4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

182 Under the Dark Night

The diameter of the floating base is ten meters, which is the largest explosive shell that Lin has ever made.

Although it was originally a base, Lin actually planned to design it as a bomb from the beginning, so it is particularly easy to transform. Plus because Lin is mixed into the spider's cortex at the base, Lin can compress a large amount of air to a greater extent. This explosive bomb does not contain any dissolving liquid, it is pure air explosion. After compressing the gas in the body to a certain extent, Lin will combine explosives in the base body and dissolve the cortex, so that the gas in the body explodes violently. The powerful shock spread out in an instant.

The moment the impact surged, some of the closer explosive armor was instantly squeezed by the air pressure, and their organs and blood could be clearly seen splashing from the bursting abdomen.

Lin didn't know how far the shock wave spread, but Lin saw the explosive armor hundreds of meters away and the Inca swarm on the ground were also blown away, feeling like a strong storm.

Before the base exploded, Lynn's air force swiftly accelerated to a considerable distance, and even this could feel the spread of the impact.

This shock wave is like a flame storm of the Inca swarm. It is a means of mass killing. The duration is only a few seconds, but the killing range is super large. Lin feels that her bomb is superior. After all, it will not cause uncontrollable like flames. The destruction and suffocation of the environment will even kill all living things in an area.

Lin's damage to the environment is less, but Lin feels that this "super attack" has a large range, but its power is not very powerful, and creatures with a stronger carapace can resist this attack.

However, it is very suitable for sweeping small units, as well as for escape.

Lin ’s troops fled the chasing of the explosive armour, and the raid troops flew back to the base at full speed. During this period, the Inca swarm did not come to intercept this force. Perhaps the Inca swarm had already gathered the troops in one place No soldiers appeared in the tree in the middle of the home, which made Lin fly back safely.

Now, Lin began to calculate the gains and losses of the battle.

The bombers bombarded a large number of small and medium-sized arms of the Inca swarm. The medium-sized ones are estimated to be several thousand. The small ones are difficult to calculate. The large ones only kill more than a dozen sand blasting insects. , They would rather kill the small ones than let the big ones go to the battlefield.

Sure enough, the relationship is too slow.

Lin's bombers lost 27, most of them were hit by explosive armor, and hundreds of air hunters. This loss is obviously much smaller than the Inca swarm, and I feel that this raid operation was very successful.

Now Lin is slowly repairing this unit and preparing to increase the number of units again, intending to launch a full-scale attack from the ground before the Inca swarm recovers.

At the same time, Lin is also concerned about the current reaction of the Inca swarm.

After the Inca swarm was bombed, their troops began to be scattered back to the trees of their homes. At the same time, they released a large group of scouts. They carefully observed everything in the territory, every creature, every tree. Tree, Lin thinks they suspect that some of Lin's arms are observing them. After all, they can take advantage of them while they are coalescing, and the Inca Swarm will definitely be suspicious.

However, there is no way to find a flying person whose Lynn will change color, only by detecting insects.

The Inca swarm seems to know this too. After looking around the territory, the reconnaissance insects returned to the base. Their way of discovery seems to be killed immediately when they do n’t know, but unfortunately they only look at There were a few melters left by Lynn's bombing.

At the same time, there are also a large number of black bees in the home garden tree carrying eyeworms to detect. Some eyeballs and deformers observed by Lin in the home garden tree are searched out. They may use a new odor detection method. Observed inside the home tree.

Although Lin thought it was not very important, the black bees could not fly after all and could not find the flying person in the forest. Lin felt a little weird. They seemed unable to install the black bee's detection ability to detect the insect.

After this, the Inca swarms entered a silent stage again. They did not dispatch troops, but used some black bees to carry out their daily lives. All the troops seemed to be nested in their home trees.

And Lin was almost ready at this time. A huge army assembled on the burnt woodland. The woodland that was once suffocated by air had re-grown young seedlings, and the glowing creatures on the top of the cave slowly launched. The light, Lin found this very interesting, the original glowing creatures suffocated the dead light, and the surrounding unaffected people would slowly devour the dead ones, reoccupy this place, and restore the whole area to light.

Of course, their light is not eternal. In the dark night, they will dim together with the setting sun. At the same time, in this dark night, Lin found that the Inca swarm has moved.

The aviator has proliferated a lot by absorbing small creatures and newly added photosynthetic cells to absorb light. Now almost every home tree is observed by Lin ’s pilot. Lin sees a tunnel in a home tree and drills out A creature that Lin had never seen before ...

This creature is covered with black crust armor and has a strange body shape. Although there are many types of Inca worms that Lin currently sees, the shape is basically three types-beetle type, fat insect type and bee type.

This creature is not like these three types, but some are like reptiles. They have long limbs, two blade claws at the end of the forelimbs, and they have very long tails. The overall length is more than two meters.

At the same time, their heads are large, and Lin speculates that they have bigger heads.

These creatures only saw three of them crawling out of different home trees, which may have been newly born.

As soon as these creatures appeared, they ran into the woodland very quickly. Like reptiles, they ran on their limbs, and the speed was quite fast, and they could rush out of a distance of more than 100 meters in six seconds.

After these three creatures appeared, they ran to different places separately. Lin asked the pilot to follow them. These creatures shuttled between complex trees. They seemed to be very good at moving and hiding in this environment. Lin called They are 'Shadow Monsters', and the name feels quite suitable.

The flying ability can follow the shadow monsters that shuttle in the complex environment according to the echo ability. Finally, Lin found that these three creatures ran away from the territory of the Inca swarm under the desert and reached the position of the twisted jungle. One ran north, while the other two climbed into two different home trees nearby and drilled into the tree hole.

Shortly afterwards, Lin was placed on the ground in a twisted jungle. The eyeballs used to check the entrances and exits of the Inca swarm saw two shadow monsters emerge from it. A total of two, appeared at different entrances and exits 10 kilometers apart, in the dark night. , They ran in different directions.

Lin changed to allow the ground flying to track these shadow monsters at this time. They seem to be cautious in their actions. They always hide in the trees and observe the surrounding environment for a long time before they get up and move.

But they didn't know it at all, and Lynn's pilot had been following them.

At the same time, Lin's reaper has taken off, Lin will deal with these shadow monsters, regardless of their purpose.

Suddenly, Lin found that a creature appeared in front of a shadow monster, which was a centipede, crawling on the ground.

The shadow monster immediately climbed up a twisted tree next to it. It looked down upon the centipede, and after watching it for a while, it turned around and ran away.

Then, Lin found that these shadow monsters seemed to be observing the creatures in the jungle. They would look at each creature they encountered for a long time, and then escaped. If they had already encountered them, they would not even look at them.

They seemed to be looking for something. Lin now guessed what they were doing, but could not fully confirm.

In the end, a shadow monster found a creature by the river in the dark plains, and this creature stopped it and observed it for quite a long time.

The creature it observes, Lin called it a 'land shark', is simply a terrestrial shark. Lin had previously discovered that this peculiar shark has strong pectoral fins and can stick to the ground like a squid fish. Occasionally found by the river.

The land shark is two meters long and about the size of the shadow monster. It is a very brutal carnivorous creature, and now the shadow monster slowly crawls to the branch above the land shark's head while making a low gurgle.

Seeing this scene, Lin immediately knew what the Inca Swarm wanted to do.

Just like last time, the Inca swarm came to "steal" other creatures' abilities, but this time they didn't attack so arrogantly, but let this kind of action-secret creatures search quietly.

Inca swarms now feel that they lack the ability to sense, so they are looking for creatures with strong perception. Sharks have this feature, and land sharks are no exception. A special sensing structure on their heads can sense small changes in current. You can even know the beating of the other party's biological heart.

So this is the case, do you want to get this ability?

At this moment, the shadow monster suddenly rushed from the branch, grabbed the land shark from the back, Lin saw it lifted his tail instantly, and pierced the land shark's abdomen.

The Landing Shark only reacted at this moment. It roared and flung away the Shadow Monster from behind. The Shadow Monster jumped away and retreated to stare at it ten meters away from the Land Shark.

Landing Shark and Shadow Monster glanced around and turned and ran into the river to swim away.

Has the Shadow Monster let go of the shark?No, it just stabbed it, there must be something wrong with it.

The Shadow Monster looked at the direction in which the shark was swimming. Lynn didn't know if it would chase it, but it didn't matter.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed through the sky, accompanied by the scream of the reaper's rush, and the sharp blade wings instantly swept across the shadow monster's body.