The light above the city darkened, and the silver armored dragons hid in the houses one after another.

The originally lively street has now become empty. There are only scattered debris everywhere, and ... a spy.

The spy walked on the street where the debris was scattered, and his eyes looked at the sky. The original calm cloud surged, but this was not a natural surge, but something seemed to be rolling inside, stirring the whole cloud. .

"Ga! We must protect the residents here!"

The silver armored dragon guards who had previously rested in the city center lined up neatly and walked out of the house. They all held silver crossbows in their hands, and some guards also pushed large ballistas.

Sure enough, something will appear in the sky.

Lin noticed that there weren't many silver armored dragons coming out to fight, only more than one hundred. It seemed that most of them were still hiding in the room.


A huge noise suddenly sounded in the clouds.

I saw a dazzling ray of light falling from the sky. It shone on the streets of Yinjialong, which just happened to shine on several Yinjialong.

"Gah!" The silver armored dragon shrieked violently and screamed suddenly. The spies saw their bodies suddenly start to burn, and they began to roll and struggle on the ground, but the flames on their bodies did not become smaller, but Slowly swallow them all.

this is……

Lin also felt a little surprised when she saw this phenomenon.

At this moment, the light suddenly disappeared, and then shot down from above the other end of the street, and a few silver armored dragons started to burn.

this is……

"Don't be afraid! Shoot me! Shoot!" The commander ignored the surrounding burning phenomenon and looked at the air and ordered the silver armored dragons to raise their weapons and shoot at the sky.

Instead of the small arrows in their hands, the silver armored dragons pointed the large ballistas at the sky.


Arrows like spears were ejected at a very rapid rate and shot into the clouds of the sky.

The clouds in the sky are very low from the ground, and they are more bottom than some other places. Strong arrows can enter the clouds, but the probability of hitting the target is very low ...

'Boom ...' The clouds in the sky began to surge again at the moment the arrows hit, Lin could clearly see this time that there was a huge black shadow in the clouds, which looked like a swinging eel , But the body is very huge, the body is about ten meters thick, and the length is more than 100 meters.

As it moved, the clouds in the sky also turned, and part of the creature's body was exposed outside the clouds. Lin found that it was a transparent color.

It may be a kind of atmospheric creature, but it can be so huge, it is incredible ...

And this group of silver armored dragons did not fear when facing such a huge creature. They continued to shoot at the sky with crossbow arrows. Under the burst of arrows, an arrow hit a part of its body.

Even the arrow of the giant crossbow, this creature is estimated to be no different from the small pinprick, but this seems to irritate this creature, a violent roar came from the sky, and it felt like lightning was roaring, silver armor Can't help but lie on the ground with his head covered.

A big hole appeared between the clouds in the sky, and a huge 'head' was drilled out of the hole.

Lin saw that the creature's head was also almost transparent, with a lot of spike-like protrusions on it, and it had a large, cracked mouth, which dragged its extremely long body and dived towards this at a very fast speed. city.

"Ga! Run away!" The silver armored dragons who reacted on the street immediately hid on both sides. At almost the same time, the creature opened its mouth, and a ball of burning fire burst forth from its air.

'boom!'There was a loud noise on the street, and a pothole that seemed to have been exploded on the ground appeared on the ground, and a ballista that was originally there also instantly turned into fragments.

The creature's body had not fully emerged from the cloud yet, it raised its head again and flew high into the clouds.

"Ga! It's already staring at us! Go to the forest!"

The commander of the silver armor shouted, and the surrounding dragons hurried to the exit of the city, and they didn't even want those giant crossbows.

"Gahhhh!" As they fled, several silver armored dragons suddenly burned all over them. They struggled and fell to the ground, and no dragon around them ignored them, and they all ran desperately.

The only thing paying attention to them is Lin, but Lin is currently not clear about the reason why they burned. It used to seem that the light was shining before, but now there is no light, and they will burn.

Lin has not seen this phenomenon before, but it is not the time to study this.

The gate was just open, and the silver armored dragons escaped outside the city and immediately rushed desperately into the woodland of succulent plants.

At this time, the creature in the air appeared again from the clouds. It hurried towards the group of silver armor dragons running into the jungle, and the fireball in the mouth spewed out.

'boom!'Under the loud noise, the fireball hit a tall succulent plant, its outer skin was suddenly dissolved by high temperature, and a large amount of liquid spewed out from it, but instead of extinguishing the flame, it helped the fire start to burn.

The flame was burning and spreading in the jungle, the silver armor kept drilling deep in the jungle, trying to avoid the flame, a silver armor accidentally touched a carnivorous plant, and it was instantly covered with serrated leaves package.

Some silver armored dragons were caught in a strange green ground that was difficult to move. The armor and scales on their bodies began to melt slowly. Some were swallowed by a sticky and transparent creature that suddenly rushed out while running. ...

This is a jungle full of traps, but they still run inside, seemingly trying to lead the monsters in the air away from the city.

But there are still some silver armored dragons that didn't run very deep. They hid with the commander near the burning jungle, as if waiting for something.

The creature in the air has not actually moved just now, but stayed above the burning jungle. It seems to be watching the flame spread in the jungle for more than ten meters, burning most of the plants inside into ashes , But the flame did not continue to spread, but slowly disappeared ...

At this time, it swooped down from the air again, approaching the jungle.

The spy felt a strong air current, and all the burning debris and ashes on the ground were sucked up with the air current, and entered the creature's open mouth.

It seems that this is its way of eating. It almost completely consumes the entire woodland, even including ... spies.