As the bacteriophage slowly absorbed the invading fungus and crawled out of the body of the catcher, the plague dragon was staring closely at the ground at high altitude.

It seems that not only the dragon can pass the information to the fungus, but the fungus can also pass the information to the dragon. It seems to realize that the fungus is constantly being engulfed and what action it is planning to take.

But now ... it's too late.

Two explosive shells fired from Behemoth's muzzle at high speed. They aimed at the flying dragon underneath and drove straight away. When the explosive bomb reached halfway, they both suddenly burst into flames, and the two burning explosive shells directly Hitting the dragon's body, the fire suddenly spread on the dragon's body.

Lin uses a new adhesive fuel that can stick to the other person and burn for a long time.

The burning dragon made a burst of calls and flew from the island covered with fungi.

Lin mainly wanted to see what the flying dragon would do when it was burned by flames, and could it keep a clear brain?Or……


The burning flying dragon rushed into the sea, and the strong fire light dissipated instantly in the seawater, but the flying dragon never floated up.

The little dragon is not afraid of water and can swim. I do n’t know if the big one is the same, but the focus is not here, the focus should be fungi ... fear of seawater.

Plague fungi die when they encounter seawater, which is why they did not pollute the sea. However, from the point when the flying dragon rushed into the sea just now, it did not consider the fungus on its body. Can this prove that the fungus has not completely controlled it?After all, locusts even use suicide to spread fungi.

Leviathan slowly lowered his altitude, flying over the sea and watching where the dragon sank.

Although the fungus is afraid of seawater, the seawater should not fully penetrate into the dragon. The fungus can infect the lord of the locust swarm that does not get water in the body through the locust. I wonder how the dragon is now?

"Grump ..."

Suddenly a lot of bubbles floated on the surface of the water, and then, a huge black figure floated up from the sea, its limbs spread out, floating on the sea surface motionless.

... Is it dead?

Behemoth approached the water, shooting a hook rope from the muzzle under him to catch the dragon, and just as Behemoth pulled it up, the dragon suddenly opened its wings and raised his head to bite Bech The hook thread shot by Morse.

But after continuing for two seconds, it loosened its mouth again and tilted its head into the water.

It doesn't seem to be completely dead.

Behemoth pulled the flying dragon out of the water and slowly flew to another island not far from the fungus-infected island, which had only dry sand and rocks.

Here, Lynn decomposes the flying dragon.

Behemoth releases a large number of arms dedicated to decomposing fungal infections. Their shells can prevent fungal penetration and corrosion. These small arms drilled into the dragon's body to test them.

Feilong, like infected locusts, has a lot of fungi in its body. The organs originally used to hold the flame and fuel liquid have been completely used for dust. It is filled with a lot of dust and seems to be waiting for Feilong at any time. The squirting look.

This seems to mean that the fungus is consciously using the organs of the flying dragon. They know that the flying dragon usually uses this organ to spray things, so they are full of dust.

But now these organs are soaked in sea water, the fungus is basically dead, the mouth and respiratory organs are flooded with water when the dragon falls, and there is a plate-like structure that can be opened and closed in the dragon ’s mouth. It can prevent the flame from flashing back, but it can also be used to prevent water from entering, but the dragon obviously did not close the board when it fell into the water.

The flying dragon's brain also shows signs of infection. Like locusts, fungus and flying dragon's brain are mixed together. It is more difficult to judge that the infection is completely incomplete. There is no water in the brain, but the activity has stopped because of hypoxia.

After the inspection, Lin felt that the flying dragon was no different from the locust, but it would rush into the sea. It should be that the fungus had not completely controlled it.

Lin is worried that if the fungus can infect a certain kind of highly intelligent creature, then they may consciously control other creatures. In this case ... they can form an army of their own.

A powerful army carrying a plague will pose a terrible threat to Lin and all living things.

What a troublesome species ...

Behemoth slowly ascended to the sky, watching the phagophages slowly engulf the whole fungus island, Lin was thinking that the fungus might "think" the plan for the phage, so they could not control the high In the case of intellectual creatures, bacteriophages are used.

But it doesn't really matter. Lin doesn't think the fungus can change faster than she does.

But in any case, you must quickly and thoroughly clean this creature. The cleaning method is too slow now. Lin needs to speed up the progress. Fortunately, she has swallowed several fungal islands before. Lin has considerable energy to create a unit to clean these. Fungus.

Behemoth opened the muzzle on his body and released a large number of flying people. These flying people scattered and looked for fungus-infected islands on the sea. Each flying body has small bacteriophages. Once you find the island, you can rush to the island to commit suicide, and then devour the whole island with a bacteriophage!

At the same time, for the islands that were swallowed by Lin, Lin will build some special structures on it. Lin will build a tree-shaped structure base, and then create more flying people and bacteriophages to find nearby fungal islands. These Trees can also be used as camouflage.

Speaking of which, there is no such echo egg in the nearby islands. The egg has not yet figured out what is going on. Maybe some troops should be returned to the island where the egg was before to get some eggs to come back and see See how they are related to fungi.

It is possible that there will be another war, Lin, who will stand in front of all creatures in the Western Continent and contend with the plague!

This kind of war with the forces that destroy everything has a very great feeling.

On the other side of the display, the little dragon fell asleep on the headworm, and the headworm stared closely at the display. It also knew the current situation, and it thought it should also join the battle, so it was ready to start quickly To produce troops, the headworm said that there is a unit in its army that can fight fungi.

Although I don't know how long it will take to produce it, it is always good to have a little help.

Lin ’s base created more pilots and joined the ranks of the fungus search. Day and night also passed slowly. Another pilot in the mainland found some interesting ... things.

The pilot has followed the only surviving skeletal dragon for a long time. It has been struggling in the jungle. Lin's pilot has been following it discoloredly, recording its life and surrounding creatures.

Although the skeletal dragon has claws and teeth, they like to attack with various things like the ancient squid, but their technology is higher than the ancient squid. For example, the ancient squid will only find sharp objects, and will not ignore the unsharp. Things, and after the skeletal dragon finds the unsharp branches, it will sharpen its head with rocks.

There are also skeletal dragons who are good at using toxins, it will grind some poisonous plants, and then apply the poison to the pointed head. Lin feels that this will be poisoned when eating meat, but skeletal dragons have never been poisoned, it must be effective Choose the amount of venom and the location of the stab.

However, this does not mean that the skeletal dragon is smarter than the ancient squid, just that their living environment is different.

In this way, the skeletal dragon took a pointed wood and the plant venom on it, and slowly advanced south in the jungle.

Now, the skeletal dragon is staring at a horned dragon in the forest glade ahead.

This kind of horned dragon is different from the type that Lin has seen before. It is called 'protoceratops'. It has no horns, but has a back shield, and is very small, only 1.8 meters long. This protoceratops is used in the jungle. Mouths like pliers are digging the roots of the plant.

The horned dragons that Lin has seen now have this kind of mouth, and the skeletal dragon will cut this kind of mouth and use it as a digging thing.

The skeletal dragon moved quietly behind the horned dragon. It held up sharp branches, and then threw the branches at the moment when the original horned dragon bowed his head to eat!

The branch was accurately inserted into the protoceratops' buttocks, and the protocratos screamed and ran wild.

The skeletal dragon did not catch up, and the protoceratops fell down after running a distance of more than ten meters, becoming frightened and excited, causing the toxin to flow at high speed in its blood and die faster.

The skeletal dragon looked left and right for a while, noticing that no carnivorous creatures were attracted by the screaming and then slowly walked over. The props it brought were not only branches, but also a few stones, which were somewhat sharp. , A little flat but sharp, it hangs on its legs with a slender vine, the skeletal dragon first inserts the sharp stone into the weaker neck of the protoceratops, and then the wound is enlarged, and then cut with slabstone The meat inside is edible.

It's really good at using all kinds of things, so that it seems like it has a lot of limbs, but these things are still not convenient for their own limbs, and it is estimated that because of the frequent use of these things, the skeleton's body becomes Relatively thin, it can't fight some carnivorous creatures even as big as it is.

"Coo! Coo!" Suddenly there was a cry of creatures in the forest, and a small creature was screaming in the distant trees.

It was called the 'ganglong dragon', a sound made by a small dinosaur less than twenty centimeters in length, and it immediately screamed after seeing the prey hunted by the skeletal dragon.

Its purpose is only one, to tell other carnivores, there is food here.

The ganglong dragon dare not get close to the skeletal dragon, but it will summon some larger carnivorous creatures that allow it to divide up.

The creatures in this jungle are quite smart.

Lin noticed that there were noises from the surrounding woodland, and some creatures came along with a bloody smell.

The skeletal dragon suddenly became tense. It pulled out the wooden thorn on the protoceratops and stared at the surrounding jungle ...