4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

380 Achievement of the leader

"Drop the crystal!"

Along with a burst of shouts, a group of standing scorpions put large crystals in their hands on the ground. Each of these crystals weighed about one ton. They were basically square and were the best materials for absorbing light.

Lin's spy also followed this group of crystalline teams as a "leader". Lin thought that as long as they followed them, she could leave the cave ... Lin originally thought so.

But here is still a cave **, this place is like a spacious circular area, there is no passage at all around the cave wall can lead to the outside, why did they stop to crystallize?There is no sunshine at all, only the dim light radiated by the crystals carried by the standing scorpions ...

These crystals are almost extinguished. If their brilliance disappears, the standing scorpions will always be in darkness.

Speaking, the standing scorpions that Lin had seen before will glow because they have a small luminous creature on them, but the standing scorpions living in the 'Red Village' do not have this kind of biological symbiosis. I don't know why this happens. , So they also need something else to illuminate.

"Dig!" After placing the crystal, a standing scorpion climbed onto a piece of crystal and shouted to the surroundings. At this time, a part of the standing scorpion with a crystal spear began to dig some softer places on the ground with the spear tip.

After spending more than ten days and nights with them, Lin began to understand their language more. They have a more complex language system, but Lin has not asked where they collect light. After all, they ask these things as "leaders". It is really strange that Lin thought they would collect the crystallized light energy outside. Now it seems that they intend to collect it by another method.

In fact, these days and nights in which Lin stays in the community rarely communicate with them, but these standing scorpions usually do not need to be commanded by the leader, they will do their own things, and they still regard the spy as the leader.

Perhaps the leader is more like an "object of worship" than a "director" for these standing scorpions.


Thinking of this, Lin suddenly heard the sound from the ground, and saw that the cave floor was cracked with some small holes, and some red caterpillars covered with crystals drilled out of it.

The caterpillars are very small, each one is about ten centimeters, but they are quite many. There are countless holes in the ground. Thousands of caterpillars are constantly drilling out of the ground. They reflect the bright red under the dim light. The luster is like a pile of rubies drilling out of the ground.

... What is ruby?Is it a type of red crystal?

"Don't step on it! Don't move!" Some standing scorpions shouted loudly. It seems that these caterpillars are the key to their light energy. It seems ... Lin still has to go out the old way.

The caterpillars on the ground shrank quickly after they came out. There seemed to be something changing in them, and they also gave out a slight light.

Lynn had basically guessed what was going on.

"Come! Protect!" Suddenly, a standing scorpion yelled, and saw a huge amount of black shadows appearing around the cave. Countless small creatures rushed out of the cracks in the cave wall. They caught these caterpillars. Drag back.

These creatures are ... Mao Yu?Lin looked carefully. The small figures attacking the caterpillars are all Maoyu with bright red fluff. This is probably the largest Maoyu Lin has ever seen. Each one has a length of about 7 centimeters. They can easily put these The immobile caterpillar bites in two.

The common common jade is very fragile, this is also the first time Lin sees that the jade is on the 'attack' side,

The scorpions are constantly stepping on the ground with the feet of the Maoyu running around on the ground, trying to drive these Maoyu, but there are too many Maoyu, they have caught a lot of caterpillars, some even open directly Eat and tear the caterpillars into pieces. This battle lasted hundreds of meters. Until the Maoyu finally retreated, the caterpillars in the venue had been reduced by half.

Lin hasn't moved, but just stayed there to watch. These standing scorpions are too clumsy to drive out small creatures. Some caterpillars are stepped on by them instead of eating them.

After finally chasing away Mao Yu, these caterpillars on the ground finally began to change, only to see that their backs began to split slowly, and in the cracks, a burst of light ...

It turned out that ...

Among the cracks behind it, a pair of wings with bright light stretched out, then the whole body, a new type of creature emerged from the caterpillar body.

The insects appeared on the back of the caterpillars one after another, and the entire cave was as bright as the daylight shining from them!All standing scorpions cheered, and the light energy emitted was slowly being absorbed by the crystal.

Lin grabbed a worm of this kind, and quickly swallowed it in without the other scorpions noticing it, and then quickly decomposed it, just as Lin thought, this should be their breeding period, this Insects are now called "red stone butterflies". They do not have a structure such as a feeding mouth. It seems that many insects have developed into this form. They mainly live in the larval stage and finally grow into an adult. They do n’t eat, they just fly to breed.

Mao Yu also knows their breeding period, so it was at this time that they rushed out to hunt on a large scale.

Speaking of most of these insects have the stage of 'pupa', this red stone butterfly does not, it is the larvae directly into adults.

The red stone butterflies born on the back of the larvae stayed on the ground, waiting for their wings to slowly congest and swell. They spread their wings and flew one after another.

Under their flying, all the crystals slowly light up. These redstone butterflies exude bright light. Their energy is stored in the larval stage. Now they will bloom here as much as possible to make more Many offspring, and the light energy they emit will also be supplemented by the crystallization of the standing scorpion.

I don't know how long this breeding activity lasts. Although there are many redstone butterflies, the brightness of the hair is still far less than that of the sun.

All standing scorpions were cheering, looking at such beautiful scenery, Lin quietly retreated from here with Susumi.

It ’s time to leave ... Go back on the original route. Although I have seen many interesting things, I have been here for too long.

These standing scorpions don't need any leaders to develop. Let's see how they grow up.

"Boss?" Just as Lin was about to walk out of this place, a scorpion noticed Lin's spy.

The standing scorpion chased in doubt, and asked the spy: "Boss, where are you going?"

"..." Lin was a little hesitant to say it, because Lin didn't know what would happen if they lost their leader. At present, it is no problem to see their life, but ...


Just when Lin wanted to say something, the entire cave suddenly shook, and a large number of redstone butterflies that had gathered and flew suddenly flew away.

All standing scorpions looked around nervously. The cave was still trembling slightly, as if some huge creature was moving underground.

"Run!" I don't know which scorpion yelled. All the scorpions panicked. They ran to the entrance of this cave ...

When they fled, they had no previous cooperation. The scorpions all pushed each other. Many scorpions fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lynn moved faster. Before they were in a panic, the spies had already Rushed out of this cave.

With the sound of vibration, the rock layer on the top of the cave began to crack, and countless sand and stones fell off the top of the cave, causing the entire cave to start collapsing together. It was buried together with those luminous crystals ...

The scorpions who successfully escaped stared at the place buried by the stone. They didn't seem to know what to do for a while. During the collapse just now, the red stone butterfly also flew out of the cave. The top of the cave flew around, continuing the previous breeding activities.

The standing scorpions around Lin are still stunned, as if this kind of thing happened for the first time, they don't know how to be good, their current emotions are only fear and confusion ...


The vibration of the cave continued. Suddenly, a large hole was opened on the ground, and a huge worm rushed out of the ground. It opened a large mouth covered with teeth and looked around all the standing scorpions around.

All the standing scorpions around fled in horror. The red stone butterfly at the top of the cave was also frightened and flew away by the worm's rush. The entire cave was in darkness for a moment.

The scorpions were too scared to move. Suddenly, in the dark space, a screaming sound rang out, and then quickly faded away ...

The scorpions were a bit puzzled. The screams they heard were not from the scorpions, but ... from worms.

At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in the cave, and the darkness subsided. I saw that their 'bosses' all exuded the crystal-like light, and a large pool of blood beneath it extended to The hole drilled by the worm seems to have been run away by the 'leader' just now.

The scorpions looked at the leader, Lin felt that the fear in their hearts slowly dissipated ...

"Chief!" "Chief!" The scorpions gathered around the spy, cheering constantly.

The spy lifted all his forelimbs, shouting loudly like a real leader: "Leave here, chase the sun!"

"Ooooo!" Under the words of the spy, all the standing scorpions around started cheering!

Speaking of it, Lin didn't know why they didn't go outside to live, probably because they had to pass the group of 'crazy scorpions' sites, but now it is just taking them out.

Under Lin's command, the standing scorpions walked back to the village. They took the crystal spears and arranged them in front of Lin.

"set off!"