Leviathan was flying upward along the cliff. The closer he was to the top of the canyon, the little flying dragon called louder, and the frequency was very fast. Lin could feel that it seemed ... it was happy?It may be because it is too young to judge whether Leviathan is a predator, but it can still know that it will be close to its nest.

Sure enough, the dragon's lair is above the canyon, but what kind of place is there?

Leviathan had flown for about two kilometers, and flew out of the depths of the dark canyon, but here the mist was filled, and the little dragon kept yelling in a southward direction.

Leviathan flew southward, and the further south, the denser the fog became ...

Until the mist is completely dispersed ...


Along with the cry of the little dragon, a world is revealed in front of Leviathan!

This is a vast place. The ground here is covered by a low green plant. A tall tree will occasionally appear in this green area. In the distance of the green area is a jungle environment. I saw a towering mountain, and at the top of the mountain was still smoking black smoke.

This is a perfect environment. It is completely different from the barren land that Lin had seen before. The area only has bones and death, but those terrible plague fungi seem to be blocked by the huge rift valley that is ten kilometers wide, and has no effect Life in the rift valley ... Although I don't know why the fungus can't float, this is really a wonderful feeling.

Leviathan slowly landed on the ground, which was covered with a large number of short green plants. These plants were not moss, but a new plant, which seemed to be the evolutionary feeling of moss. They grew straight. The leaves and deep roots are called "grass".

The animals here make Lin feel wonderful.

At this time, a large group of small reptiles with a height of about one meter ran in front of Leviathan. These creatures moved with legs, but the speed was quite fast. They quickly rushed to a lake in the grass. Looking for food by the water.

There are other types of reptiles next to this tree. There is a fat creature with a body length of about two meters drinking water. There are also some reptiles with long flat heads that Lin has seen under the canyon before.

There are quite a lot of creatures gathering at the water's edge. They are generally only about two meters long. Lin once made evolutionary predictions of various small reptiles that twisted the jungle. These creatures are in line with Lin's predictions.

Reptiles will become bigger and out of the tiny body they once had, and some of them may start to stand on their hind legs, much like reptiles slowly starting to evolve.

But after seeing one of them, Lyne didn't think so.

A huge creature walked to the lake at a heavy pace. It stood with stout limbs, its tail and neck were particularly long, and when its head was raised it was more than six meters high, and its length It reached twelve meters, and the creature straightened its neck and gave a burst of roars to the sky, as if to declare its territory.

Lin found that this type of creature can be called "dragon" in her mind. This kind of creature can't be evolved by small reptiles that have just separated from large arthropods. They have to experience at least a very long time. evolution.

Of course, there is another possibility. If it is a divisional creature, the evolution speed will be much faster, but these creatures ... obviously not a divisional species, but a reptile that has experienced an extremely long evolutionary time.

There may be some reasons why they have evolved one step ahead of the reptiles in other regions. It may be that there have been no giant arthropods here, or the giant arthropods here have declined a step earlier, so that the reptiles have the opportunity and time to evolve .

This land is separated by huge rift valleys, outside is a desert of bones destroyed by fungi, and here is a world of large reptiles. The flying dragons that Lin had seen before should also fly out from here.

As for the little flying dragon, it should be brought to the canyon by the big flying dragon.

This feeling is really fun. Looking at the huge reptiles by the lake, Lynn decided to give it a name-'Dome Dragon', because its head is relatively round.

In fact, it was the name originally in the thought, so Lin called it directly.

According to these creatures, it seems that reptiles can be longer than arthropods. If they are not specialized creatures such as deep sand buses or earth rippers, the largest wild large arthropods on land are lava spiders, but round Dinosaur has exceeded the size of the lava spider. Although the lava spider has a large foot development, its body is actually very small. The mist worm should be larger, but the worm is not an arthropod.

The most important thing is that no matter what the reason for the reptiles here, the evolution time is definitely not as long as the arthropods, and the dome dragon should not be the largest creature.

Sure enough, does the spine class have the potential to be 'giant'?

When Lin thought of this, there was a sudden surge of water on the side of the dome dragon, and a large mouth rushed out of it, rushing towards the dome dragon who was drinking water.

This big mouth, remember that it was the dragon that ate the flying dragon in the canyon. In this bright environment, Lin noticed that this does not seem to be an ordinary animal. The cortical structure of this 'mouth' is more than animals It looks like two leaves of a plant are joined together, and the middle is covered with spikes.

Of course, it is also possible that the animal grows like a plant, which is convenient for disguise.

But when it rushed out of the water, the dome dragon retracted its neck in time, without catching its mouth. It continuously retreated and tried to return to the water. At this time, the dome dragon stepped forward more quickly, only standing on the hind limbs, raising the forelegs Lifted up.


The domed dragon's thick forelegs stepped heavily on the mouth. Only a crackling sound was heard, and a large amount of dark red liquid burst out of the stepped mouth.

It feels like blood. The dome dragon stepped on it and walked away. It seems that it did not eat this. Lin thought that maybe it should be studied ...

Leviathan floated from the grass and flew in the direction of the lake. The little dragon was still screaming, Lin ignored it, and began immediately after Leviathan approached the strange 'mouth'. Reaching out your tentacles and preparing to break it down ...

In the blood in the mouth, Lin discovered that the structure of this creature is very strange, like a carnivorous plant that Lin had seen before-the spike of death.


Suddenly, a stone hit Leviathan's carapace.