4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

805 The brave is the devil

This is an interesting story ...

After Lin created a large-scale dream, her thoughts also seemed to be enriched.

In the past, Lin often found some words and related meanings in her thoughts, but after creating a lot of dreams, Lin found that the things in her thoughts became more abundant, not only those single words, but also to find out Some more complete stories ...

And this test is a story that Lin found in her thoughts, and used it in the final test of the "Brave" ...

In the dream, the space where 'Moss' is located is a huge continent, which is almost equivalent to the outside world of the dinosaur. It is surrounded by the sea on all sides. The setting of the sea is endless. There are only a few islands around it. , That will never reach the end.

In other words, Moss's territory is only this continent.

On this continent, they have established many cities, and unlike a king of skeletal dragons ruled all areas, each city of Moss has its own lord, and they handle the things and criminals in their own cities.

The relationship between the lords of these cities was not very good, and they were only willing to unite when the demons invaded. Now, their relationship is even worse. Because of the expansion of the city, each city is constantly increasing its territory. They cut down nearby forests and even built buildings on the edge of the territory of another city ...

The lords between the cities began to conflict because of this.

There are more and more disputes of other sizes. They occupy almost the entire continent where they can live, which makes their conflicts more and more serious. Some city lords even dispatched troops.

Because resources are almost exhausted, the world is almost on the verge of collapse.

However, all these problems will be solved.

A brave man, standing high in the center of the city, watching the situation below.

This is a small city, and it is often attacked by hostile territories. As a result, there are many wounded people. In addition, there are no treatment facilities. There are often many injured residents here.

I saw a group of Moss gathered next to a building below, they were cheering and celebrating the completion of the building.

"In this way, our new clinic has been built!" "Yes, so that residents nearby can get ..."

"Stop it!" Suddenly, a figure jumped from the sky and fell between the cheering Moss.

"I know your plan, Devil! I will destroy this building! Don't you want to save the residents here!"


Lynn found that since that time, the brave man had become completely different.

What it does now is exactly the opposite of what it used to be, it attacks other Moss everywhere, destroys the buildings that are being built, and even attacks other Moss everywhere ...

Although its behavior is reversed, its philosophy is the same as before—stop the devil.

The residents of Moss here think that the brave is crazy, and many even think that the soul of the devil has been attached to the brave, making it a new demon.

The brave himself slowly thinks so in the course of continuous fighting.

It believes that the world needs a demon king, and only the devil can maintain the balance of the world. The brave himself has become the devil, and he has officially begun to be hostile to all cities. Because of the continuous attacks of the brave, the tight resource allocation of major cities Become slack.

Because the number of Moss was reduced, they did not dare to open up the land everywhere, so that the surrounding environment slowly returned to its original state.

At the same time, all territories also put down their previous hostility, and they sent troops together to fight the brave, and the dispute between Moss was settled.

And the brave no longer fights alone. It returns to the hell of the volcano and stands alone as the new devil, allowing other demons to serve it.

Because the demon is set to be a race with the strong as the king, they quickly agreed to the brave as their new king, so the brave led this unit, called the new demon, and continued to attack the landing site. The city keeps everything in balance ...

The brave has already considered himself a demon, and its appearance has also changed. It is no longer like the ordinary Moss before. It has started to grow pterosaur-like wings from behind, and at the same time it has horns on its head. The power has become more powerful.

The brave is always thinking, all the past things have troubled it, but after it discovered its changes, it feels that it has completely become the devil, and since then, it has let go of its own troubles and will always be Moss was the enemy until the end of the world.

The world will indeed end soon, because the test will be finished ...

This is really an interesting change.

Because it is troublesome to get these tests in reality, but it is easy in dreams. In this test, Lin mainly tests the reactions of these creatures.

It's true that individual creatures can't limit their number expansion, and there are many troublesome problems, so Lin finally decided not to let this creature appear.

Their appearance is not significant, but it is similar to that of the skeletal dragons, but if Maoyu outside evolves on his own, then Lin will not restrict them.

However, the brave made Lin feel some wonderful places. Lin does not need to make an entire population, but can select certain individuals in it to create a new race ...

If you want to enrich the world, there must be a variety of creatures. The richness of creatures has been realized, but ... these high-intelligence racial richness is not enough, Lin wants to make this world richer , This will be more interesting.

Therefore, Lin will integrate the information in these dreams, as well as the information of all the races outside, to try to create a variety of different and unique intelligent biological populations.

At present, Lin intends to create one directly, with the main character of 'Moss' but a modified race.

This race can be called a "demon", and it can be used as some demons in the dream.

But of course the character is completely different, but they will always be more interesting creatures.

Lin does not intend to use a virus to make a certain jade into this kind of creature, but directly creates it, using a 'subtle patchwork' method.

Although Lin has pieced together a lot of things, she hasn't pieced together a whole creature, which will definitely be quite interesting.

If this race is successful, Lin will continue to try to get another race.

At the same time, Lin also wants a particular creature to appear in the real world.