"Gooah !!!"

A green figure flew out of the snowfield and smashed into the distant ice lake, and a large crack appeared on the frozen lake ...

"Quick retreat! Ga! Retreat!"

The huge tree waved its trunk like an arm, and easily flew a few emerald dragons close to it. Seeing this, the emerald dragon leader had to shout to retreat.

Although the jade dragons, who had not even eaten a bite of roasted jade, were extremely tired after the battle, they had to escape from the powerful opponents.

"Goo--" The Buttertree watched the Emerald Dragons flee away. They did not catch up, but made a roar of roars on the spot. This sound sounded like the trunk was rubbing, but it could spread to all around. The multi-kilometer snowfield makes every emerald dragon remember their horror deeply.

"Gah! There's so much food here!"

After the emerald dragons left, they climbed a few figures from the tree. They were dressed in a mixture of leaves and leather, and they had long bones in their hands. They were looking at the surrounding Maoyu body with excitement. A few others were watching the campfire set up by the Emerald Dragon and some equipment left behind ...

"Those strange green dragons, they actually make this kind of thing!" A skeletal dragon picked up a crystallization boiler on the ground and looked curiously: "How did they make this kind of thing? Very beautiful!"

"That's not a green dragon. I remember the elders saying that they are called emerald dragons." Another skeletal dragon said with some weapons on the ground: "They had a war with our ancestors before."

"So they just attacked us just now?" A skeletal dragon said with a crossbow arrow: "Is it using this?"

"Yes, I have read records about this kind of thing ... it is used this way ..."

The skeletal dragons gathered together to talk about the various things left by the jadeite dragon. After that, they also began to roast the jade jade with the jade dragon bonfire, and the buttercups also gathered together. They can also absorb those quilts. Grilled food, or cooked blood clot.

When they chatted happily, no dragon noticed that on the distant snowy hill, a white figure was watching all this ...

After looking at them for a while, it turned and ran away.

The white figure flew across the snowfield, and its hairy limbs kept it from falling into the snow, and its mouth with sharp front teeth was constantly making small sounds.

The sound attracted the movement of the nearby snow, and white creatures burrowed out of the snow and ran with it.

They are like snowballs rolling in more and more, getting bigger and bigger. The initial white figure is the leader in the front, and its goal has been decided.

... those jade dragons who were injured and tired.

This Maoyu leader is a miracle of this generation, Lin has been watching it for a long time ...

It is smarter and stronger than other Maoyu. It not only observes the Emerald Dragon, but also observes how they use things. It often stays in place after eating food, trying to play with the Emerald Dragon's props.

Other Maoyu usually get through traps, or know the danger of traps after seeing the same kind, but this Maoyu is completely different. It can identify some new traps, doubt everything around, and then understand them.

It often triggers some traps deliberately to deceive the Emerald Dragon. Recently, it even started to play with the Emerald Dragon's crossbow arrows. Just before, when the Emerald Dragon and Buttermilk were looking at each other, it was also playing with Emerald Dragon's crossbow arrows.

It triggered the mechanism of the crossbow arrow, and an arrow just hit the bark.

Is this intentional?Or is it just a coincidence?

This kind of thing ... only it knows ...

"Gah ..." The emerald dragons were holding weapons, and the snow in their eyes was already crowded with a stuffed object.

Mao Yu is not killing a large group of creatures that will decrease in number ... that clever leader, it will never rush to the front, but is very good at calling Mao Yu to attack.

"This is our ... the last battle ... But ... our footsteps will not stop here, all dragons will inherit our pace, and finally, completely kill these white monsters!"

Looking at the surrounding jade, listening to the leader's words, the jade dragons clenched their weapons in their hands, they suddenly had no fear, they were full of confidence ... and screaming.

"Gahhhhhh ..." Xue and blood mixed together ...

Soon after, only the sound of Mao Yu eating food remained on the snowfield, but in the Mao Yu group eating wildly, a larger figure lifted the plush-covered head.

It looked at the fireworks in the distance, the gathering place of the dragons, and this leader seemed to have any special ideas.

"Guru." The maoyu made a small voice, and his kinsmen who had finished eating meat immediately gathered together, and then followed it to the distant fire.

'Boom!'After Mao Yudu disappeared, a hand suddenly stretched out of the snow, and then a green figure crawled out of it ...

"I will remember your sacrifice." The Emerald Dragon glanced at the bones on the ground, and he walked away into the distance without looking back.

It walked over a snowy field, and there was no fire light around it, nor any shadow of jade. This emerald dragon took a small creature from the leather bag on the waist.

The creature was still asleep when it was taken out, but it woke up quickly and looked around, the Emerald Dragon took out a small piece of crystal and tied the crystal to the creature's leg with a small piece of string.

Then, the Emerald Dragon threw the creature into the sky, and the creature immediately spread its forelegs and flew out of its sight.

"In this way ... the message can be transmitted back ... these things were the last time they raged on the snowfield." The Emerald Dragon looked at the snow in the sky and showed a satisfied expression, then ... it lay on the ground, as if Waiting for death.

The creature flying in the air still continues to move forward. The hairs on its entire body can temporarily protect it from the threat of cold, but it must still rush back to the canyon as soon as possible, so it will not fly in the wrong direction.

The Emerald Dragon took advantage of this creature, so they used it as a "messenger", which is actually a new type of dinosaur. It was also specially selected by Lynn. This dinosaur has a lot of feathers. They can Use this feather to fly, and their nose has a magnet, which can perfectly distinguish the direction.

It will fly back to the palace of the canyon, and some symbols engraved on the crystal will tell the king about their journey.

The Emerald Dragon has slowly invented its own text system. Some of them are like white skeleton dragons. At first, they are more like the symbols of the original objects, and then slowly changed into special symbols.

Although the Emerald Dragon lived outside for a long time, it didn't take long for this little creature to fly back ...

What will Wang do next?Is it going to kill Maoyu completely?The fighting of these creatures on the snowfield has become more and more intense, and Lynn is slowly progressing.

In the distant void, Lin Leviathan is looking at the moon in the distance, watching it rolling in the starry sky, getting farther and farther away ...

Moon has already left the tumbler that it orbited, and flew to the distant void. Although the direction of the departure is different from the original one, it will obviously return to the pompon and continue its circular journey .

Even if she kept looking at it, Lin couldn't figure out why it left. Everything seemed to happen suddenly, as if Yue had decided to leave.

Creatures on the moon will once again usher in an ice age, and all creatures on the moon will sleep again ... except for some creatures.

Void radishes, Lynn calls them now.

Lin Leviathan remained in the void, observing the creatures here. Although there are still many problems with the radish, Lin has often let them wear protective 'accessories' and let them move in the void, Learn about life here.

This was originally their hibernation period, but now they do not hibernate because they have been keeping warm, and they have become more and more energetic. Some radishes have learned to jump between stones.

This is not an easy task. If there is a slight error, they will float forever in the void ... But the large number of three-sex radishes soon produce some more adaptable individuals.

And although it is difficult for them to coexist with Pleurotus ostreatus, Lin found that they will feed Pleurotus ostreatus, which is a phenomenon that occurs on the moon. The radish will sweep the dust into the pond of Pleurotus ostreatus.

According to this situation, Lin can build some special ecology.

Now, Lin's "Void Flower" built in the meteorite group has been covered with more than ten stones. This "flower" usually has a diameter of more than thirty meters, and the huge blades are used to receive without any air obstruction. , The purest sunlight.

The transparent shell material covered above can filter out the dangerous radiation and light in the void.

Lin also made some brains for collecting particles, but they are still relatively small. Lin wants to wait for the larger "Void Garden" to make them bigger, because the brain is more energy-consuming.

However, Lin's recent goal is to find something special.

The thing thrown out by the "virtual people" ...

At present, Lin really found something.

These things include a pile of alloy fragments, an alloy device for controlling something, and a piece of equipment for keeping warm.

These things are very interesting. Lin found a lot of fun things on them, but these things did not stop because they hit the stone. They seem to be ... intentionally collected together.

These things are stacked in a larger stone with a cave on it, and the surroundings make it look like ... a living creature's lair.