The blazing sun shone on this land.

This is an ancient world. The earth is a green plain composed of moss. In this world filled with clear oxygen, almost no trees can be seen, only the only one-its height is more than 100 meters, just like a prop The giant pillars of the sky stood between the heavens and the earth. Thick vines climbed around the giant tree. The thick green leaves grew on the vines, constantly absorbing energy from the sun.

In this place, there seems to be no plants competing with this giant tree, but this is not the reason why it can grow so huge.

Many young scaly reptiles crawled under the shadow of this giant tree. They moved and rested in this only shaded place while swallowing the dust and dust spilled from the giant tree.

They don't know what these powders are, but they know they are delicious.

On the vast green land, everything seemed so quiet, but the sudden shock from the earth ended this peaceful scene.

On the other side of the horizon, countless black shadows appeared. They are an army of countless insects. Like a black tsunami, they swept into this green world ...

The land is no longer quiet. The whole plain is echoed with the roar of giant insects. These dinosaur-like insects have shaken the ground constantly. This insect swarms on the mossy earth. Every insect will be at this moment. Their own speed has been increased to the limit, whether they are running or flying, they are all based on one goal-the tree that supports the sky.

The reptiles wandering under the grass and trees have long been evacuated. The immobile moss is being trampled by insects. This tsunami-like army looks unstoppable, but in their thoughts, 'fear 'Accounted for a larger position.

'boom!'The earth suddenly broke a huge crack between the insect swarms. Many insects fell into the abyss of the earth before the reaction, and those who responded quickly avoided, but these insect swarms trying to avoid suddenly felt their legs Being pulled, the body was pulled into the rift uncontrollably.

In the rift, countless vines burst out, like tentacles drilled from the abyss, tightly winding all the insects around them, and dragging them into the darkness.

Some worms with blades cut these vines, but their number is almost endless. When countless worms are pulled into the darkness of the ground, the earth's vibration also sounds again.

This time the vibration came from the front of the army of the swarms. The ground was like an explosion with countless rubble. The thick tree roots rushed out of the ground. They have a diameter of more than ten meters. The huge body slapped heavily towards the ground. At the moment when the ground made a loud noise, countless insects were crushed into powder.

These thick tree roots are like city walls. They are arranged in a line, guarding the giant tree behind them, and resisting the attack of the swarm with the power of crushing everything.

'Wow!'The sound of an arrow sounded in the sky, and a green spike came from the sky, sticking on a tree root.

'Snapped!'The wounds stabbed in the roots exploded in an instant. When a large amount of wood chips splashed, a large amount of different-colored liquids also poured out from it. The seemingly strong roots were easily traumatized.

At this time, countless spikes flew from the swarm.

They are like locust swarms jumping from the sea of ​​insects, hitting the roots of trees one after another. The debris and dust splashed by the explosion enveloped the wall made of tree roots.

After the explosion of smoke and dust, the pace of the insect swarmed on the cracked bark, and there seemed to be no obstacle between them and the giant tree.

However, the obstacles cannot disappear. This plain, even the entire continent, belongs to this giant tree.

No matter where it is, it can turn it into a battlefield.

Under the swinging limbs of the insect swarm, they felt a strong airflow, some insect swarms were instantly thrown into the air, and some insect swarms felt the opposite airflow, they were inhaled by this airflow Ground.

The roots of the big trees that have been blown away have been retracted to the ground, but the holes they drilled remain on the ground, and weird air flows from these big holes, affecting the nearby insect swarms.

At the same time, countless cracks appeared again on the ground. These cracks spread like a cobweb, and the vines flowed out of these cracks. They not only pulled, some vines even sprayed flames, and some were covered with thorns. To explode.

Cracks in the earth, vines, and strange air currents make it difficult for the swarms to move forward. They are trapped around the giant tree, but they have not given up, and some species still have the ability to continue to move forward.

Some flying insects spread their wings out of the swarm.

They do not have the membranous wings commonly used in arthropods, but fly using the wing membranes connected to the arthropods. This way is like a pterosaur, but the speed is slightly slower.

But it also makes them difficult to notice that they can fly before flying.

Large swarms of flying insects flew out of the ground. They formed a huge army and rushed towards the giant tree. This sudden attack seemed to leave the giant tree without any response plan.


A strong air current makes it difficult for these flying insects to advance.

The two airflows in and out of the ground have affected the air. The airflow in the sky has become manic like a hurricane. This strong current blows the flying insects in the air. It is difficult to stabilize the body. However, it is not the airflow that affects them the most. But ...


This feeling, as if the brain was hit hard, spread to the entire swarm in an instant.

The flying insects in the air are like being struck by thunder, falling one by one from the air, and the insects on the ground have fallen to the ground one after another.

At this moment, it seems that the entire swarm has lost its fighting ability, they just tremble on the ground.

The vines shaking on the ground did not stop. They wriggled around the surrounding insect swarms. Some spiked vines drilled from the ground. They groped on the trembling insect swarms. Once they found the brain The position immediately penetrated and sucked out the contents.

The brains of the swarms were squeezed and transported together through the vines buried in the ground. They were all transmitted into the giant tree. The brains flowed up the trunk of the tree. All these energies were concentrated by the tree. Under the concentration of the brain plasma, a round of white flowers with ten petals bloomed on the top of the tree ...

In the center of the white flower, there is an object like a 'core', and this core expands larger and larger. With a violent explosion, it flew out of the flower and rushed to the blue sky.