Lynn's bomber can shoot a self-propelled explosive bomb that can easily pass through the sandstorm created by the sandblaster and destroy this huge worm.

The sandblaster's abdomen is quite fragile. As long as it is attacked, the gravel inside will flow out in large quantities, so that even if the sandblaster is not dead, it can no longer continue to sandblast.

However, there are more than Lin's explosive bombs traveling through the sandstorm. There is a special roaring noise mixed in the sand burst. Lin recognizes that this is the sound of explosive armor flying.

They are here to stop the bombers from continuing to attack the sandblasters.

These explosive armor know how to attack hidden in sand and dust. Under these sand and dust, sound and smell are difficult to explore the surrounding environment. In this case, Lin must improve her detection ability.

Air hunters are prepared for this, and the tentacles on their heads can break down various sounds in the mixed sound.

A whistling sound suddenly came from the sand and dust wind around a bomber, and the air hunter beside it immediately rushed over. After a roar, the air hunter and the explosive armor hidden there died.

The air hunters are of the "cannon fodder" type. It doesn't matter how much they lose. Lynn brought thousands this time, basically used to hit the armor.

'boom!'Suddenly, with a roar, Lin felt the pain of a bomber's body, but that was not the feeling of being blown up by the explosive, but a large amount of liquid splashed, which quickly penetrated into the bomber's In the cortex, kill every cell in it with extreme speed.

This is ... the salamander's toxin, which is the explosive armor with new abilities?Lin didn't hear their sounds at all, maybe the flying method is different from the normal explosive armor.

"Boom ... Boom ..." Then three consecutive explosions sounded. Lin felt that most of the bombers were attacked by these explosive armor. Because they could not hear the sound, it was difficult to intercept.

These explosive armours have a very toxic sputtering attack by explosion. They are not as powerful as ordinary explosive armor, but many salamanders have powerful venom that can kill the target with contact. Obviously this ability is integrated into the body of the explosive armor by the Inca worms. And the bombers did not have a hard shell and could not protect against these venoms.

But only the words of venom ... Lin quickly stopped the bombers ’hearts and stopped the exchange of nutrients between the cells that had not been killed around the venom, and the flow of venom was interrupted instantly.

Then, a large number of worm-type multicellular arms swam from the bomber's blood vessels, and they quickly swallowed the dead cells and all the venom around.

This worm-type arm is called 'Detoxifier'. It has a powerful filtering ability in the body, which can decompose toxins and quickly resolve any threat of venom.

When the venom disappeared, the bomber's heart began to beat again, and it suffered very little damage, only some cells of the cortex, almost negligible.

The effect of venom is generally to destroy certain functions in the cell, or to block certain organs, causing the death of cells and organisms, and the lysate is to melt a large number of cells in an instant. This is why Lin likes to use lysate instead of venom. It's easy to deal with.

In Lin's thoughts, there are some words that combine dissolving liquid and venom, but Lin will strictly separate the two liquids and use different names.

After several decompositions, the bomber itself can evolve the ability to resist this venom.

The new venom explosive armor can no longer harm the bomber, and the bombers have aimed the muzzle at the position where the dust storm surged out.


Numerous explosive shells passed through the sand and dust and directly hit the swollen abdomen of the sand blasting insects. The dissolution solution corroded their abdomen into large holes one after another.

Under the bombardment of a large number of explosive bombs, several heads of sand-blasting insects crashed to the ground, and countless small arms were overwhelmed by their huge size. Slowly recover.

Under the Air Force, there are large swarms of Inca worms. Small and medium-sized soldiers are still running around. They try to climb up their home trees and dig in to hide, but because of the large number, it is impossible to retreat all at once.

Lin has long discovered that it seems that among so many Inca swarms, only sandblasters and explosive armor have anti-air capabilities. Lin had seen them use a parasitic small flying insect in the desert pit before, but Did not appear here.

This is also the reason why Lin dare to attack them, the air force is too weak.

The bombers spread out and dropped a large number of explosive bombs on any small and medium-sized arms that were running away. These explosive bombs filled with dissolving liquid split up a large number of melters at the same time after the explosion. The melters absorb those splashed on the ground The wasted solution makes a second attack, and with this cooperation, they easily tear up large pieces of Inca swarm troops.

A large number of explosive shells flew from the ground again. In addition to the venom-type disregard, Lin let the air hunter intercept all the flame-type explosive armor. Each of Lin ’s bombers had around ten air hunters. It is almost impossible for Blast Armor to hit the bomber.

The bomber continued to bomb continuously, turning the ground below into a death place filled with dissolving liquid. The smell of the dissolving liquid filled the air, causing secondary damage to the Inca worms below.

Lynn remembered that when the Aztecs were bombed in the past, although the Inca swarms were stronger, they all had a shortcoming, dealing with too few arms in the air.

All the Inca swarms continued to retreat to the south, and the surrounding home trees seemed to be full. They had to flee under the bombers ’bombs. They seemed crowded and panic, but Lynn found that they were very regular. During the retreat, and all the swaying under the bombers are small and medium-sized troops, those large and more important arms, such as the ground splitter, have long since disappeared into the ground, and the sandblasters except for the ones that began to kill Lin. , Never appeared again.

Even when it is impossible to fight back, the Inca Swarm will use the "cannon foe" type of arms to consume Lin's explosive shells. At the same time, they have also changed the armor tactics. Explosive armor siege from all directions, they do not attack the bomber, but directly hit Lin's air hunter, trying to consume Lin's air hunter clean.

As Lin ’s troops chasing the Inca Swarm continued to deepen, more and more explosive armor also appeared. Lin calculated that this would probably be completely destroyed. The purpose of the sneak attack had been achieved, so he was ready to retreat.

All the troops turned around immediately, and all the explosive insects on the flying troops immediately opened with all their strength. Lin's troops quickly retreated in the direction of returning.

This is the benefit of the Air Force. It can fight and run.

But the Inca worms obviously wouldn't let Lin leave like this. A large number of explosive armor caught up. Lin found that their number had exceeded Lin's air force. There were not so many before, maybe it was produced temporarilyLin remembered that she didn't seem to have seen the incubation of Blast Armor directly.

However, Lin has a 'gift' left for them.

Lin brought a floating base before, but only found it useless afterwards, because no nutrients were collected during the bombing process, and the base could not produce the nutrients that were originally stored. Purpose.

It will become art!