4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

582 The Capital of Dreams

A city in a dream.

It feels like a very special and very interesting place, but in fact ... not as special as Lin expected, but it has a very ordinary feeling.

This is called 'Mudu', which is a fantasy created by the creator's dream. The pom-poms look down from the sky, and you can see thick trees one by one. These trees are hollow and have no roof. See some white skeleton dragons living inside.

It turns out that there are many white skeleton dragons living here, and almost all of them look like cubs ... how many 'predictors' did the creator get?

The pompom slowly lowered its height, flew into the city, and changed its appearance, completely transforming itself into a white skeleton dragon cub.

Although it can be changed outside, the speed here is formed in an instant, which is much more convenient ...

There are many white skeletal dragon cubs back and forth on the street, and there is no big white skeletal dragon among them, they live here entirely.

This street is not like any other city, there are no dragons selling things here, and there is no exchange phenomenon. In fact, they can do nothing here, because if the body outside is still alive, they can always Staying in a dream, and here looks like a safe area, will not encounter monsters or anything.

So these cubs looked very leisurely. Lin found that they were basically hanging around. Occasionally, some cubs would fight there. They threw out some strangely colored light balls to fight each other. Some seemed to not throw light balls , But the physical ability is relatively strong, can run very fast, or jump tens of meters high.

Lin doesn't yet know what kind of variation is the difference in their ability performance, but most of the abilities are obviously unusable to the outside.

The house here has no door, and you can directly see some of the cubs living in it, and their lifestyle is also very easy. Lin saw a cub waving his hands, and a lot of food appeared in front of her, with fruits and meat. What.

If everything can be created with brainwaves, it is really very convenient ...

Although they do not need to eat here, in order to develop a habit, the creator must let them learn to eat food.

These cubs are living a very leisurely life here, but ... they do n’t seem to be able to relax forever ...

There was a group of cubs in front of Lynn, who were discussing some things.

"After a while, 'Nightmare' is coming to attack here, are you all ready?"

"Ga!" "Ready!" "I've been practicing for this time!" "Why don't you come soon?"

Some of the cubs were very excited, and some were very scared. One cub said, "You ... I didn't expect much there. This is not a good thing ... When the last attack, many companions died. It fell ... you guys just came from outside the village, and you do n’t even know its horror. "

"It attacks us regularly, kills our companions, robs us of our strength, and no dragon has ever defeated it ... When you came, were you so excited when you heard the educator saying that this is a trial? Actually this is just a dead race. "

This cub looks more "old", and when it says so, the other cubs are not so excited anymore, but they are also afraid ...

It seems that this place will be regularly attacked by something called a 'nightmare'?This is probably what the creator specially made. The way to choose the cubs here.

Only cubs that survive the attack can survive.

However, Lin did not care much about this matter. Lin only wanted to know where the king lived.

So far, I have not found any place where the king may live. This city is a large tree house in the final analysis. There may be thousands of cubs living here, and the scale is not very large.

In this case, it should ... wait, this feeling ...

Lin suddenly found a very familiar feeling, this should be ... Headworm?Thinking, Lin immediately restored the pompon to its original form, and drifted invisibly towards the target location.

Is it below this?The pompon flew into a tree house. There was nothing in this tree house, but there was a big black hole on the ground. After watching it for a while, the pompon flew into the hole.

After entering the dark hole for a few seconds, Lin felt that the whole world suddenly lit up, and a wonderful scene appeared in the field of vision of the pompon ...

Here ... has a completely different scene from the 'ordinary' outside.

This space seems to be very huge. Lin can't see how big it is. It seems to be another world. There are almost countless tree roots. They are criss-crossed and covered with pom-poms.

Except for these roots, everything else seems to be unfixed. The cubs of stones, houses, water, or white skeleton dragons are all floating slowly between the roots. Here you can move slowly in the air after making a swimming pose.

Here is very different from the outside. Lin found that a water ball with a diameter of more than ten meters floated in front of her eyes, and there were actually some fish swimming in the water ball.

But these fish are also "woody" ... it seems that the "creatures" here are all wood except for the white skeleton dragon. What's the point of the creator doing this?

Maybe ... it indicates that nothing is necessary. The creator specifically created this place, which should be more than just letting the cubs "live" ... but it does not matter.

Thinking, Lin let the pompon fly into this wonderful space, the pompon quickly shuttled among these floating species, and went forward in one direction.

Lin found that all the roots of the tree are connected to a place, and that place should be the 'center point' here. Obviously, there is no place around it that is more suspicious than there. Perhaps there is the place where the king lives.

There are also many white skeleton dragon cubs living here. Lin saw them in and out of the floating houses, and some cubs are still fighting. Some of the abilities they released seem to be much stronger than those outside. Lin looked at the two cubs in the distance, and they could release a lot of weird light balls with a wave of their hands, or control some very large stones to bump into and out, and the loud noise caused could be transmitted to a far place.

This place seems to be where some very powerful cubs can come in, but I don't know what they will look like when they are 'powerful' here outside ...

"I'm rolling in the water, rolling, rolling!"

Just when Lin thought that, she suddenly heard a familiar feeling beside her, and saw a water polo beside her, while the head worm was constantly rolling inside ...

Strange ... is it actually here?

Lin immediately made the pompon stand out and sent a message to the headworm: "Maya."

"Guru?" A few bubbles floated around the head bug. It looked over here. It seemed to hesitate first, and then said to the pompon: "Do you want to roll together? Come in, together, in the water, roll. "

... Although the head worm is beyond Lin's expectations at this location, it may be a little abnormal. This Lin had thought about it for a long time, but it doesn't seem to do anything special, just roll over here?

Thinking, Lin asked the head bug directly: "Who are you?"

"I'm ... a tumbling person, everything must tumbling with me." Then, the head worms turned their bodies around, and various objects floating around, even the thick roots of the trees, also followed it. In a circle, those white skeleton dragon cubs flying around here were shocked by this phenomenon ...

"Continue to roll, roll, roll ..." After the roll, the head bug continued to roll in the water polo as if it was fine.

This look ... seems to be called "cognitive suppression".

Lin believes that after the head bug enters this dream, part of its thoughts may be affected and suppressed. In fact, many dreaming creatures are like this, and things that would otherwise feel abnormal in reality will be felt in dreams. It's normal, and they don't think about it, they don't doubt these things.

This is the result of some of their logical abilities being suppressed. It turns out that headworms are not going crazy or being "confused" by the creator. Is it just this simple situation?

In this way ... it is quite easy to wake up.

The pompon flew to the head of the head again, then Lin directly woke up and let the pompon release some brain waves to the head.

At this time, Lin entered the dream again, and Lin saw that the headworm was still rolling in the water polo, but after a few laps, it suddenly stopped ...

"Why, tumbling here?"

The head beetle had doubts about the current situation, and then it looked at the surrounding road again: "The weird area, concluded: it is a dream."

"This is the dream of the 'ground stupid.'"

"Lyn?" The head worm saw the pompom appearing outside the water polo, and it immediately rolled out of the water: "Why ... in the dream of the earth fool?"

It seemed that the head bug had forgotten something, and Lynn told it everything it had suddenly stopped while fighting Monte II.

"That's not okay," the head worm said. "It must be awakened immediately, to solve the stupid Montezuma!"

"It doesn't take you to wake up so quickly." Lin said to the head bug; "Now you can ... directly attack the 'ground fool.'"

"Attack stupid?" The head worm also seemed interested.

"Look around."

Hearing Lin ’s words, the head worm looked around. At the next moment, he only heard the sound of “boom”, and everything around him was completely enveloped by a blazing fire ...