4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 226 Creatures of the New Era

In five days and nights, the sea water has flooded to the border of the underground world, that is, the place where the spiked wall of death is.

Of course, there are no death spikes there anymore. They are all pulled up by Lin. Lin found that they can regenerate as long as a small segment, so they were cut into small segments and taken out.

Now, only the rocky land has not been submerged.

Because the whole terrain gradually becomes higher, the sea water needs to keep rising to continue to drown, especially where the spiked wall of death, the terrain is particularly high, it may take a while to flood up.

And in those areas that have been completely covered by seawater, the water level is already tens of meters high. The influx of seawater can be said to turn the underground world into an ocean.

But it is quite a weird ocean ...

At the moment when the sea rushed in, the glowing creatures at the top of the cave stopped glowing. Although there are some holes in the underground world that are directly connected to the ground, they are still dark overall. After they stop glowing, the whole area is in eternal darkness. Among.

In the dark 'ocean' of the underground world, there are wreckage of plants, rocks, wood chips of home trees and a large number of biological corpses. In the original territory of the Inca swarm, there are also sharks, helmet fish, etc. Fish creatures, they swim in the world that used to be a jungle, eat some drowned creatures when they are tired, and live a comfortable life.

The sea water also brought some ancient squids. These creatures are more cautious, but they also have the spirit of exploration. They like to hug together. Lin found that they will also gather some glowing fungi together, and then secrete a mucous membrane to wrap it , Make a little lantern, and explore slowly in the dark environment.

The ancient squid had a peculiar activity, so Lin couldn't help but observe for a while. They let the lantern-carrying swim in the middle, and then surrounded by a guard with sharp branches, and several ancient squids were holding one piece each. Round stone, don't know what it is used for.

Lynn used sound to understand their whereabouts. The direction of their swim is ... the surface of the water, and there was a huge giant floating there.

The collapsed home tree is hollow inside, and the wooden structure is filled with holes because of fungal infections, so it can float in the water. It has become a place where those creatures that have not drowned have gathered, whether they are carnivorous or planted. The food is gathered together, constantly shaking the body.

This is a special ability. It produces a lot of heat through continuous movement, but it consumes a lot of energy. It is generally used only as a last resort, which means that these creatures may not live too long.

There are also some creatures that are not afraid of water and cold. They may survive. For example, a creature called the spar, they have evolved one more level than their counterparts. General reptiles cannot produce body temperature, but they have evolved. Out of the ability to generate heat, they have a stable body temperature.

Spawning methods of spars have also become different. They do not spawn eggs, but let them hatch directly in the body, which protects the eggs from predators before hatching, and most reptiles give birth to offspring. I will pay attention to it, just prepare them for the birth of the nest, but Spar will take care of the offspring and feed them to grow.

Now, on the edge of the home tree floating on the water, there is a group of Spaniard cubs with a length of only 10 centimeters, they are constantly calling beside a one-meter-long female, expressing great hunger.

As the lizards heard their calls, they had to jump into the water in search of food. The wreckage of living things floated all over the water. They could easily get food. The lizards also swim very much, so probably there will be nothing. problem.

The female Spar lizard swims towards a cockroach corpse floating more than ten meters. Now Lin found that most cockroaches began to like to secrete some very viscous odor liquid to make the creature produce "nausea" emotions. This kind of 'disgusting' feeling is brought to the extreme, but that's the most recent food, so Spar doesn't want to swim too far.

But just halfway through it, a sharp piece of wood suddenly flew out of the water and instantly caught between the scales on the right neck of the spar, a few drops of blood also splattered.

"His!" The spa lizard immediately turned and rushed in the direction of the spike on the right. This lizard also possesses a certain intelligence. Many creatures will attack with spikes and the like, so the spa lizard can attack from the spike. The size determines the size of the attacking party, and thus knows whether it can defeat the other party.

However, this time it is facing a creature that has never been seen before ...

The spar rushed into the water. Under the dark water, it only saw a little light in the distance. It suddenly rushed towards this light without thinking, but at the moment when it decided to charge, suddenly on both sides of its body. Several ancient squids appeared. They grabbed sharp pieces of wood and pricked them into the crevices of the scales on both sides of the body. Some of these pieces of wood were not stabbed, but some of them were plunged into the flesh of the spar ...

The sudden pain made Spaghetti understand that there were more than one opponent, and he turned around and fled. When it burst out of the water, a wooden thorn suddenly flew out of the front and directly plunged into his eyes.

The spar suddenly gave a painful roar, and then the surrounding water surface shot a lot of wooden thorns again. These wooden thorns caused a lot of wounds on his body, and at the same time pierced the other eye. Spiked into the scales of Spar's neck with a spike, completely ending the creature.

Spar's cubs are still crying on the home tree, but the food they expect and the protector will never come back.

On the other side, the ancient squids were surrounded by the body of the spar, they were constantly changing bright colors, full of excitement, holding up the wood chips in their tentacles, it seemed to be cheering for victory ...

These creatures are really peculiar. This is Lin ’s first thought after observing the battle. At first, Lin thought that the ancient squid were just small creatures digging corpses under the seabed, but when they arrived here, they actually put a lot of drowning abnormally Ignore the dead body and go eat it alive.

Ancient squids swim by relying on water spray holes on their bodies, and they will also plug wooden thorns into their water spray holes to achieve long-range attacks. Sure enough, their intelligence is very ordinary. The specific gravity of the brain is 0.17% higher than the individual armies of the Inca swarm.

However, the shadow monster is not included, and the brain of the shadow monster is larger than the brains of ordinary arms.

However, unlike the Inca worms, the ancient squid can not connect their minds and achieve the unified activities of the entire ethnic group. Now two ancient squids fight to fight for their eyes, and then a third ancient squid appears and opens severely. The two ancient squids then eat it with their own eyes.

It can be seen that the third one is the role of 'leader'. Although they have high intelligence, they will argue with each other. Generally, the leader can enjoy the right to eat first, but it cannot always stay in this position.

A fourth ancient squid came over, and he directly fought against the leader, but after a bitter battle, he still lost to the leader.

The leader eventually retains its feeding priority, but like this, it may be beaten stronger than it at any time, but it will not use any wooden thorns to fight between them, but directly strangle each other with tentacles or Hitting the opponent, the weaker side will quickly spray water to express their confession to avoid more damage.

However, Lin has observed some ancient squids in the sea. If there is less food, they will not grab it like this, but will unite and quickly eat everything they can eat.

It is really interesting to observe these creatures. The ancient squid will also use some sharp wood chips to try to cut the scales of the lizard. They will make good use of these gadgets.

But they could not occupy the corpse for too long. At this time, another creature jumped from the tree in its home. It was three meters long, wearing a strong armor, and was fond of meat. Its name was 'Giant Horseshoe Crab.' The ancient squid can only escape into the deep water.

Lin believes that these creatures may evolve into a very special race in the future. Their adventurous thoughts make their intelligence increase faster, but also make them closer to danger. It is difficult to say whether they can survive in the future, but At least an evolutionary ... prototype.

The underground world flooded by the water can still maintain a state of non-collapse, because they are almost entirely dependent on a creature ...

Seawater destroyed a large number of creatures, but created a new environment, and the only plants that still stand in the water are ... home trees.

Some homes are not infected. Their sturdy bodies are still intact even under the impact of sea water. They are like giant pillars standing in the sea, supporting the heaven and earth of this world.

Of course, there is also a relationship of naruto. Because the rock layers on the top of the cave have a large amount of naruto, they also keep the entire rock layer from collapsing immediately.

But this is only temporary. The top of the cave is covered with many cracks. Under the tearing of the two forces up and down, the whole cave will collapse sooner or later, and the sea water will be squeezed by the collapsed rock layer. Landing has an impact on the jungle.

If it doesn't collapse ... maybe there will be no problem. If you use spider silk to stick the crack on the top of the cave, it may be able to stop the collapse.

But that is unlikely, the entire area is too large, and the time is not enough.

So Lin decided to do nothing, watched all of this slowly develop, and of course to remove some of the more special species, now Lin's only problem is the lava spider in the rock rift.

These spiders are very large, and even if Lin stuns them with a paralyzed toxin, it is difficult to drag them up, so Lin uses a new method to pull them directly out of the crack in the top of the cave.

After Lin finished almost all of these things, the sea water was about to rise above the "border" and rushed towards the last part of the underground world ...