'Click ... buzz ...'

Between the white sea of ​​clouds, a burst of strange sounds kept ringing.

The spy was sitting on a silver boat, swinging the lever above it, and as the lever moved, the boat responded differently.

Sure enough, this thing is quite fun.

Before, Lin also had a basic understanding of the structure of the ship, and inspected all the areas inside without hurting the ship through small arms.

The main structure of this ship is the product of various alloys plus crystals, which is very light, at least much lighter than the silver armored metal ship, and there are some hollows filled with a light gas. Gas Lynn has n’t seen it yet, and it ’s easier to use than before. This structure allows it to float above the sea of ​​clouds without sinking.

But it is estimated that it can only float on some particularly large seas of clouds.

The power is electricity, and the operation method is to move through these joysticks. As long as you push the joystick, the structure inside will react.

The main moving method is a kind of thing called a propeller. It is loaded on both sides of the hull, the head, and some other parts. It is generally cylindrical. It relies on the continuous rotation of the front and rear spirals to quickly suck in and spray air Flying and moving, you can also adjust the height of the flight, all controlled by the joystick ...

Lin had also thought about this flight method before, but it was not used because of the difficulty of turning and instantaneous stopping, and the speed was not very fast, but it seemed to be very useful for this ship.

The structure inside the ship is similar to the helmet. It can rely on the outer crystal shell and the two rows of crystals behind the ship to absorb light energy. It is converted into electricity in the ship for storage. The storage and absorption efficiency are very high, unless damage or long-term darkness , This ship can run forever.

This mode of action is also very interesting. Like the helmet before, the structure is very complicated, but the operation method is very simple.

After all, it is mainly for silver armored dragons.

But the most interesting structure inside is the conductive 'wire' inside. Lin found that they use an almost completely conductive material. Simply put, the current can be almost unimpeded.

Lin occasionally finds this kind of thing, and usually has similar characteristics only at relatively low temperatures. For example, in the void, generally only found in the nerves of organisms under normal temperature. Some structural nerves in the brain have this characteristic.

This is the first time Lynn has discovered that alloy structures maintain this characteristic at this normal temperature.

This is quite interesting. I don't know if this creature was made by myself, or where to find this material.

Because of this kind of thing, they make great use of electricity, so this boat can use electricity almost perfectly.

The ship itself needs a helmet to start. It cannot be opened without a helmet, which means that it cannot be a fool.

But what if the ship was not acquired by Lynn, but the Silver Armored Dragon?Will they create something similar?

Even if you can't make it so complicated, should you learn to use electricity?Now the silver armor dragon that Lin sees does not use electricity at all, everything depends on the interaction of gears to operate.

That is to say ... have they never been exposed to similar things?However, there should have been a silver armored dragon here before, or the prize at that time was not like this?

But generally speaking, they will not disassemble this kind of boat, even if it is broken, it is estimated that it will always be placed as a symbol of the king, including the helmet, and it will also be passed on to future generations. No dragon will dismantle it.

Or those leaders may recycle these things.

Speaking of the position of this ship, it is also very strange. It was actually placed in the sea of ​​clouds behind the house. It still needs to touch the metal plate with the helmet before it comes out. Generally speaking, no dragon will notice it ...

No matter how much it is, take this boat now ... where is it?

By the way, I flew to a higher level to take a look.

'Ca ...' The spy pushed a lever, the hull began to make a burst of noise, and the whole boat slowly floated under the propeller.

"Gah! Don't leave me behind!" At this time, Lin heard a voice from below, and saw that the silver armor dragon didn't know how it seemed to recover its strength, and ran over to this side.

Regardless of it, the spy forcefully pulled another lever, and the entire ship immediately rushed forward, breaking up a cloud in front.

Looking at the clouds floating around, Lin feels that this is even more fun than the flying people's flying object, is it because of the relationship that can't be turned?Still said that there are too many defects.

Speaking of that, the flying object is still floating in the void, it is estimated that it will not encounter other tumblers in a few million years.

The spy pulled the lever again, and the ship slowly stopped, and then began to turn in the air, and flew in the direction of Linlai.

Lin wanted to fly back to her original position first, and then fly along the cloud-covered mountain to the layer of clouds above.

Although there are some useful structures in this ship, Lin thinks it does n’t matter if it crashes, because the composition of the contents is recorded. The next time you find something similar, Lin can dig directly. If you find a lot of it This kind of conductive material can be used to do many interesting things. If you ca n’t find it, try to see if it can be combined with ordinary materials. This kind of material can constitute a new kind of shell.

"Goo ..." Lin suddenly saw a group of sky whales appearing in front of the ship. They drifted slowly across the ship as if they didn't notice the ship.

Most of the whales these days are quite small, only 8 to 9 meters in length, but some are very large. Lynn found that the largest one is 30 meters long, and it is directly in front of the ship, slowly drifting towards Here, there seems to be no intention to avoid.

Atmospheric creatures are very light-weight, but the overall structure is very strong, but Lin believes that there will not be too much problem with collision.

But ... what is that?

Lynn found that there was a white figure standing on the head of this sky whale.

Is that ... White Skeleton Dragon?It's not silver ...

"Gay! Stop!" The white skeleton dragon there suddenly raised his hand and said: "Stop quickly!"

'Ka!'The spy pulled the operating lever hard, and the speed of the whole ship began to slow down, but before it slowed down completely, the sky whale approached the ship. It quickly turned its head to avoid the collision with the ship, but the The white skeleton dragon also fell off the head of the sky whale due to its crooked feet ...


It fell on the sea of ​​clouds, but there was no slight pause. Listening to its screams getting farther and farther away, Lin felt that the white-skeleton dragon just went into a hole ...