The edge of the inland jungle of the East Continent.

Although it is sunny day, the ground is obscured by large shadows.

When the creatures on the ground flee frantically, countless figures also landed on the ground.

The army of the Inca Swarm has gathered before this jungle called the 'forest of heaven'.

But this army of worms that had been advancing all the time stopped at this place, and they planned to temporarily suspend the attack because some things needed to be adjusted ...

The spiral creatures in the 'celestial kingdom', the strong brain waves it can release may be able to collapse the entire swarm.

Therefore, before attacking, they need some protection, because the number of troops is large, which takes some time.

But anyway, this huge target can no longer escape, they are not in a hurry.

During this period, Lin intends to further clarify the experience of this spiral creature.

Although it is said that it has not continued to explore in its kingdom of heaven, there are still other ways to investigate ...

It has the core of mixing the Yat ethnic group with the creator, which also represents what this creature has to do with the Yat ethnic group.

Although it does not show any characteristics of the Yat ethnic group, it represents what the previous creator has done to the Yat ethnic group ...

Why it is doing this is no longer known. Lin hopes that there will be a Yate group to remember this.

Of all the brain-creating monsters discovered so far, they do not remember the previous things, but there are some things that may record the previous things.

These things can only be found in the sea.

... the deep sea area near the dinosaur continent ...

"You can't take away my treasure!" There are many creatures living here, and some creatures have guarded something since a long time ago.

In the ocean, shark-type troops are advancing rapidly. In front of them, there are several yellow creatures running at high speed on the seabed-brain monsters.

"Can't tell it." "Don't be caught." "Don't eat it." "Why should we be caught?" "Don't approach, or I will kill you."

These brain-creating monsters fled on the seabed and released various information for 'talking', while the sharks chased behind them, and the distance was getting closer ...

These fat creatures are not suitable for running in the water quickly, and no matter how hard they try, they are slowly caught up by the shark ...

A shark arm approached the target. It opened its mouth and protruded a barbed tongue from the mouth, and instantly grabbed a brain monster in front of it.

"No! You must let go!" It kept struggling, but it didn't have the strength to break away, because the sharks Lin used to catch them all had a body size of more than ten meters and a weight of about ten tons.

The shark sent some inquiring messages to this brain monster: "Where is your treasure?"

"Don't tell you, there is no treasure, the treasure is eaten, and I ate it, and it's gone." The brain maker sent a lot of messages at once, and it might not be said anyway.

However, it is still easy for Lin to see where its treasure is, as long as you pierce a small thing into its brain.

From its dream, Lin can discover everything ...

There are many types of "treasures" that are guarded by brain-creating monsters, and some of them don't even know their purpose, but they have been trying their best to protect these things, even using life to resist offenders. Do not hesitate.

This is mainly because the brain-creating monster is different from the scorpion. They are extremely 'loyal' to the main brain. Now, Lin has found a place to place the treasure.

It seemed to be under a trench, hidden in a cave. After discovery, Lin had already sent some troops to that place.

These brain-creating monsters are very good at living in the deep sea, they can resist a lot of water pressure, which makes their nests more secret, and in this cave, Lin found something interesting ...

All the "treasures" are what is called the "recording ball". Some of them are used to record nuclear information. These information can make the scorpion transform into other forms, and it seems that it can also make some brains. The blame has changed, although Lin has never seen anything change ...

However, there are some record balls that do not contain information, but a pure memory placement.

There is usually a neural structure in this kind of record ball. It does not have the basic ability of thinking, but a structure similar to a memory area.

Among the several record balls placed in this cave, Lin found that three of them are of this type, and what is more special is that the memory structure inside them is very similar to the controller, that is, a multi-layer memory like an annual ring. structure……

Perhaps, the controller's memory has something to do with this kind of thing ...

The most important thing is that the memories in these balls, in fact, Lin discovered these things only recently, and they record some previous things.

And their main role is to 'educate' some creatures and let them remember what happened in the past.

If you want to view these memories, you need a creature of the Yat ethnic group to read the information inside, which will make it clearer, because these balls cannot dream ....

Rin thinks it's better to let Li Scorpion observe instead of making brain monsters, because these things seem to have been prepared for creatures like Li Scorpion.

Therefore, Lin also brought the only scorpion that survived to the ocean. In fact, it is not the only one, and some eggs and cocoons are hidden in some places. This is to prevent any accidents before the war. left.

In this way, even if they encounter any situation, they will not fall into a state of total destruction.

Lynn found the standing scorpion lord who survived the war and took it to the coast of the dinosaur continent.

Lin kept it asleep, and at the same time took out the ball of record in the water, and then introduced the information into the thoughts of the scorpion lord, at the same time, Lin then stimulated these memories in his brain Let him enter a dream.

These memories ... seem to record some things that are more important to the Yat ethnic group.

In the first record ball, you can see the origin of many arms and the manufacturing process. The content is quite detailed. Lin feels that there are some parts to learn.

The second record ball contains some exploration records, such as new places discovered, Lin felt that this kind of thing should not need to be recorded ...

The third ball ... records what happened in the past, some more important ... war.