This record ball ... is exactly the same as what I saw before.

Lin ’s spy is quietly studying the ball beside the sleeping brain monster. It is only about 30 centimeters in diameter except for its smaller size. The structure inside and the one-meter diameter found by Lin at the entrance of the channel it's the same.

However, there is a difference. It has small tentacles near the surface of the body. It can be extended through the gap of the switchable carapace. This tentacle is not used for special purposes, but only for finding food.

In other words, this record ball has a more ability to feed itself than the previous one, it can feed itself!

Although I don't know what food it can rely on so thin tentacles, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

"Goo?" Suddenly, the brain-creating monster around the spy moved a bit, and Lin immediately let the spy leave here, hiding in a position that he wouldn't notice before, and now Lin wouldn't solve it yet, Lin wanted to see this brain-creating Blame what will happen.

After creating the brain monster, it raised its head and stared at the top of the hole.

There are some noises ... there seems to be something digging there.

Suddenly, with the sound of mud cracking, a burst of light suddenly shone down from the top of the cave, and I saw a white head coming in from the top of the cave.

It's crystal mad ... It really hasn't given up yet, and came here to dig this cave?

After seeing the brain-creating monster, Jingkuang immediately retracted, and at this time, the brain-creating monster also climbed up along the cave wall. Like a spider, it crawled very quickly, but just before it approached the cave on the top of the cave, Crystal Madness threw in something from there.

Lynn noticed that it was a red ball.

The ball just fell towards the head of the brain-creating monster, and the brain-creating monster jumped back at a fast speed to avoid the ball, but the moment the ball fell to the ground, it burst suddenly Open, countless tiny flying needles were shot from the bursting sphere, most of them were stuck on the brain-creating body, and even a needle flew to the spy's leg.

Lin felt that a toxin passed in quickly along the needle. This is a very strong toxin that can kill the cells inside at a very fast rate.

Lin stopped the heart directly and blocked the infected blood vessels with a chitin to isolate the toxin.

However, the brain-creating monster is not so good. It has a lot of such needles on its face. The brain-creating monster is an arthropod, but it does not have a hard shell, which makes the toxin of the needle continue to invade it. Inside.

The ball that fell before is a special plant fruit, it is called 'Explosive Point Fruit'. It will stimulate a large number of poison needles when it is impacted to a certain extent, and there are not only poisons in the poison needles. There are also seeds. In general, it poisons nearby creatures, and then makes it a seedbed of its own fruit. It is a special carnivorous plant.

Crystal Madman seems to understand the characteristics of this plant, so he found a way to deal with brain monsters, it is quite smart.

Crystal Madness looked at the hole and found that the brain-creating monster was completely paralyzed before it jumped from there. When it found that the crystal was still there without damage, its emotions were even more delighted!

It threw the record ball above to the side, and then dragged up the crystal ... and what to do?

Looking at the top of the cave, it is impossible for the crystal mad to drag the crystal up. If it starts to prepare the rope or something, it is possible, but it is too hasty to come down, and nothing is prepared at all.

The "weak" white skeleton dragon like Crystal Madman cannot climb trees. It can't crawl out of the cave wall to find what it needs, even it is trapped here ...

It seems that its cleverness is just a moment ...

Jingkuan looked at the dark cave passage, it seemed hesitant to go directly through the passage.

"Goo ..." The brain-drained monster next to him suddenly made a sound, and the scared crystal mad immediately made a decision. It dragged the heavy crystal and started to go deep into the dark passage ...

Lynn followed him all the time and took the record ball.

Although Lin wanted to see what the brain monster would do, it seemed quite interesting to observe it with this crystal freak. Lin wanted to see how long it could live.

The road of this hole ** is relatively flat, and it is easier to walk by dragging the crystal, but soon entered a pure dark environment, even without a light source ...

With a feeling of fear, Crystal Madness moved forward slowly in the dark. It couldn't turn around. It didn't know when the brain-creating monster would wake up.

And the front is also unknown. Even if the crystal mad falls into this situation, it still has no idea of ​​giving up. This is really very powerful. Lin believes that the general personal creatures encounter difficulties and the rate of giving up should be high. .

Perhaps, the crystal mad perseverance really played a role. After walking for thousands of seconds, it finally saw the light coming from the front.

But ... that's not the sun's light, but a erratic, flame-like brilliance, floating around in the cave ...

At the moment when he saw this light, Lin felt that the crystal mad had a strong sense of fear. It was scared that even the dragging crystal was thrown on the ground, and he fled to the rear after pulling his leg, but because of the strong fear, he ran After a few steps, I stepped on my feet and fell to the ground ...

Jing Kuang watched in horror as the flying light was getting closer and closer, it was almost scared to breathe.

This ray of light finally showed its true body when approaching, this is a… flying flame, it slowly drifted in the air, slowly approaching the crystal mad, crystal mad at this time because of excessive fear halo In the past ...

How could it be so afraid of this kind of thing?Lin looked a little puzzled at the back. The speed of the fire was very slow. There was nothing to worry about at all. It should be more afraid of the creature that made this fire-the rib centipede,

After the flames, a standing rib-like creature appeared. It smelled of the flying spear that fainted to the ground, as if hesitating to eat it.

Rib centipedes appear here, which proves that this channel is indeed connected to the crystalline woodland, but how did Li Scorpion dug out such a long channel in such a short time?

However, the rib centipede did not eat the crystal mad, but ran quickly towards the direction of the spy. Without looking at the spy, it ran into the passage from Lin and the crystal mad, and the flame it created It disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.


But at this time, Lin heard a new voice, and the spy could see three white creatures coming to this side through special eyes ...

Is that ... White Skeleton Dragon?