Here ... it feels weird.

Lin's spy has now reached the bottom floor of the castle. On the ground floor, Lin has not seen any room with a white skeleton dragon, and each room is filled with the only one thing: wood.

A lot of wood was squeezed into the room, which attracted Lin's attention that originally wanted to go out from the ground floor. Although these rooms were filled with wood, it can be seen that it was originally used to live.

Speaking of this, in this castle, almost nothing has been seen made of wood, most of them are made of stone.

This feels good, because the damage to the surrounding woodland is relatively small. At first, Lin thought that it might be because of the relatively small number of trees on the island, but I did n’t expect to see so much wood now. Since they do n’t use wood, why take it? How much is here?It's better to put it outside to rot.

Many of the rooms on the ground floor are stacked with wood, and some are empty. After walking through these strange rooms, Lin finally reached the gate of the castle ...

The center of the bottom of the castle is like a large square, and the whole is quite empty. There are many white skeleton dragon guards. Some of them are fighting each other in the square, they seem to be training, and some are standing in a daze, in front of them. On the wall, there is a huge stone door about ten meters high.

Such a huge door is definitely difficult to push, and Baixuelong also understands this, so they made a small door next to the giant door that just let a white skeleton pass ...

In this way, the gates are completely useless. What did they think when they built the gate ...

The wicket was opening there now, and Lin walked out of the wicket easily. Finally, the spy who had been swaying in the castle for a long time felt the warmth of the sun again ...

And, a white snow.

Lin felt that the city of Bai Miaolong was quite appropriate to be called "Snow White City". The exit of the castle where the spy is standing is located on a higher mountain. Looking down from the mountain, you can see a group of white buildings. The buildings extend far and far, and the white skeleton dragons moving between the buildings, their colors form a special landscape, just like the snow covering thousands of miles in winter.

Although there is no winter here.

Looking back, it is a huge castle. This castle is built on a mountain. Even the nearest building is at least one hundred meters away from this castle. Maybe the white skeleton dragon living below will be very envious of the castle. 'Nobles'.

Lin walked down the trail on the hillside, and the road was covered with bright red flowers on both sides, but not only here, even the whole mountain around the castle was covered with flowers of different colors, countless The insects are flying among the flowers, even if this mountain is called 'Flower Mountain'.

But Lin did not see any tree.

After walking down the mountain, Lin passed a gate guarded by guards and entered the city. The city feels very similar to the Emerald Dragon City. The buildings are not high. Various white skeleton dragons hold their own Things walk around, some are on the side of the road.

They live quite busy like the Emerald Dragon. In fact, they have no change compared to the previous "wild life". Each white skeleton dragon is in endless competition and works hard to obtain resources.

They should have lived here for a long time, but due to the size of the island or other reasons, these white skeleton dragons have not expanded infinitely, but the number of white skeleton dragons in the entire city may be several times that of the emerald dragon ...

Here, Lynn's white skeletal dragon can finally be used without discoloration. It shows that the form of a white skeletal dragon 'melted' into the city.

"Something good, this thing is rare!" Almost immediately after the spy appeared, a white skeletal dragon cub ran over, grabbed the spy's hand, and stuffed some beetles into the spy's hand, and He kept calling for spies to "buy" this.

Lin looked at the white skeletal dragon cub. It seemed that it had just reached the age where she could walk around. Even such a small cub had to come out to compete. It seemed that the life situation of the white skeletal dragon was not as calm as recorded in the library 'Well.

But this beetle is indeed very rare. Lynn called it an "art bug", which, like its name, will explode.

Looking at the pup entangled at hand, the spy took out some oval crust from the waist bag and handed it to the pup. The pup happily ran away after he got it.

In order to prevent being treated as "Xiamin" or something, Lin's spy also wore something on her body, like a leather bag for stuffing, but it contained oval shells with a length of about three centimeters.

In the library, Lin checked the relevant information. Bai Miaolong does not use items for items. Maybe they think this is too troublesome, because when the other party has what they want, they do n’t necessarily have what they want. This makes it difficult to achieve an exchange, so they use a unified method, they replace all items with a "shell", and then use this "shell" to change something else.

So as long as you change to this shell, you can use the shell to change anything you want.

These shells were originally snail shells. They first picked up the original shells, and then processed and carved these shells into small oval pieces with a length of about three centimeters. Lynn had seen this special manufacture in the castle. Shell room.

Their manufacturing method is very special. It is necessary to engrave complex paintings on them. Only the specially trained White Skeletal Dragon can draw them. This should prevent ordinary White Skeleton Dragons from making such things themselves, and the place where the shells are collected is far away. White sand beaches, going through complex dense jungles, further increases the difficulty of ordinary white-skeletal dragons who want to obtain their own shells.

However, this will not disturb Lin ’s spy. The spy itself manufactures shells, and it is a breeze for Lin to make a small shell that is exactly the same. This also means that Lin can change anything he wants here.

Speaking of which, they like to use the word 'sale' to represent the word exchange.

"This kind of fish is delicious! You can have as long as ten shells!" "This jar is freshly made, as long as five shells, five shells!"

Lin was walking on the street, and there was a lot of screams everywhere. Bai Miaolong placed her things on both sides of the street. This is a thing that can be seen everywhere. The general supplies will not exceed ten shells, but it seems to be something more important. For example, a dinosaur reared by a white skeletal dragon, such as the 'big ostrich', requires tens of thousands of shells. It may be more to see the state of this dinosaur, usually the pups are more expensive than adults.

Speaking of how many shells did the beetle use before Lin?Just give it some, maybe too much, it will be so happy, as for that beetle Lin has been let go.

Because shells are used for transactions, it is also much more convenient for thieves, because stealing such a light shell is much easier than stealing other things.

Just now, there are thieves who have aimed at spies ... leather bags.

Because the spies are now on a road with fewer dragons, they will be stared at. Lin has noticed them. There are two white skeleton dragons hiding in a corner in front of them. , A white skeleton dragon came out directly.

He pretended to be okay and looked over to the spy. Although his expression was well disguised, his nervousness exposed it.

As it walked past the spy, another of its hiding companions suddenly jumped out of the corner and screamed.

At this time, the white skeleton dragon beside the spy slammed into the spy's leather bag!But at this moment, the spy grabbed its hand at a faster rate.

"Gay!" The white skeleton dragon cried out in pain, but its companion did not help at this time, but ran away directly.

This is too much to say.

Thinking, Lynn let go of the white skeleton dragon who was hurt by the spy. It glanced at the spy and ran away.

These white-skeleton dragons are more complicated than the emerald dragons. One scream attracts attention, and the other takes the opportunity to steal leather bags?Presumably, they did this because they waited too long in this oppressive environment of 'urban competition'.

Now, Lin continues to move forward. Lin is mainly going to the west of the city. This city is a city close to the sea, so the edge of the city is also in contact with the ocean ... In fact, Lin wants to see another 'king' there.

There are two kings in this white-skeleton dragon city, one is staying in the castle on the hill and is called the 'king of the mountains', and the other is staying on the other side of the sea and is called the 'monarch of the sea'.

Just call it Neptune. This is the strange "double king system" of the white skeleton. It seems that every king has the same status and his own strength. Lin is very surprised why they did not fight, maybe because they happened to be one male and one male The reason.

The reason that the king of the mountain is not in the castle now is to go to the king of the sea to visit it, which also caused the crystal madness to only wait for the king to return in his own house.

Lin thought that there might be a castle on the side of Neptune, there might be a library or something in it, you can see more information and figure out the true face of the creator ...

Walking through the noisy street, while observing the life habits of Bai Miaolong here, Lin went to the beach, and the sky quickly darkened.

The emerald dragon usually returns to the house soon after entering the night, but the white skeleton dragon does not seem to be like this. They ignite the flame to illuminate the darkness, and the whole city is quite lively as in the day.

In front of the bustling street full of fire, Lin found that a group of white skeleton dragons were gathering together, and they surrounded a familiar yellow creature of Lin.