yes, infantry ca n’t think about actions by themselves, they all rely on this brain-like organ to receive signals from headworms, so if there are no headworms, the infantry is not unable to move, but will only perform some basic activities, such as eating Yes, they do n’t hunt, and in this case, their communities will soon perish.

The queen may have something special, it will produce new headworms without headworms.

Lynn is curious how they evolved this form. This biological form is really strange. Will Aztecs, Inca swarms, etc. have this form?

Not necessarily, like Chibucha.

Brain worms will inherit the knowledge of the previous generation of brain worms, but the inheritance is not complete. It can only be a basis. More knowledge needs to be learned by itself. It seems that in this generation, Mktu began to use the "picture" method to inherit Newborn head worm.

Brainworms have a long lifespan. When Lin asked about the brainworms, they found that their cells did not seem to have the "timed death" that is common in living creatures.

In addition, Lin found that reptilian creatures did not have 'timed death'. If there is a chance, their size will grow infinitely until they are killed by other creatures.

Timed death can also be said to be an exhaustion of life. In fact, it is a special method developed by cells in order to give birth to new generations, and the population is not too large. Nowadays, most organisms like to use this scheme, but headworms seem not to It will be so.

Brainworms are produced every 30 years. Newborn brainworms will be separated with a part of the group. They are dependent on this growing. If a community of brainworms die, nearby brainworms will merge with that community.

The rich vocabulary possessed by headworms is not used to control infantry, but is used to communicate with other headworms.

This is the lifestyle of the 'Maya Swarm'.

However, what seems to have happened recently is that the Maya worm swarm is almost extinct, and the head worms are almost dead, leaving only 'Maya' and 'Mktu'.

Headworms described the disaster they encountered. It is said to be a terrible event. The burning huge waves washed the entire jungle. Countless ethnic groups were destroyed there. The headworm groups escaped to their home trees and settled down. Encountered by an earthquake, the headworm was taken away by Chibucha.

Lynn thought it might be a disaster it had never seen before, and Leviathan was now flying in that direction.

It's been a long time since Lynn knew if he could see the traces of the disaster, but if it could destroy a large area, it must be spectacular.

Lin now has to study not only biology but disasters, but disasters don't seem to be so easy to meet.

The extension of the twisted jungle seemed to be endless. Leviathan flew through the endless forest for three days and nights, and finally Lin saw the anomaly.

Leviathan flew slightly higher than the canopy, flying so low to observe the creatures in the jungle, but in this area, the extension of the jungle was suddenly interrupted.

Leviathan flew over a special area, and the whole area was filled with a layer of dense fog. This layer of dense fog was not a collection of water vapor, but some strong other kinds of gases, some of which contained toxic ingredients.

When Leviathan lowered his flight altitude, Lynn found that the area was like burnt by flames. There were black ground and rocks everywhere, and there were many burnt black twisted trunks.

In this place, there are still plants growing. Lin found that some plants that she had not seen emerged from these black rocks. They were like sharp green pointed columns, with a height of about 50 centimeters to one meter. Overgrown with fluff, this plant is not much in number, only occasionally see a few trees growing on the rock.

There are some fast arthropods infested here. They are only ten centimeters long and move quickly. They hide in the cracks of the rock. Lin feels that they are much like trilobites. It is estimated that they feed on the plants here.

Leviathan flies slowly in this foggy place, because the fog is diffuse, and the visibility is only about ten meters. This may be the original residence of the headworm community, because the ground is full of twisted tree debris. What disaster?Flame?

Lin thinks that the flame can't burn the kind of rock mountain of the head worm group.

Then ...

Suddenly, Lin noticed that a huge pit appeared in the ground in front, and the pit was filled with black muddy water. The water was tumbling all the time, and a lot of bubbles were constantly emerging from it. Lin could feel that the water The heat is quite high.

And their tumbling phenomenon seems to have a word to describe: 'boiling'.

Leviathan stretched out his tentacles and gently touched the surface of the water. The hot sensation from above caused Lin to immediately withdraw her tentacles. The temperature of the water was indeed quite high. After the bubbles burst, Lin could smell that a large amount of toxic gas was scattered in the air.

Is the destruction of the headworm community related to these waters?


There is still biological life here.The small arthropods like Trilobite that Lin had seen before actually swim in this hot water. They seem to have not been hurt at all. They are not afraid of high temperature or poison gas.

It seems that we have to grab one and break it down.

But what makes such an environment?Even the hot water and poisonous gas will not burn the woods?

Suddenly, there was a breeze blowing around, and Lin found that the mist here was slowly spreading out.

When the field of vision became wider, Lin saw a landscape that she had never seen before ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation.)