
A strange sound echoed inside the pyramid. Lin listened to the sound and walked under the wall in front ...

Seems to be coming here ... The spy reached out and knocked on the wall, and the sound of 'Dong' rang again.

Sure enough, there was something in it ... Lin was about to hit the wall hard, but then suddenly Lin heard a footstep, and the spy turned to look. I saw five emerald dragons, including black pepper, running in from the entrance. Also inside.

"They are all dead!" Black Pepper exclaimed when they saw a large number of emerald dragon corpses on the ground. At the same time, they also noticed the spy preparing to knock on the wall. Black Pepper immediately asked the spy: "What's going on? "

"They were killed." Lin simply replied: "Scorpion standing on the ground."

"This is ..." Black pepper they only noticed that there was a strange standing scorpion with a sickle on the ground. Black pepper immediately said to an emerald dragon: "I have never seen such a species, I must report it to the king! And, Call the multi-point dragon to come in and have to deal with the corpse here! "

Emerald dragons have a fixed habit, and corpses of the same kind must be buried after death, regardless of their previous status.

"Yes!" The Emerald Dragon quickly ran out after listening to the order, and then the black pepper said: "There should be many standing scorpions, where have they all gone?"

"I'm looking for it." Lin looked at the wall in front of her again: "Maybe it's inside ..." As she said, Lin raised her hand and knocked on the wall violently!

'Ka!'A crack appeared on the impacted wall, and then the crack began to spread quickly ... But, Lin felt a little strange, this crack did not seem to be knocked out by the spy, just when the spy hit the wall. Cracks appearing.

"In the wall?" Black peppers also came over. There were more and more cracks on the wall. Suddenly, with a bang, a huge creature emerged from behind the cracked wall.

This is ... making a brain monster?

Lin looked at the creature about three meters long behind the wall. Is there any connection between the standing scorpion and the brain monster?Still ... Lin noticed that there was a room behind the brain monster, where there were actually corpses of standing scorpions.

Did the brain monster kill the Scorpion?

Lin hadn't fully figured out the situation yet, and the brain monster suddenly opened her mouth suddenly, biting the spy's head in her mouth.

'Wow!'Of course, before waiting for the brain monster to work hard, the three spears were suddenly inserted into the brain monster's face. It suddenly released his mouth with a cry of pain, and then escaped to the room inside.

"What kind of monster is this?" Black pepper and several emerald dragons came over, and the spear they had just thrown out.

After the spy touched his neck and confirmed that there were no injuries, he said to the black pepper: "It's a brain-eating creature."

"Brain-eating creature?" Black pepper was obviously surprised. Black pepper did not seem to have any doubts about the spy, but immediately said to another emerald dragon: "Hurry and report to the king!"

"Yes!" When this emerald dragon ran out, many more emerald dragons came in at the entrance. They were ordered by Black Pepper to clean up the corpse.

"Don't do this first!" Black Pepper shouted to the emerald dragons who were going to dispose of the body: "Now we have encountered a monster, come and solve it first!"

Black pepper brought these emerald dragons to the cave on the wall. They were all regular guards. They were all dressed in fine stitched leather armor and the latest weapons made of stone or bone. Although there should be no problem, Lin still followed them. Go in.

"The corpses of the scorpion are here ..." The room was dark, but the corpses of the scorpion could still be seen clearly. Some of the corpses were crushed, and some of the heads were missing. Obviously this can be seen It's a brain-draining thing ...

This situation is indeed very strange. Why is the brain-creating monster in the pyramid?And what about the sickle standing outside?Why is it single out?Didn't fight the brain monster?

Indeed, these situations are very strange. Lin ’s speculation may be that when the pyramid was empty, the brain-creating monster ran in by accident. Later, the scorpions hid in the pyramid because they were besieged by the Emerald Dragon. Among them were A standing scorpion began to deform and grow a sickle, perhaps because it wanted to rely on the sickle to break away from the siege of the Emerald Dragon.

Then all the remaining standing scorpions hid in a deeper room and glued the walls together, but after they were glued, it was found that the brain monsters were also inside. So, there is the current situation.

This is indeed a possibility, because the scorpions are all weakened by smoke, so the brain monster can easily kill them ... but there are still many problems in them. They hide in deeper rooms to seal the walls. Don't continue to be affected by smoke, but why keep the sickle standing alone outside?But the sickle standing scorpion was obviously not smoked to death, and all the emerald dragons coming in behind were killed.

The brain-creating monster and the scorpion, both of which are supposed to be species of the Yat ethnic group, maybe because the brain is dead, the brain-creating monster and the scorpion cannot communicate with each other.

Lin thinks that there should be hundreds of standing scorpions in the pyramid, but there are few in this room, it is estimated that there are other rooms.

After walking through the piles of standing scorpions, Lin could see that the brain-creating monster was shrinking in the corner of the room, and blood was flowing slowly down the spear inserted on its head ...

Including black pepper, there are ten emerald dragons here. They are scattered, holding a spear in their hands to make annoyance.

"This monster killed the standing scorpion here." Black Pepper said: "Be careful ..."

The brain-creating monster watched the Emerald Dragons coming around, and it stood up immediately, but the spear inserted in the head obviously made him feel quite painful.

Lin remembers that the brain monster once killed the white skeleton dragon in the whole village by the ability to release the brain wave, as if it had no effect on the emerald dragon ...

"Gay!" Suddenly, the black pepper shouted, and all the emerald dragons rushed up suddenly, and the body of the brain-creating monster was suddenly punctured by several spears, accompanied by a strong scream, making the brain Blame fell to the ground.

"Is it solved ..." Black Pepper went to the fallen brain monster and looked at the creature carefully: "I haven't seen this kind of thing before, so I have to draw it."

"Woo ..." The moment the black pepper finished speaking, the brain-creating monster suddenly moved. It opened its mouth and slammed toward the black pepper!

The black pepper was startled, but it responded quickly, backing away from the attack, and the brain-making teeth only left a little scar on the black pepper's leg ...