When the power of destruction spread across Skyrim, all wars stopped, all creatures ... became more peaceful than ever, but they also became ... closer to death than ever.

Dozens of spherical bases with a diameter of more than ten meters flew through the air, and under their observation, countless creatures collapsed on the ground before Lin's eyes.

These dinosaurs were madly rushing around before, but soon they entered the next state: fell to the ground and groaned in pain, Lin must move at the fastest speed.

If I knew this would happen, I should stop those brain-creating monsters ... but there are too many unexpected things.


Under the roar of the barrel, something like a cortex was sprayed from the heights by the base. This kind of thing was called by Lynn as the "insulation hood". It would quickly fly to the head of some creatures and wrap it Its head, so that the creature will not be affected by brain waves.

However, there are too many affected creatures. Lin can only choose a few to "isolate". The base quickly sweeps through the jungle with strong vision. According to the information that Lin has observed all the year round, select the relatively rare species inside and carry it out. 'save'.

Lin found that although no creature can escape the influence of this brain wave, the damage to each species is different. Some creatures believe that it can survive, so the rescue goal targeted by Lin also includes those that are less resistant. .

But for some plants, it is more difficult to wrap, because the animal's receptors are basically in the head, such as eyes, ears, nose, etc., the brain waves are mainly invaded from there, but the plants are almost in the whole body, except for some small plants , Nothing else is very easy to save, but fortunately there are only a few plants with similar nervous system except those infected ...

And like the head worm, because its brain wave is strong enough, it is almost okay, but it feels a bit uncomfortable, but its troops can hardly move under the influence of strong energy.

I really didn't expect that the brain-creating monster could make such a powerful 'weapon', which had too much influence on the creatures with brain ... And now it is no longer possible to stop them, and now the brain waves are under the control of the brain-creating monster, yes It is aimed at attacking creators, but if they explode their pyramids, those brain waves may spread indifferently, which may kill many brain creatures instantly.

In order to defeat the creators, the Yat ethnic group will not hesitate to take the life of all brain creatures on the continent ... or that their main brains are not aware of this side effect ...

Probably because it was n’t completely completed yet, and Lin thought that Scorpio might have known, so they climbed to the shore to form a cocoon. The cocoon they made can prevent the brain wave from affecting themselves ... It turns out that they originally crawled Landing is for this.

Lin likes a rich environment of species, so it will prevent all events that make species rare!

Now, above the city of the Scorpion.

The three dragons that had been besieged by the infected plants are now almost unable to move on the ground. They fell on the ground and groaned in pain, but the infected plants were also affected and fell to the ground.

"Ga ... what the hell is going on ..." Only a few dragons with strong will, such as crystal mad, can still move, but it almost dragged its body and climbed under a pyramid.

It looked around, the original battlefield became like a gathering place for paralyzed patients, and the energy that caused them to become so still spread in the air ...

"... that's ..." Suddenly, Crystal Madness noticed that something exploded in the sky.

'Boom ...' With a thunderous thunder, a large amount of gray dust mist spread out in the city's air, and these dust mist slowly covered the whole area.

If you look in the air, you can see that some floating bases are shooting some explosive bombs, which explode in the air and release a huge amount of dust and mist.

The dust and mist soon enveloped the entire city, and at this time, the crystal fanatic also felt less uncomfortable ...

This is some dust mist with special tiny particles specially made by Lin. Although it is not complete, it can block the spread of most brain waves. The creatures inside should recover, but this dust mist is in the jungle area because of the trees and various kinds. Other things hinder, the effect is not very large, only suitable for use in plain areas.

And these dust mists are temporarily created by Lin, not so much. If they are too close to the place where the brain waves are sent, they will also have no effect because of the excessive energy.

There are a large number of creatures who can only look at their own resistance ...

But as long as part of it survives, the environment of this world will regenerate.

Although this attack has great damage to various creatures, the damage to the creator is extremely great. Lin found that almost all the tree roots on the mainland have been drilled back into the ground, but they still have no way to get rid of brain waves. Affected, Lynn inspected some tree roots and found that their internal organs resembling nerve structures have been damaged, and a large number of sword fleas have also entered a paralyzed state.

Although such brain waves are difficult to reach deep underground, they can be transmitted through the roots of the creator's exposed outside, directly affecting the entire creator ...

Some tree roots ca n’t even reach the ground under the influence of strong brain waves. They just stand still on the ground. Although Lin feels that it does n’t make sense, because before, Lin and the headworm almost destroyed the creator ... …

But for countless years, the Yate ethnic group has finally defeated the creator with its own power.

This brain wave energy didn't last very long. After a while, Lin felt the brain wave weakened, and then calmed down slowly.

This is mainly because there are some problems with the brain monsters. The white skeleton dragon cubs they piled up have almost died out under the influence of strong brain waves, and the group of brain monsters have become very tired. All of them are lying on the ground, and the brain-creating monsters themselves are extremely resistant to the brain waves they send, or they are completely unaffected by themselves. None of the brain-creating monsters died as a result, but they were extremely excited and happy. ...

"Tired, but triumphant." "The awakened are dead!" "Won't wake up again." "It's tiring to eat a hundred brains." "Eat two hundred." "Still don't know who those are. . "

They are like winning a war. They are constantly sending messages with cheerful brain waves to each other, and several brain-creating monsters start to eat the dead cubs.

"This is delicious." "This is not delicious." "This is broken." "This tastes like a turkey dragon."

Soon many brain-growing monsters got up from the ground, and they ate quite happily, but ... what will happen to them next?Do you revive the Yat ethnic group?Or is it to return to the same life as before?However, they are indeed dangerous ... after all, they will create this very devastating thing.

Lin ignores them for now, because there are many other things to do ...

In the next day and night, Lin quickly surveyed most of the creatures on the continent. This continent ... can now be almost described as' horizontal everywhere ".

In the jungle, animal corpses can be seen everywhere. They survived under the attack of infected plants, but could not get rid of the damage caused by this brain wave.

Some animals are still alive, but their nervous system has caused great damage, unable to move at all, and can only lie on the ground waiting for death ...

Lin ’s actions are not over ... Lin let the floating base release a large number of flying people, and heal those paralyzed creatures.

At the same time, Lin also let the underground base use the stored energy to create more troops. They find those paralyzed creatures and inject them into micro-arms. These arms will repair their damaged parts, and some use a special Brainwaves are used for treatment, while some stimulate their cell regeneration. In short, as long as they are not dead, Lynn can restore them to their original condition.

Lin also released some large 'collectors', which are used to eat the corpses everywhere and convert them into nutrients, and then create more troops.

This is a rescue operation. It seems that Lynn hasn't done such a thing for a long time, but if this continent loses rich creatures, it will not be interesting at all.

During Lin's busy period, the culprit of all this-the group of brain-creating monsters still eating the cub's brain to celebrate the victory ... and part of the brain-worm's arms are supported, and it also wants to Try to dig out Monte II.

Under such a strong brain wave, Monte II did not know whether he would be alive. If he was not alive, the head worm should feel ... very lost.

However, some creatures did show strong resistance. During the rescue process, Lin discovered that many creatures survived the spread of brain waves. For example, Mao Yu, seemingly smaller creatures, had resistance. Stronger look.

In the Scorpion City, the dust released by the floating base has been blown away by the wind. Although some of the three dragons inside are partly dead and wounded, most of them are still alive ... However, they are still not very capable. Free to move, Lin felt it necessary to look at the extent of damage to their nervous system.

Some injuries will never recover if left untreated. Most organisms have very poor recovery ability, but in fact they all have 'basal cells', and these cells can become any cell after being stimulated by different stimulations, as long as they are stimulated At this point, any damage can be recovered.

Although there are many things to do now, it seems that the real event is over.

But the creator, is it really ... disappearing?