4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

245 Ancient Documentary

Lin stayed in this sea area for a period of time, mainly digging up those carapace debris, but it did not find anything special as Lin thought, they were only two types of carapace ...

They obviously fought here, but their history is hard to know. After all, not every creature likes to make statues like the Inca Swarm.

But so far, Lin has found some useful things. For example, some of these creatures have a relatively complete carapace. Lin found a tubular structure in the shell near the tail, and some of the tubes actually still There are some round eggs.

Although only the shell is left, it can still be seen that this is exactly the same as the 'echo eggs' on the island above.

This is really strange. It seems that there is a very special connection between them. Perhaps the species that fought this kind of war is still alive, and put the 'echo eggs' on those islands.

But at present, Lin has no way to find them. If you are on land, you can find them according to the smell, but it is not possible at sea ...

Next, Lin continued to excavate these carapace for a while. They piled up to a depth of more than 30 meters, almost a three-kilometer range, but not every place was piled so deep. In addition to proving the brutality of a war , It can't explain anything else.

I dug all over the area, and I do n’t see what happened to this species. They did n’t seem to escape. They just kept fighting here until they died. I could n’t find any other arms. Such a huge amount of corpses, but The information contained was quite incomplete, and finally Lin stopped digging and continued on his way west.

During the journey, Lin may be able to discover more secrets, but there may be nothing to be discovered. The ocean is such a place.

The following journey is indeed relatively calm.

Within a few days and nights, Lin didn't find any special underwater creatures, no islands on the sea, not even wind and waves ...

It ’s getting harder and harder for the headworm to stay on Behemoth ’s back. When Lyn found that the headworm was sleeping, its rich brain needed to keep receiving a lot of information or thinking more, Otherwise, the brain cells inside will become paralyzed, and the various substances transmitted in it will cause some blockages and the like due to insufficient brain activity, which will cause various problems in its brain in severe cases.

The usual headworm control arms can solve this problem well, but now it has nothing to control, so it must still use the original method-look at the display.

Lin got the head bug into Behemoth's body, and showed it some interesting pictures with a display that was more than three meters wide. In fact, Lin was also very interested in knowing the content of the picture.

That's about the northern continent ... some creatures.

Although the arms there are sleeping, Lin still cares about some things, so she wakes up a few observation arms to observe some special things.

About the ecology of the canyon.

The twisted jungle can no longer see the "moon". The water in the canyon of the underground world slowly receded. There are only a large number of naming stones and potholes falling from the sky.

Because Naruto moves slowly in the air, not all Naruto in the underground world falls back into the canyon. In fact, only a small part of it falls back into the canyon, and most of it falls into the nearby jungle.

Many creatures returned to the sea with the receding seawater, and some creatures remained in the canyon. They hid in this slowly sparse world, struggling to survive.

What Lin observed was such a group of ancient squids struggling in the canyon. Lin called it the 'Ika tribe'.

The 'Ika Tribe' is a small group of ten ancient squids. They are located in the middle of the canyon, in a puddle with a diameter of about three meters and a depth of one meter. They are continuously observed by a waking pilot of Lin.

The main reason for choosing them is that they are more interesting, and many ancient squid are trapped in the puddle, but most of them will only wait to die. The body of the ancient squid cannot be separated from water, even if there is no breathing problem, it is easy to be dried or blown. Dry, so few ancient squids are willing to leave the water, even if they know that they will die if they stay there, and the ancient squids of the Ika tribe are more ... special.

The leader among them was hatched from a very special egg that Lin had seen before, that is, the egg left by the ancient squid that was once killed by the head worm, Lin actually has been tracking it. Although he had been disconnected from the observation for a while before leaving, Lin can still recognize it now.

Now, it has become a leader among ethnic groups.

The water in the pit has become scarcer under the wind and sun, and the food inside has almost been eaten up. Under this night sky, this leader began to act.

The leader of the ancient squid is generally male and female, and this ancient squid is the leader alone, which means that it has defeated the former pair of ancient squid leaders with its own strength, but Lin is not sure whether it is a female or a female. The male and female ancient squids are basically the same in length. It is difficult to recognize them without decomposition. Of course, it is also possible to see their behavior. At present, there is no obvious gender movement in this ancient squid.

It is obviously not the kind of ancient squid willing to wait for death.

At night, when there is no sun and the wind is light, it starts to try to approach the edge of the puddle, and tries to crawl out of the puddle with its tentacles to find food outside the puddle ...

It first moved after storing enough water in the mouth. In the first few times, it only climbed out more than ten centimeters and then retreated. Lin found that this ancient squid even calculated the time for the body to dry out to confirm that he could climb more. Far away, after the tenth time, it directly climbed a distance of one meter, and there was a body of a small shark in that position.

It could n’t bring back the shark ’s body, so it quickly returned to the puddle before it dried up. Next time, it found a sharp stone in the mud under the water and took it away to cut the shark ’s body. Corpse.

Each time, it cuts back a small piece of meat, and then eats it by itself, and at the same time it will share some for the same kind.

The other ancient squids in the population also learned the leader's method, they cut the shark meat together, and then took it back to eat.

The life style of these wise creatures is really interesting under the disaster. Although they seem to have not solved many problems such as the water slowly drying up, but observing them is very interesting. Just on this 'boring' journey, let Headworms see how they live.