4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 171 Sandstorm Attacker

In today ’s desert, the wind is quite strong, and endless sand and dust are flying in the air. The gravel reduces the visibility to a minimum, but it still ca n’t stop some giants.

These creatures were huge and eccentric, and they first appeared in the desert, and in the desert less than three hundred meters away from the twisted jungle. When the pilot found them, they immediately caught Lin's attention.

These creatures are like beetles. The color of the carapace and the desert is almost the same, but because of their huge size of more than twenty meters, this camouflage color does not make much sense.

There were ten of these giant insects. Lin saw them slowly align their tails in the direction of the twisted jungle, and then saw their abdomen swell rapidly, which was ten times larger than before in a few seconds.

'Boom!'Along with a loud noise, the end of the giant worm's abdomen opened violently, and a large amount of sand and dust was sprayed from the inside. These sand and dust were blown away in the direction of the twisted jungle with the airflow.

These ... not normal creatures!

Lin thought of this when their abdomen was inflated. Normal creatures cannot make such strange moves, nor can they evolve such a big abdomen to hold sand and dust, only 'divisional' creatures There is this specialization.

They ... are they the arms of the Inca Swarm?Could it be ... their innocent appearances on the ground are pretend to be?Actually want to attack on the ground?But they should not know that Lynn is at the base of the twisted jungle. Aztec insects do not know.

And Lin hasn't seen this giant insect type of arms underground, and the desert giant pit of the Inca swarm has not moved at all ...

But no matter how they look, they seem to be deliberately attacking and twisting the jungle.

I saw that these sand-blasting giant insects would quickly devour the gravel and air in the desert after spraying the dust once, and swell the belly again to explode the gravel in the direction of the twisted jungle.

At the edge of the glittering woodland, a large number of twisted trees were attacked by sandstorms. These twisted trees have not yet fully grown, and these sand and dust are very fast. Even if they are blocked by the twisted trees, they will rush into the glittering woodland in large numbers. , Moss submerging the ground, many small creatures living here began to escape into the depths of the jungle.

It's like being hit by a sandstorm.

The frequency of their spray is very fast, and it can be salvoed in about ten seconds. Although it is impossible for these creatures to submerge the twisted jungle, the flash woodland is still in danger of being buried by sand and dust.

Behemoth is now located on the mountain peak, quite far away from it, and the flying troops also gathered in the mountain to attack the ground. It can be said that these giant insects appear quite 'coincidentally'. Lin thinks they must be the Inca swarm.

But no matter what they are, Lin will kill them.

But Lin still has troops here. In the base hole near the river, a large number of bombers rushed out and flew in the direction of these sandblasters.

When the bombers rushed out of the jungle, they were attacked by a lot of sand and dust. Lin specially let the bomber fly higher to avoid the sand and dust, but the sandblasters seemed to know the location of the bomber, watching The fliers can see them adjusting their abdomen, spraying a large area of ​​sand and dust in the direction of the bomber.

Before the sand dust rushed, Lin let all the bombers immediately disperse, and then moved on after avoiding the dust.

The sand blaster seems to know the formation of the bomber. Lynn finds that they keep the abdomen inflated, and while constantly swallowing the gravel with her mouth, they keep the sand blasting all the time. Blast through all the close bombers in the sky.

The bombers were unable to maintain their flight in this violent wind. Near the range of 50 meters, Lin estimated that the wind speed they sprayed was more than 30 meters a second, which was enough to blow the lighter bombers flying by airbags. .

They obviously have a strong muscular system in order to squeeze the sand and dust out at this speed, and at this time ten sandblasting insects slowly gathered together, they sprayed wild sand out of the abdomen, leaving no surroundings The gap, the tactics used by these bugs really surprised Lin, and they seem to have a very strong detection ability. When the bomber is far away, they know the bomber's action, which is why the bomber can't access them.

But this ... doesn't seem to know.


In the sand under a giant sandblaster, a huge spike suddenly protruded suddenly. This spike was more than one meter thick and more than ten meters long. It instantly plunged into the belly of the sandblaster. Among them, the blood burst like a stream of water.

In order to deal with the Shensha bus, Lin thought about a lot of arms. This "body wearer" lurking in the desert is one of them. It is generally hidden under the desert. Its body is like a disc, and its back is long. There is a ten-meter-long giant thorn, through the muscles and hydraulic system, it can instantly eject the giant thorn and penetrate any creature on it.

Because later, considering that the spikes were too long, it was inconvenient to move, and could only be used as a trap, Lin did not take the "Piercer" to deal with Aztecs, but Lin did not decompose and recycle this unit, but kept it Stay outside the twisted jungle.

In fact, Lin was able to use this unit from the beginning, but Lin wanted to use the bomber to test and see these sandblasting giant insects. It can be clearly seen that they are not defenseless, but have a set of tactics.

If they belong to the Inca Swarm, it is not surprising ...

"Ga ..." The pierced sandblaster made a violent scream, which seemed quite painful. That's because the wearer's spikes had a lot of barbs, which would be on the other side. Struggling to fall off, and then split open, releasing a large number of penetrators inside.

These penetrators will pass through the blood vessels, internal organs, and rush directly to the target's brain. They will penetrate the brain, corrode all brain cells, and ensure that the target is killed.

The scream of the pierced sandblaster lasted only a moment, and its body fell down weakly. After all the barbs had fallen off, the body wearer would retract the spikes again and continue to wait for the next time. Opportunity to attack.

The sandblasters no longer continue to sandblast, they seem not to have the fearless thoughts of suicide arms and armor, they begin to spread out and escape to the depths of the desert.

The body wearer moves very slowly under the desert and is impossible to catch up, but at this time, a large number of bombers have flew to the heads of the sandblasters ...

Just as the bombers dropped explosive shells to dissolve the shells of the sandblasters, there was a sudden bang in the direction of the flashing woodland.

They really want to attack from the ground ...