"Roll over and evade quickly."

After watching the violent horned dragon group rushing, the head beetle rolled to a stone in a row, and the little flying dragon immediately ran with it. It seemed to be quite sticky head beetle.

But Lin thought they didn't need to hide.

Looking at the horned dragon leader rushing to the front, Leviathan aimed at it with a muzzle and shot a small pinprick.

After being hit by a needle, the violent horned dragon chief suddenly stopped, and his emotions returned to calm, while his group stopped.

They seem to be following the leader completely, and they are not violent.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Lin confirmed one thing. It seems that some creatures in the jungle showed abnormal appearance, and they were all related to the skeletal dragon. They probably used some kind of excited toxin to cause the violent reaction of these creatures. That's it, maybe Xiaofeilong's abnormality is also related to them.

However, Lin remembers the liquid that excites the creature. Lin has made Leviathan create an anti-effect liquid, which can neutralize the effect of the excited liquid and calm the creature again.

The skeletal dragon hiding in the grass slowly backed away, and after retreating to the safe place it thought, it immediately turned around and escaped.

But before that, Leviathan also "positioned" it, and a small needle sticked behind it, but it was completely imperceptible.

Next, Lin continued to send the headworm to the edge of the jungle, where Lin began to help the headworm build a nest similar to its twisted jungle rock until it produced troops in it.

The little dragon also took the head worm for granted, it seemed to like the head worm very much, and the head worm didn't pay much attention to it.

There shouldn't be any problem with the two of them staying together. While the head bug lived here, Leviathan continued to explore the jungle.

Leviathan flew into the jungle again, and Lynn let Leviathan directly look at the red tree. When Leviathan pulled the bark, the needles inside burst out again, and they hit Leviathan's carapace. The bombs are everywhere.

This time, Leviathan grabbed the bark and did not close it. Lin carefully observed the inside of the trunk and found a structure like a sphere. There were many small holes in the sphere. Among these small holes, Lin found A lot of seeds.

Lin basically guessed what was going on.

There are many small hooks on the seeds of this tree. It should be originally that every time a creature passes by, it will shoot these seeds and stick to other creatures to help spread. There are many plants that will spread this seed.

And those needles coated with excitement ... obviously were stuffed in by other creatures, and that creature was ... the skeleton dragon.

Their purpose is to cause some large creatures to fight, and then wait for them to lose both.

In a very interesting way, this creature is worth investigating.

After that, after a few days and nights, Lin first observed a lot of dinosaurs in the jungle, and at the same time found the location of the skeletal dragon. Lin found that it did not seem to have ethnic groups. Hunt some small creatures, and then go south continuously, it seems to be going somewhere.

Lynn asked Leviathan to release a pilot to follow it. Leviathan itself was huge and unsuitable for tracking, and Leviathan had to return to the Rift Valley to do something else ...

Lin has to deal with other things, so she turns her attention. Although Lin can handle many things at the same time, she doesn't like to do it. Lin prefers to deal with them one by one unless they are of equal importance.

However, this matter may be more important than anything else, and it can even be said that it has encountered a new threat.

Lynn's 'Fungus Sweeping Force', the bomber and Behemoth found something special about the plague fungus at sea ...

Behemoth discovered the lord of the locust swarm and its locust swarm in the ocean two hundred kilometers east of the mainland.

In fact, Lin did not see any creatures such as locusts in her recent fungus-cleaning activities, but the locusts she sees today have nothing to do with fungi.

The body of this locust is generally yellow, and their blood and body are not infected with fungi, and the locusts infected with fungus are purple, and the lords of the locust group are also the same. They change color because the blood is filled with fungi.

Lin tracked them and found out that these locusts were not combat troops. The lords of the locust swarms used them to devour the plants of the islands in the sea and transported them back to themselves, which would not cause any devastating disaster.

They are not as crazy as those infected with fungi. They will only eat enough nutrients to leave after eating, and they will completely change their appearance after being infected with fungi, so Lin has a special idea about the plague fungi ...

Perhaps this fungus can affect biological behavior by infecting the brain.

But generally speaking, the plague fungus will engulf all living things, it is unlikely to just infect the brain, maybe they are selective, so Lin grabbed some locusts and some plague fungus dust for experiments.

Lynn discovered a wonderful place where when the dust fell on various parts of the locust's body several times, they would grow rapidly, devouring the entire locust, and the same attitude as other creatures.

But in some cases, the mycelium spreads inside the locust, and they will touch the nerve line of the locust. At this time, the mycelium will climb up along the nerve line and eventually reach the brain.

Mycelium will invade the brain, but it will not engulf the brain cells. In general, it seems to be mixed with the brain.

At this time, the behavior of the creature will be abnormal, and the behavior of the infected locust becomes strange. According to the original, the purpose of this division of life is to collect nutrients for the lord of the locust group, but now its purpose of life becomes Let the fungus spread.

The fungus will spread the dust into the blood in its body, and then the locust will first find a way to infect some of the locusts that have not been infected by Lin in the experiment. At this time, the fungus will directly infect the brain and not swallow them. After infecting them, locusts will find ways to infect other things.

They spread in a crazy way, sometimes they directly commit suicide to spread, sometimes by contact and other methods, when the fungus infects the target and grows a lot of mushrooms and other structures, they will eat these structures. In fact, Lin found that they did not digest If you eat the fungus, the fungus swallowed by the locust will grow in the stomach and seep into the blood again. The fungus in the blood directly secretes some nutrients to maintain the life of the locust.

In other words, they are not a symbiotic relationship at all. It is better to say that the fungus enslaved the locusts, which is quite strange.

In general, fungi have no brains, but they can control brained organisms, and after the brains of locusts are infected, the fungi around them seem to become ... clever.

The fungus will react according to what the locust sees. For example, if the locust sees fire, they will secrete fire-resistant mucus. If the locust sees plants in the distance, they will grow a structure like a "gun barrel". Fungus dust fired past, and even when locusts saw flying fish in the sea, the fungus immediately reacted, releasing a smell to attract the fish to fly up.

If there is no locust, the fungus will not do these reactions, or the reaction is quite slow, like a brainless plant ...

How is this going?Can fungi use the locust's brain to 'think'?

Is this possible?Fungi have no brains themselves, so they "borrow" the brains of other creatures. Their way of life is not just eating like a plague. This is a very special creature.

They are similar to the original parasitic Inca swarm and can control parasitic species.

Lynn experimented with letting infected locusts mount arms like hallucinators or brain readers, but this all caused the locust's brain to bleed to death.

It seems that the brain is affected by the conflict of information. The locust's brain is small, but it can provide a lot of basic information to the fungus, even vision, etc., but there is no way to give the fungus any intelligence.

The same is true for the lords of locust swarms, the brain is not very big, but what if the fungus infects a certain highly intelligent creature?What will happen?

It may be that the fungus may not be capable of infecting creatures with larger heads. The simple brain locusts are easy to control, but the larger the head, the more complicated it becomes.

Next, Lin experimented on some organisms with fungi, such as fish commonly seen in the sea, etc. The fungus does not respond to these fish, even if the dust is directly placed in the brain, it will not Its control is swallowed as usual.

Next, Lin experimented with some arthropods, and found that the control seemed to be a very accidental behavior. Most of the time, the fungus directly swallowed this creature.

Even when it is infected with locusts, it is not sure to control this locust, unless locusts are infecting each other. If locusts are in direct contact with fungal infections, most of them will be swallowed by fungi. One out of every 100 may be infected. Brain control.

In this way, the fungi's behavior of controlling the brain is very random, but if they successfully control it, this creature becomes a living creature to spread the fungus ...

In general, there are two ways to infect fungi, one is very simple, it is to slowly grow mycelium to engulf the entire organism, and the other is to let the mycelium crawl to the brain and affect the brain of the organism.

Later, in Lin ’s experiment, it was found that the fungus was infected with a small reptile. As long as they were infected with a creature, it was possible to infect all of its kind in a controlled manner. There must be fluid contact between the infected and the uninfected. Touch can spread.

All in all, the characteristics of fungi make them more dangerous, and it makes it harder for Lin to know how far they have spread.

And recently, Behemoth also discovered that the fungus seems to infect some large-brained creatures. On an island, Lin saw a large, purple body with fungus infection.