"Squeak ..."

Above the rift, the sound of woody objects being blown by the wind echoed.

Above the dark abyss, a full fifty empty fish boats were flying. This was the second wave of troops dispatched by the crystal mad, making a large landing.

"You pay attention! Don't get too close!" There were two empty fish boats that were slightly closer, and one of the white skeleton dragons immediately shouted: "Gah! You are far away!"

"No way, there is wind here!"

Each empty fish boat is more than twenty meters away from other boats. Before that, Crystal Madam had done a lot of joint flight training. , Mainly because it has a lot to do with wind.

It is obviously too anxious for Crystal Mad to make such a move, but this rift valley is originally very windy, otherwise it will not remain foggy all year round.

For safety reasons, Crystal Madman did not board the fleet. It seemed that he planned to go over at last.

Lin felt that this was probably impossible for them, but if they reached the northern side of the mainland, they found that Lin ’s bridge could easily enter the mainland, but the white skeletal dragon landed on the western side of the mainland. Knowing that when you go to the north, you can find a lot of forests and a bridge across the rift ...

This team of empty fish boats is much safer than the previous one. They did not encounter any terrifying creatures. After a long and boring flight, they finally slowly approached the cliff opposite the rift.

"Discovered!" On an empty fishboat in the front, a white skeleton dragon was carefully staring at the cliff in front. It was wearing bright armor and was the main captain of the operation. It looked at the cliff and stopped. The empty fish boat, but above ... there is no dragon.

"There is no dragon on it! What's the matter?"

"Maybe they ran into the jungle!" Said the white-skeleton dragon with a fin on the side.

"Forget it, everyone hold on! Get on the beach slowly!" Under the captain's shout, the white skeleton dragon on the other empty fish boat spread its words to the back while preparing.

Fifty empty fish boats are mainly arranged in five rows, ten in each row, and start to speed up in the front row. They are all ready to crossbow arrows when approaching the cliff, accompanied by a whine, ten The arrows were instantly stuck in the cracks of the cliff, and then they slowly pulled closer to the cliff.

After the first row of empty fish boats all touched the cliff and were fixed, the back row of empty fish boats fired forward, and they shot arrows at the tail of the first row of empty fish boats, and then slowed down. Slowly close the target, they will log in one by one in this way.

Lin thought it might be better to try leaning on the cliff.

The captain's empty fishboat just leaned against the original one, and when he looked over there, he saw that there was not only one white skeleton dragon, but also a lot of blood ...

"There is blood here?" The captain rolled the gondola and jumped into the empty fish boat. It looked around and said: "There are traces of fighting ... you!"

Suddenly, the captain noticed that a blood-covered white skeleton dragon was in the corner of the gondola. It immediately rushed up and said, "What's going on? What happened?"

"Ga ..." said the white skeleton dragon, weakly. "We ... were attacked."

"Attack?" The captain exclaimed: "What attacked you?"

"Yeah! Cough!" Bai Miaolong seemed to be dying. "A large group of small ... black creatures."

"What's that?" Said the captain. "In short, it must be announced!" Then he ran away ...

Didn't heal?The blood-covered White Skeleton Dragon slowly stood up. In fact, this White Skeleton Dragon was a spy. Lin looked at the captain talking to the White Skeleton Dragon on his own empty fish boat, and then they shouted to other empty boats together. Tao: "Attention everyone! The first empty fish boat was attacked, it is said to be a dangerous and strange little black creature!"

"Ga?" The white skeleton dragons on the other empty fish boats were a bit puzzled, but they still spread the news.

Now they are connected to the five-row empty fishing boat. Because the airbags on it are too large to connect the gondola, a lot of ropes are used to connect the head and tail of the gondola as a "bridge". No white skeleton dragon on this 'bridge' will not tremble ...

Looking at the dark abyss below, these creatures will always come up with the idea of ​​"to fall".

But they have n’t gathered so fast on the cliffs. These white skeleton dragons have to do more complicated work. They need to use a lot of ropes and other things to fix all the empty fish boats together, making this place like a 'port Where you can meet the airboats that come later. After these connected airboats are stabilized, they can open the airbag and release the empty jellyfish inside to "ventilate". If the empty jellyfish stays in the airbag for too long , May die.

They bring enough materials to stabilize the airboat, but they do n’t know whether they can really be fixed. If they fail, all the empty fishboats will fall into the abyss of the Rift Valley at the moment when the airbag is released.

In fact, Lin is not quite sure why they are doing this, are they preparing for the future bridge building?

At the same time, there are some armored white skeleton dragons standing on the cliff, they are injected into the forest, facing any threat at any time.

And Lin's spy ... felt Bai Ruolong's cruelty to the same kind again. The captain did not return to this hanging basket again, nor did he mention that there was a bloody 'survivor' with other Bai Ruolong, as if he was going to spy Throw it there to die.

Although it doesn't matter.

Those jungle gnomes did sneak attack on the original team before, but Lin thought they would not appear again, because they are not many in number, and they live far away, seeing the white skeleton dragons on these fifty empty boats, they Will not decide to attack.

However, just as the white skeleton dragons were busy fixing the empty boat, something was approaching here ...


"Are we going to fly to the end?"

Above the woodland, there are five huge figures flying slowly, this is the five-headed dragon, and ten emerald dragons sitting on their backs.

"I don't know, Wang asked us to explore the terrain further away, but I didn't specify how far it should be. We have been flying for a long time."

"Yeah, after the king seems to have just won, he wants to find the next place for development. It is indeed a king. We will soon ... Ga! What is that?"

While they were chatting, an emerald dragon suddenly pointed forward, and they saw a huge dark rift in front of them, which forced them to stop the Yalong, and all five emerald dragons looked at them dumbfounded. In the Rift Valley, they are the first to see such a scene ...

"I didn't expect that there is such a huge thing here ... what is it?"

An emerald dragon found an empty fish boat docked on the edge of a rift valley cliff, and the huge dark green airbag instantly attracted their attention.

"This is really strange, is it some kind of plant?"

The curious emerald dragons flew to the rift on the Yalong. When they flew over a large number of airbags, they flew to the rear of the five-row empty fish boat and saw the gondola under the airbag.

"that is……"

The emerald dragons rode on the Yalong and saw the white skeletal dragon that was busy binding the hanging basket on the hanging basket.

"Ga?" At this time, the white skeleton dragons also found that there were huge five-headed creatures in the sky looking at them, and they were also riding some green figures ...

"Look!" After a shout, a large number of white skeleton dragons gathered on the empty fish boat at the rear, watching the emerald dragons riding the Yalong.

"There is such a huge flying creature in the creator's land ..."

"Gah! The dragons riding on it are green! They are green! I remember seeing it on the storyboard, they seem to be called 'no blessed ones.'"

"Yes, I have also seen the historical board, which says that they do not seem to have been blessed by the creator, and are very low-level creatures."

"But why can they ride such a large flying creature?"

... Does the white skeletal dragon's slab record anything about the Emerald Dragon?It seems that Lynn hasn't found it yet, but it is true to hear them say so.

The white skeleton dragons are discussing the emerald dragon, and the emerald dragons are also discussing the white skeleton dragon ...

"Why are there so many white skeleton dragons here? They seem to be discussing us."

"These slaves usually live in dozens of groups. How come there are so many people gathered here? And are these things made up like branches and strange plants made of them?"

"How is it possible that they can't even make a better spear."

Because neither side understands what the other is saying, they are discussing as much as possible, but Lin found a characteristic. The white skeleton dragons think that the jade dragon is a very 'low-level' species. .

The Emerald Dragon occasionally uses the term 'White Skeleton Dragon', which Lin taught Susumi, but most Emerald Dragons now prefer to call the White Skeleton Dragon a slave, whether in the city or wild.

Obviously, they all have a "look down" emotion towards each other, but neither party knows ...

An emerald dragon said: "We should fly back and report to the king. There are some weird slaves here."

"Wait, you see the weird things they wear, we should kill two and take a few pieces back." Said another Emerald Dragon.

"Yes, we should kill ..."

'Wow!'Before their words were finished, an arrow shot.