Flying dragons usually work alone, but those with spouses are different.

Although it can be parthenogenetic, the parthenogenesis of the flying dragon may produce male pups. If the bisexual reproduction is possible later, the flying dragon will not choose parthenogenesis.

When a single flying dragon breeds, it usually produces a larger number of pups. Although it is difficult to care for so many pups, it can increase the chance of survival, and when the two flying dragons breed as partners, they will produce less There are usually only one to two pups. They will work hard to take care of this few pups, making it the highest survival rate, almost 100%.

This seems to be a new habit created during the ice age, and it is not the same as when it lived in the dinosaur continent.

Usually the flying dragon will surround the pups with smell or flames before going out to find food. There is no creature nearby to dare to prey on the pups. Perhaps the white skeleton dragon will ignore this information and capture the pups.

Flying dragons are now scattered all over the place, and it is not surprising that there are several places close to the sea of ​​clouds. Of course, they are also very concerned about this kind of special care for the cubs.

Because of the movement of the white skeleton dragon, the two flying dragons chased them over. Maybe they returned to the nest at different times, so the flying time was different, but now that they have all come ...

"Shooting!" The huge arrow exploded, but the flying dragon in the air easily flashed his body diagonally out of the arrow. It flew in front of a ship and lifted his paw and patted heavily.

'Boom!'The propeller at the front of the ship was interrupted and flew out instantly. The head of the whole ship was skewed to the side, and then began to spin uncontrollably. After crashing into a cloud house, it plunged into the sea of ​​clouds. in.

"Woo!" The flying dragon below made a deep sound. The flying dragon had airbags in it, so it would not sink completely, but the limb would be trapped in the sea of ​​clouds. If it was on the ground, even a hundred white skeleton dragons could not pull it. .

The flying dragon in the air saw the companion was trapped and immediately flew over. It blasted a fierce fire at the still stunned white skeleton dragon on the ground.

"Gahhhh!" As they screamed and fled away, the flying dragon trapped in the sea of ​​clouds slammed their wings and broke free of the rope, and constantly struggled to squeeze their bodies out of the sea of ​​clouds.

"Don't fly it out, shoot quickly ... quack!" In the air, another ship was shot and flew out. The previous flying dragon flew back into the air again and launched a new round of attacks on those ships.

The ships in the air try to avoid and retreat, but these ships are quite inflexible. Whether they are retreating or advancing, the speed of control is very slow. As long as a propeller is knocked off, they will turn into the sea of ​​clouds. in.

The previous guide told Lin that it was something for the fool, but they now use it to fight ...

At this time, the flying dragon trapped in the sea of ​​clouds also broke free. It spread its wings and flew into the sky. Now the ground troops of the White Skeleton Dragon have fallen into pieces, and there are not many ships left in the sky.

The two angry dragons destroyed the entire army of white skeleton dragons as if they were destroyed, and as the original "creator" that caused this situation, they just looked below.

Until Feilong noticed it again.

"Powerful ..." "Creator" and Feilong looked at each other for a while, and Lin watched her movements very carefully at this time ...

The movement method used by this 'creator' is very interesting. It will evade in an instant. At this time, the two dragons in the air have opened their mouths, and the flames are about to spew out ...

Lin noticed some color changes in the lower body of the "creator", and her abdomen seemed to swell.

Is this the omen before evasion?It was this moment that Lin was waiting for!

The spy immediately rushed to the back of the 'creator', raised his legs and kicked.

'Creator' seems to have a certain ability to react instantaneously. It waits for the moment of the fire-breathing to avoid it. Lin wants to see how it has the ability to react and how it can react at the same time.And, by the way, I also want to see what power it used to kill the shouting white skeleton dragon. It seems that it just touched it. I don't know what effect it will have on the spy.

But these are ahead of time whether it can be cooked, because ... the spy hit it,

However, unexpectedly, the 'creator' avoided the flames.

It turned to a position immediately after being kicked, and the action of wanting to retreat was changed to fly to the left, perfectly avoiding the fire of the dragon.

In the next moment, the cloud house hit by the flame below disintegrated instantly, and the spy fell on the sea of ​​clouds, and the 'creator' glanced at the spy, and then flew away at a very fast speed.

Seeing the two flying dragons at the same time, they chased at the same time, and left the army of the white-skeleton dragon with heavy casualties here ...

This 'creator' seems to be a creature that has a hard time figuring out its ideas, but it is also very interesting, thinking that the spy has also caught up with them.

The "Creator" is still holding the cub. It flies over a cloud house, and the two flying dragons are also behind. The "Creator" is slightly faster, but it can't get rid of the flying dragon completely.

"Gaga! Attack!" There are many white skeleton dragons living in the cloud house along the way. When they saw the flying dragon and the "creator", they all took up their weapons and faced the battle, but the flying dragon just passed by in the air. Ignore them.

After chasing for a while, a tall tower appeared in front of 'Creator', which looked like an alloy, and 'Creator' stopped in front of the tower

There was an alloy door in front of the tower, and the spy noticed that the words were written on the door: "Legendary Biological Witness."

What does this word mean?

"Biological disasters ... biological extermination."

'Creator' did not enter through the entrance on the front of the tower, but flew above the tower, and the two flying dragons also flew in front of it.

'Snapped!'Suddenly, an extremely dazzling light radiated from under the' Creator ', which made the two flying dragons froze a little, almost at the same time, the top of the tower under it suddenly opened, and the' Creator 'flew in immediately Then the top is closed again.

"Boom!" A flying dragon slammed the tower, and the whole tower suddenly buzzed.

'Creator' seems to be messing around in it, but it didn't come out. I saw a large amount of water mist suddenly sprayed from the top of the tower, and at the same time a light was emitted from the roof again. When the light hit the water mist, it suddenly became The colorful colors are like ... rainbows.

Then, there was a burst of rumbling sound in it.

It's like thunder ...

... rainbow, thunder?Does this "creator" think that way?