"Wang! We found this!"

Above the distant pompoms, the emerald dragons cheered loudly, and an emerald dragon with a shiny object walked in front of the palace. , It can keep us warm for a long time! This time, our expedition journey will reach new heights and we will have a new future! "

"Very good." A voice came from the palace: "Good job, you will lead our latest expedition, I will give you the best strength and the best equipment, after successfully returning, you will become the new king."

"Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!" cheers resounded through the canyon. This is an unforgettable moment for the Emerald Dragons. Not only have they been sent to death, but a few elite Emerald Dragons in the city are also studying how to let the adventure The team lived longer. Recently, they have invented a new thing, mainly made by mixing two kinds of crystals, which is called 'gold crystal'.

They believe that this kind of object that can keep warm for a long time can bring them a new future. New discoveries always excite life, and Lin is the same now ...

The nerve line contacts and is completed.

Brain preparation is complete.

Leviathan hides far away and finishes.

Check the hole in the rock ** Nothing is missing, complete.

So, start it!

Thinking, Lin let the nerve wire sticking to the current line start to release current. This current is mainly controlled by a brain and a large power-generating organ. The current instantly spreads throughout the device and starts to run. stand up.

Although there is no air here, Lin can still hear the sound of the device's activity through the vibration ... it is activated!

Lin's brain is also subject to special feelings. Some are like controlling the nerves of a creature. Through the operation of the brain, Lin can feel and control every component inside.

Although Lin did not know how to control it at all, and Lin also received some information, it seems that the device is trying to stop itself.

It seems that it has an automatic response and will stop by itself when it is dangerous?It is indeed very dangerous now, because it has been out of operation for more than ten years, and Lin does not know if there is anything missing in it. In addition, the protective shell has also been smashed by Lin, and some of the pipes have been cut off and taken away.

But it doesn't matter, the brain can directly control this device to prevent it from automatically stopping the reaction, forcing the entire device to continue to operate, feeling that the metal inside is constantly running, Lin feels that she has succeeded.

But because she did n’t know how to control it, Lin basically did it casually. There are many things in it that are running automatically, and Lin deliberately changed them to use the brain to control the operation to see how it works. .

There are many things that can be rotated, squeezed, sprayed and so on. Lin also found that even a square object can be controlled to shake on the wall. What is that for?

But it feels much easier to control this thing than to control the cells of the biological body, because these things are too big?Usually, if you want to control other creatures, you must receive the information sent by hundreds of millions of cells every time, and this is only a few messages. The appearance is very complicated, but it is very simple to operate ... but it is still very interesting.

Lin feels that she can also synthesize this pure chitin composition, and then use a brain to control the "alloy", but the current is more troublesome, and the flexibility of the pure chitin composition is too poor ... but if it is muscle Mixed with this type of stuff ...

What is this information?

Suddenly, Lin's brain felt that there was something that was constantly sending messages. This message was being repeated, but Lin didn't quite understand the text and language of this creature.

The creature should be resurrected to explain it. Although Lin said that most of the viruses have been solved, her brain is still in a paralyzed state and there is no way to think about it unless it is allowed to grow brain cells again, which requires more trouble. Steps, and a large part of the brain needs to be replaced, including memory must also be replaced.

This means that it may want to form a new thought, so it is unknown whether it will have previous knowledge, and may not remember anything.

Therefore, Lin still disassembled and reorganized her entire brain, just like Susumi.

Although it may survive, Lin still does not know its complete structure. After all, there are many damaged areas. If you make a mistake, it may be ...


Just when Lin was thinking, the violent shock instantly made Lin's feeling in the control device disappear, and the huge rock with a diameter of 20 kilometers was also shocked.

Leviathan observed this situation in the distance. Sure enough, because Lynn turned off all the suppression systems, and also casually got it, could it finally endure and burst out?

That's the purpose of Lin, let it explode and see how powerful it is.

At least ... it is much worse than the creator. Although the whole meteorite is shaking, there is not even a crack on it. It may be because the fuel content is too low. After all, it is just a warming thing.

Leviathan also flew tens of kilometers away. It seems that this is not necessary. If it is the creator's explosion, it will have to go further.

Although there is no air, you still have to worry about the small rubble that pops up.

And the radiation inside is very strong, Lin can feel it with brain waves, it has no effect on Lin, but it has a terrible effect on other creatures.

... It turns out that using this tiny substance to bump against each other will have a chain effect, and then make the whole object react strongly to explode.

Use this method to obtain continuous energy or a one-time intense explosion ...

So, Lin can also learn this way ...?

This method is cumbersome to use, but it is meaningless to obtain heat energy, and the burned fuel will also produce continuous radiation to the surroundings. If it is built on a pompon, it is very troublesome to manage and it is better to dig down to the ground Use eternal light energy.

If used as a bomb or fuel for Leviathan ...

There is something better.

But also because of the discovery of these biological devices, Lin knew that he could use those subtle substances in this way. Lin had discovered a tiny substance. Although it was extremely difficult to see on the pompon, it was seen in the void. The frequency is relatively high.

Lin can use brain waves to control and collect them.