
Is this an angry cry ...?

Lin looked at the memory of this creature and passed a dozen pompoms day and night. Its memory is very clear, but it is basically useless information. It is in a daze besides eating. It eats a kind of silver skin The meat wrapped in the object, I do n’t know what kind of biological meat is, but it looks very difficult for it, and it feels extremely sick when it eats several times.

It has lived in this hole all the time. Although it is 30 meters in diameter, it is spacious, but it has nothing to do. It does not go out and jump around. It has been bored in this place, and it will occasionally check it. My body, watching my body is eroded by the virus little by little.

It uses a kind of 'light and shadow amplifier', Lin temporarily called it the name, this thing can enlarge the image of very small things, very interesting look, of course, it is not interesting for this creature.

Recently, it seems that one of its hands is no longer active. It is estimated that it was damaged by the virus.

This virus is also very fun. It attacks very slowly, and usually does not occur at the fatal point, that is, it will slowly infect the body from limb to body, and then slowly to the head, Continue to cause great pain to the victims.

Finally, it was intolerable, and Lin could also imagine how it felt like this creature was being eroded by viruses every day and night.

Then ... it went crazy.

This crazy creature moved all the plants and other things placed in the cave outside the stone, and threw these things out with all their strength while yelling!

Because it was wearing equipment to protect the air, Lin could hear her cry clearly.

"Da —— !!!" Under its roar, the last plant was thrown into the meteorite group by its full strength ...

It was n’t just the plants thrown out by it, but also the board used to display the picture. Lin found that it could be folded up, and the thing that controlled the picture, and everything ... was thrown away by it.

Lin finally knows why she can't find anything here ...

Moreover, it is estimated that these things have been flying in the void for more than ten years. I do n’t know where they are flying, or they are attracted by other tumblers and hit the ground and destroyed ... It is not easy to find.

Why do you want to throw it all out?It's a pity, but Lin at least knows that this species throws things when it goes crazy.

But it didn't throw everything away, leaving some things in the cave. Lin felt that it might use those things to create the next scene.

At this time, it returned to the cave ...

Because all the glowing things in the cave were thrown away, the cave appeared dark, and at this moment, the whole body lit up with light, illuminating the whole cave.

It turns out that it will still glow, but this may also be the function of its equipment.

Now, there is nothing in the whole cave, but a lot of liquid is floating everywhere. These liquids were poured out before throwing things. It emptied all the water containers, which made the whole room look like Like a place where slimes were floating everywhere.

However, it is accurate to say that the water is sprayed out. Because there is no gravity, the water is not easy to pour out. It sucks the water into the mouth and then spit it into the air.

So ... will Lin find so many microorganisms in those ices after that?It seems to be all fungi in its mouth.

Then, it went mad again ... Lynn saw it pick up a sharp object and pierce it sharply on her body. The sharp object pierced through the equipment on a left arm, and its blood spattered out suddenly, Waving in the surrounding space.

It swings its limbs frantically, mixing its blood with floating liquid.

This action seems a bit strange ... Lynn feels that it does so with a purpose, rather than pure madness ...

But what is the purpose?

"Da-Da !!!" It yelled suddenly, holding a sharp object on his left shoulder, and under the continuous slam, its left shoulder broke a little, and then it grabbed The left arm yanked the entire limb off!

This memory is the clearest part, because Lin felt that it was in great pain, but she closed her mouth and did not call it out.

This arm is the one that has been eroded by the virus before. Although it can no longer move, it is still connected to the nerve.

Then, it repeated the previous thing, but this time it used not the sharp object, but ... a small tube.

That tube is a small bomb.

It stuck these tubes to his whole body, and then Lin saw his perspective rise.

It took its head down.

Lin found that she directly raised her head with her forelegs. When her vision turned back, Lin found that her nerves were still connected to her body.

It turns out that it still has control over the body when it takes off its head?This is quite powerful, but it is not useful for dealing with viruses.

It wrapped its head in white squares similar to those used to place explosive shells. Then, Lin could not see anything, but its nerve lines were still connected to the outside, and the body continued to work.

This cave has been kept warm all the time, and it seems to be planning to turn off the warmth supply here.

From the memory, I can feel that his body has been moving, and then pressed something ... Then, the temperature here began to change.

When the temperature changes, it withdraws its nerve line and then enters a state of deep sleep.

The memory is over here ...

This memory ... has many problems.

But the most obvious thing is that it fell asleep in the cave, but when Lin discovered it, it was in the ice floating outside.

Its body should be blown up after the explosion of the bomb, but Lynn only found the limb and sternum it had torn off. Where did the other limbs go?

Anyway, although these questions are strange, Lin also has new clues ...

Thinking, Lin woke up from the dream and looked at this cave where ice crystals were floating everywhere, and what happened in the past decades?

That is not the main problem right now. Let ’s take a look at the thing in this cave that provides warmth. Lynn has n’t continued to dig in this cave. It may be hidden in the rock.

This may be the only thing that hasn't been thrown away by it ...