The pilot looked down from the night sky, it seemed that the entire jungle was shrouded in mist, the trees shook a little in this windless night, and the creatures howled in the darkness ...

The war of the dragons continues, they still want to kill the other party, but they now have to stop and face new threats from underground ...

Huge tree roots protrude from deep underground, not only the city of standing scorpions, rift valleys, salt lands, rivers, they are everywhere in this whole continent.

Viruses, like smoke, spread with the emergence of tree roots, and plants affected by viruses have produced some strange changes ...


An arrow swiftly shuttled through the air and stuck to a fluorescent tree root. This is the southern jungle of the city of Scorpion. A new battle started here. A group of skeletal hands clutched their weapons. They were facing The same target ... a tree that emits fluorescence.

Many arrows and spears have been pierced on it, but the tree is still moving slowly, and its roots are creeping like tentacles, trying to bind the surrounding skeletal dragons ...

"Gah!" Suddenly, several spears fell from the sky, and the spears slammed into the top of the tree.

"Goo ..." The tree suddenly made a weird noise, and then stopped moving.

"What the hell is going on?" The skeletal dragons gathered, and they looked at the tree puzzled one by one.

"This is the Du Meisha tree ..." Tucker seems to remember the previous things. Once, the pompon was 'reborn' in this tree, but after that, Tucker learned about this tree from Lynn. Thing, I also know that the appearance of pompon has nothing to do with trees, so Skeleton has no special feelings for such trees.

"This kind of tree is rare," Tucker said. "I saw a tree many years ago. It does attack us, but this tree moves much faster."

When Tucker finished speaking, there was a sudden sound in the jungle.

"What's this time?"

When the skeletal dragons turned around and saw, they saw some small flowers 'crawling' out of the grass.


At the same time, on the other side.

"This is not the spirit of the wood, you stupid stuff! They are just a kind of monsters with strange appearances!" Jingkuang gathered a large group of guards at the edge of the jungle, they faced some strange trees about three meters tall , A guard quickly avoided the attack of the tree, and severely cut off its branches with an axe in his hand.

The tree without branches was still shaking, but the white skeleton dragons quickly gathered around and cut it into pieces.

"Isn't this the spirit of wood attacking us with anger?"

Some white skeleton dragons hid behind and watched. They were the first group of white skeleton dragons to be attacked. Because of the various noises, the crystal mad also woke up.

"We didn't cut down any trees, and the spirit of the wood here won't be angry!" Jingkuan shouted: "Don't be harassed by this boring monster, continue to work quickly, we will find a way to attack in the daytime!"

'boom!'Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted the crystal freak's words, and I saw a big tree covered with thorns and more than six meters high emerged from the woodland. It was waving thick branches, as if waving a huge arm.

"How could such a strange thing come out ..." Jing Kuang looked at this terrifying plant, and it immediately shouted: "Quickly solve it !!"

"Gay!" The white skeleton dragons took the crossbow arrows and shot at the tree, but the arrow hit the top with almost no effect. The tree rushed to the white skeleton dragons with branches to support the ground and used another pair of branches Hit them hard!

"Gah!" These white-skeleton dragons were instantly blown out by the branches covered with thorns. The crystal mad shouted quickly: "Attack it with fire!"

"Ga!" Many white skeleton dragons with torches immediately threw the torches onto the body of the tree, and the flame burned quickly along the cracked body of the tree.

Its entire body was crackled and burned, and the movement stopped slowly.

But this is not over yet, there are still a series of abnormal sounds in the jungle, and more strange shadows are coming here.

It seems that Crystal Madman's plan to attack the Emerald Dragon had to be postponed.


The influence is getting bigger ...

The pilot flew quickly in the air, observing all these changes.

Not only in the city of standing scorpions, but also in the roots of rift valleys and salt fields, as well as many other places, the virus began to release. A large number of viruses spread with the wind and dust in the jungle. Changed by its infection, some trees have also started to change strangely not far from here.

The crystal forest, where the quiet trees began to move, they were trembling constantly, and the crystals wrapped in the surface of the trees slowly collapsed with trembling.

After breaking away from the crystalline package, their root system also began to break, and finally the whole body broke free of the ground. These moving trees burst out screaming, and they slowly moved together in the direction of the jungle.

This phenomenon is happening everywhere. Many plants that have been static all their lives have exhibited abnormal behavior. They break free of their own land, move their roots, wave their branches, slowly advance in the jungle, looking for a goal, and then ……kill!

'Snapped!'A protoceratops cub was swept away by the thick branches that swept across, hitting a rock heavily, and blood spewed out of its mouth, its body was dead.

This creature that killed it turned out to be a tree. To be precise, it was a moving tree. This kind of tree was called "hard flower tree" by Lin. It was a kind of tree about five meters high, although not high. But the body is very thick. Generally speaking, it has no basic muscle structure, but why does it move?

At this time, the tree climbed onto the corpse and wrapped the entire corpse with the root system.

This is the relationship that was affected by the virus released by the roots that had previously protruded in the city of the Scorpion.

This virus is a very special virus, it has no effect on common animals, so after crystal inhalation inhalation, there is no uncomfortable reaction.

Lin only had preliminary observations on these viruses, and did not observe their changes in detail in detail, but you can guess from the appearance. As far as the 'hardwood' below, you can see that its leaves have completely disappeared, but a few are shrivelled Hangs on top, and the bark is gone. Lynn estimates that it breaks down the cells in the leaves, because it takes a lot of nutrients to change.

After having nutrients, it began to grow a muscle-like structure in the body, and removed the hard bark, and began to move with the roots or branches to support the ground in this way. Lin felt that there was a structure similar to the nervous system in her body. Because the reaction speed becomes much faster.

The plants that enter this state will become like animals and can distinguish their own kind. They will not attack other infected plants, nor will they attack stationary plants, but will attack animals and be killed by them. Animals, they will try to smash its corpse and then absorb it under the root system.

In other words, after the virus infection, the plants will start slaughtering the animals!

A lot of observations have to be made in this regard. In fact, not all plants are affected. Most of the trees are still motionless, and some trees die soon after being infected, and small plants are usually not affected. of.

Several pilots flew through the jungle quickly. After a period of observation, Lin discovered one thing. Although there are many types of plants that are infected and active, they are all capable of attacking.

These plants either secrete toxins, or are covered with spikes, some will set fire, and many have the ability to devour their own prey.

They left the place and began to look for prey by themselves, but this is only a preliminary impact. It seems that these plants will produce more changes. Some plants have grown out of the original structure after absorbing a large amount of blood and other nutrients. .

This virus has such a strange effect on plants. It is indeed wonderful, but what is even more strange is why the roots of the drilled tree store so much of this virus?

Although the cause is not known, its purpose ... seems very obvious.

If these viruses continue to be released, it may subvert the entire continent's biological environment, animals and plants, and will fight, but in the future, who is the winner?What should we do with the scattered bodies?

Lin feels that these plants may have encountered the same thing before. Those common carnivorous plants may come from the same 'origin'.

This continent is not only an animal that has evolved faster than other places, but also a plant. There are a large number of carnivorous species in them. They must have been affected in the past, and this effect is-the "creator".

Perhaps, a long time ago, the extinction of large arthropods did have an inseparable relationship with the 'creator'. Perhaps at that time, the plants were as crazy as they are now, and they waged war with the arthropods.

After the war, the wreckage was everywhere, and the creators recovered the corpses of the entire continent as energy and returned to the ground to sleep. The energy of the entire continent was enough for it to sleep ... quite a long time.

Many small reptiles survived at that time and developed into dinosaurs with a rich variety now.

Some plants may be free from the influence of viruses, but they still retain some variant forms and have developed into carnivorous plants today.

And at this time, the creator woke up again, it released the virus again, trying to continue its ... destruction cycle.

This is just Lin's preliminary speculation, the actual situation is not yet known, and may be completely different after the observation.

However, Lynn knew what to do now.