Maybe you should ask headworms how long the winter will last.

The twisted jungle is covered with heavy snow, which has basically covered half of the trunk. The twisted jungle will definitely die if it continues like this. The twisted trees whose leaves have fallen are sleeping, but their internal cells have recently begun to die.

Has there ever been such a winter?Seeing that there have been biological reactions here, but how did they survive under this blizzard?

Looking at the gray sky, Lin had no answer.

In the present twisted jungle, frozen dead bodies can be dug everywhere, and some creatures hiding in the bark are not immune. The infantry in the head rock mountain have almost died of most of them, most of them are Frozen.

Everything seems to be slowly going to death ...

The floating green carpet cannot sustain the life of all Lin ’s troops, so more than half of Lin ’s arms are in a state of sleep. Lin fears that if he continues, he will be affected sooner or later.

Lin intends to give up snow sweeping, and all the troops begin to shovel the moss and bring it into the sky. At the same time, Lin combined more jet systems on the floating green carpet and created some huge air transporters. Dig out and take away some living creatures, and completely seal the base of the cave, leaving many sleeping troops inside.

Lin is going to leave, maybe she should try somewhere else, can you build an environment.

However, Lin's thought soon stopped.

The cold wind continued until the 390th day and night ... the temperature increased slightly.

Lin has a tentacle that is very sensitive to temperature and is used to detect the temperature. It can be felt for small changes in temperature. This tentacle is placed everywhere in the jungle. At this time, they also feel the temperature rise. .

Is it over?

The 400th day and night.

The gloomy sky began to shine brightly, shining on the snow-white jungle, and the thick snow finally stopped increasing, and the temperature was slowly rising.

At 430 days and nights, the temperature is slightly higher than the temperature at which the water freezes.

Is it finally restored?……and many more……

Lin suddenly thought of a very serious problem. Now the entire twisted jungle, desert, and possibly the entire continent are covered with a lot of snow. What happens if all of it melts?

Will the mainland be overwhelmed?

However, this is probably a white worry. After all, Lin once thought that the whole cloud was frozen and smashed. Since there has been winter here, then there must be no problem.

Four hundred thirty-nine days and nights.

The ice and snow have dissolved, and the long-dried river is now flooded with huge amounts of water. However, due to the excessive water flow, the river began to rush to the surroundings, forming multiple rivers, which together flowed to the lower desert.

The desert also has a layer of ice and snow, but there is no river formed, but it slowly disappears and dissolves. Lynn feels that the water has sunk into the sand.

Now many small creatures have come out to move. Although the snow and ice are still thick, they have begun to resume their past life at a slow pace. Lynn opened the sealed base again, and the sleeping troops slowly woke up because of the warmth. .

Lin asked the troops to start walking to the glittering woodland to sweep away some snow and plant the moss again, hoping they would recover soon.

The headworm was still asleep at this time, but Lin found that its infantry had begun to regain vitality. When it was frozen, it could not even eat.

500th day and night

Winter seems to be over. At this moment, Lin sees the whole jungle as if she is awake suddenly!

Dozens of rivers criss-cross in the jungle. Like blood vessels, they dissolve snow into the desert together. Many large arthropods drilled in the caves they excavated. Some beetles with sound sacs developed loudly. Howling, seems to be excited for the end of winter, and some carnivorous creatures have prepared their fangs and claws to sneak attack on these yelling guys.

The black-horned giant cockroach began to hit the tree again, and at the same time it shook countless snow blocks, it also shocked many newly awakened creatures. If you look up at the sky, in addition to the warm sunshine, you can also see countless giant veined dragonflies. Flying from a distance.

New leaves appeared on the twisted trees. Although some of the trees died, most of them survived and began to grow again. The dissolution of snow gave them plenty of water.

Then, the headworm community also woke up. The headworm itself was the slowest to wake up, and it did not sound after waking up. Lynn found that her brain cells only woke up about 10%. It is estimated that it will take some time. In order to fully wake up the cells in its body.

A large part of the untwisted twisted trees in the glittering woodland died, but there are still alive, but Lin still has a lot of seeds, which can be planted when the snow is full.

The snow distorted in the twisted jungle is very slow, and the snow in the desert is relatively fast. Now there is only a thin layer of snow in the desert. Lin feels that the snow in the desert seems to have penetrated into the sand instead of being blown away by the warm wind. And there is no river.

Moreover, some strange creatures appeared in the desert.

A plant like a fern suddenly appeared on the thin snow of the desert. They were only about 1 centimeter and were very small. However, when Lin released the pilot to observe, they found that they almost covered the entire desert, probably followed The water grows out.

Lin did n’t feel strange at first, but after ten days and nights, the snow in the desert almost completely melted, and this group of ferns suddenly began to grow wildly. They grew to more than ten meters high in just a few days and nights, and they were not like Ordinary fern, which has no leaves at all, and its shape is like a curved green tentacle, so Lin called them 'vine fern'.

The vine fern grows extremely luxuriantly, dyeing the entire desert green. After the fifteenth day and night, they have completely covered the desert. If they fly up to several kilometers to see it, the desert will appear green. , It is exactly the same as the twisted jungle.

The vine ferns are not as tall as the twisted trees. Lin found that they did not grow to about 15 meters, and the overall structure is not as woody. It is relatively fragile and easily broken, but they grow quickly because they grow quickly. The entire desert.

This scene is so strange, Lin intends to study why these plants grow so fast, it is not possible to rely on water alone, so Lin made a team of 30 shredders to enter the desert and now the jungle In the depths of the world, investigate their growth.

But just when the team had just entered the jungle of vine ferns, Lin suddenly felt the feeling of shaking deep underground.