
Under the brilliant starlight, Tucker and its people are dancing a weird dance around a wonderful statue ...

Lin can think of their behavior as a kind of thing before traveling ... see you off, but Lin has to teach them something.

They are not only painting better and better now, Tuck also knows how to use some hard stones to scratch objects and do a kind of work called 'carving', part of this technique is taught by Lin, they will soon Learned, and the things made have become more and more like statues of Inca swarms.

Tucker recently sculpted a special statue with members of several ethnic groups, mainly made of wood, which looks like a pterosaur, and then there is a fluffy ball on the back of the pterosaur.

Because the hair of the pompon is very difficult to sculpt, they use a kind of grass that looks like fluff and insert it on the sphere as the fluff.

This statue was placed next to the dragon dwelling woods inhabited by the community. After they were made, they always put some meat and some small balls that the dragon dicks gave them to eat under the statue. They were not used for Stored, generally skeletal dragons put food on the trees, these foods are specially prepared for Lynn's pompon.

If any large-scale prey is captured, Tucker will dance around the statue with the ethnic groups to celebrate, just like now ...

"Ooooooooo!" Tucker held a piece of meat high and cheered the pompoms in the sky, and all the other ethnic groups also shouted together!

They always like to do these things. When the intelligence of the creature becomes higher, and there is no pressure, they like to find a variety of things to do. Lin found that most creatures are like this. They like to think about various things. Things.

Recently, skeletal dragons have been learning the language of headworms, and their pronunciation has become more and more fluent.

In the cheering process of the ethnic groups, Lin's pompom floated above the statue, slowly rose to the sky, and flew into the sky of the galaxy.

The pompon flew a few times under the sky and told them: "Record."

"Record!" Tucker immediately shouted at the sound of pom-poms. Several skeletal dragons took some flat stones, and they began to portray them.

Tucker and other skeletal dragons portrayed the graphics of the starry sky on the tablet. Lin wanted them to realize that the starry sky would change slowly at various times, but if all the changes were recorded, it would remain unchanged in general Yes, the changes in the starry sky can be used to remember the route without getting lost, so that they can go hunting far away.

The skeletal dragons always migrated before and because they ran too far to find the way back. They could only rely on their memory to get an approximate location, so they used to find new places to settle when they went too far in the past.

They also painted stars before, but that was just casual painting, and what Lin taught them was to record the changes in the starry sky.

Because the language learning is very good, this group of skeletal dragons can also communicate with Lin more complicatedly.

In the process of communication, Lin found that they don't know much about "Moon", and it is estimated that the moon will not affect here. In addition, they don't seem to know how it snows. Surely it won't snow here?

This feels good, although the month is more interesting, but it will also cause a lot of trouble ... Snowing is even more troublesome, and Lin will be in a boring state throughout the winter.

Tucker quickly recorded the stars. Next, Lin told them to record them every once in a while, and record all the changes. It would take a few days and nights to record all the changes.

Although Lin taught them this way, Lin rarely recognized the way in the direction of the starry sky. Other creatures preferred to observe the sun instead of the starry sky. Some creatures like to put small magnets in their bodies to recognize the way.

But a star is enough, for Skeleton ...

After recording, the pompom slowly fell down and fell on the statue they made. Because the 'pompom' sculpture by Tucker was larger than Lynn's, it could just fall on it.

Tucker ’s technique for drawing starry sky is very good, and other skeletal dragons seem to be slightly worse, but they only need to know what they are drawing.

Suddenly, the sky crossed a dazzling light, which lasted for less than a second and then dissipated instantly. Tucker immediately shouted and drew the light.

That kind of light is called 'Meteor', because Lin has many 'eyes', so she can often see it, but what exactly is that?Moving stars?The huge fireballs that have fallen in the sky before may not be such stars ...

By the way, this kind of puzzle must be solved, to solve the mystery of the starry sky!What is a star?The sun and Yuelin can basically confirm that it is a luminous giant sphere very close to the world, but what are the stars?Is it a sphere far away?

Lin has been thinking about this problem more than once, and Lin has not stopped observing the starry sky. Although these wonderful things are untouchable, they are always flashing in the sky, providing a rare light for the night.

There are also many creatures that act according to the transformation of starlight, but no creature seems to try to approach them.

Maybe there is?It's just that Lynn didn't find out. There are too many wonderful creatures in the world.

Lin thought of approaching them, but because no matter what kind of flying creatures reach a certain height, it will be difficult to continue to rise, mainly related to some problems such as the air becoming thinner.

Lin ’s arms now use floating air bodies or wings, plus jet flight, they all need to rely on air. If they want to fly higher, they must rely on other power to fly ...

What motivation can you rely on?Continuous explosives?Or what other impact?

Although there seem to be a lot of options, it does n’t feel reliable, and the impact must be quite large.

In short, the separation between the ground and the starry sky is like a layer of obstacles that prevents the flying objects from approaching the starry sky, but recently because of the relationship between Lin and the Stygian cannon, Lin discovered something interesting.

Most of Lin ’s previous bombs were shot and flew by herself. Now Lin prefers to eject them with a pressure hammer and explosives. When the pressure hammer and explosives are used to launch explosive bombs quickly, Lin finds the speed of the explosive Can reach a very powerful level, even faster than the sound ...

But even so, it can't penetrate the carapace of the plague dragon, although this is not the point.

The point is that Lin thinks that if a thing is very fast, it may be able to overcome obstacles in the sky, but what is the speed?Lin calculated a little bit, and it may take a few kilometers a second.

This is only based on the information obtained from the initial contact obstacles. More things should be considered and more complicated calculations should be considered. Now the calculation is no problem for Lin, because the number of cells is almost endless, but now Lynn can't reach this speed yet, and needs a bigger boost ...

There are many ways to ascend, and it needs to be tested slowly, but at least there is research direction ... it feels like it was on land at the time, but this is much more difficult than from sea to land.

At the same time, Lin also found that although the faster the speed, the greater the attack power, there are still some very powerful carapace that can block this attack, so Lin has to study more powerful shells at the same time.

Attack power and defense power should be equal. If the attack power is too strong, it may make things very difficult to control.

Lin has now discovered more than one substance that can combine explosives, there are many other types, and the power is also different. Lin has also found that some creatures will combine liquids to perform explosive reactions to attack or defend. More research is needed.

Now the sky is slowly becoming brighter, and the skeletal dragons have finally finished painting these stars before the night fades. Because it is necessary to record the changes of stars in different days and nights, it is necessary to give each day and night a name.

At this time, Lin discovered the word 'week' in her thoughts.

There are seven days and nights on Monday, and each day and night has a different name. It can be said to be 'seven days'. It is the sun, the moon, and the moon. There is also a name called one, two, three, four, five, and sixty days. , Why should it be so called?Is there any particular reason?

Lin did not see the relevant explanation in her thoughts ...

Seven days and nights record the periodic changes of some things, but the units that record the periodic changes in Lin's thoughts are usually not very accurate, so this is temporarily used. If the starry sky changes around more than seven days and nights, it will be called another name.

In the daytime, the paintings of the skeletal dragons have ended. Tucker is leading its ethnic group to prepare for hunting. They now like to tie sharp stones with vines on wooden sticks to form a kind of called The combination of "spear" is much stronger than the previous wooden thorn.

Because the skeletal dragons are now staying on the trees, the dragon habitats have gradually changed according to their living habits. They grow thicker trunks to bear the weight of the skeletal dragons, and sometimes coil the trunks together. Make a small platform in the air.

The benefits of symbiosis have become more and more manifested, and Lin, it is almost time to start.

The pompon floated in the air and flew above a tree, looking at the endless jungle, Lin was ready to fly to a place.

"Gay!" Suddenly, Tuck's cry came from below, and Lynn found Tuck climbing from below to the top of the tree.

Tucker knew that Lynn was leaving, and its ethnic groups knew that Lynn had told them not to have any strange reactions, so they were still as usual at this time.

But Tucker climbed over again, and Lynn found that he had an oval object in his hand.