The vast ocean, swaying waves, and ... flying beasts.

Several days and nights have passed since the aggression of the virtual people.

Everything they left behind when they arrived is now recovered as debris, and most of the things are directly destroyed, because these technologies have no special value.

However, except for something special.

A powerful weapon, 'Type 78 Explosive Bomb'.

Not all fleets have this type of explosive bomb, it is only equipped in a few ships, because the power is too large, it will also cause a lot of 'after effects', so it cannot be used casually.

However, I just want to use it now.

A transporter with a length of more than 30 meters is flying rapidly in the air. It carries a '78 -type explosive bomb 'obtained from the ship of the mainland left by the virtual people.

Because these things are very dangerous, the virtual people have done a very good job of protecting it, but Lin already knows how to detonate it from scholars.

Mainly controlled detonation from the ship is still very simple.

And there are many types of such things, such as 76, 79, etc., but it is said that they are equipped with the same model '78 type ', different models have different power, and 78 is considered to be the most Effective model, because its explosive power and the degree of damage caused are in the "just right" range. Other types are either too powerful or too small, and there are many problems.

However, scholars do not recognize this kind of "just right". It thinks that there should be many kinds of preparations, but it has no right to change this decision.

And Lin felt it didn't matter.

Now, Lin wants to take it to the south of the pompon ... to detonate on another continent.

This continent is on the pompon ... The last continent, this continent Lin has not explored so far, the main reason is ...

Ahead, Lin can already see the snow-white world appearing on the sea level, and the air here has become quite cold.

This is a continent covered by ice and snow, whether before or after the ice age.

There are still some biological communities on the coast of the mainland, but in the center of the mainland is covered by snow for a long time, and no creatures will get there.

This is a good place to detonate.

What's more, Lin has already put the test explosion in advance ...

The transporter flew over the mainland, and the snowfield below swept quickly backwards, and finally reached a position where the sea could not be seen.

There are no creatures in this place, but there are many strange things on the snow. They are like hills and placed on the ground in a circle.

Each ring is separated by a certain distance, and there are a large number of objects in each ring.

They are made of different materials, some are commonly used chitins, some are ordinary organisms, and some are newly made things.

A large number of different objects are placed on each ring, and each ring is also separated by a certain distance. This is used to test the power of the distance and see how the decrement effect of the explosive power is.

Lynn did this test not to make this kind of explosive bomb, but to protect it, want to see which material is suitable for protecting this kind of thing.

Because there are some other factors that are too powerful and uncontrollable, Lin does not intend to make such a bomb, and Lin prefers a fine strike method.

But if there is a place where a powerful explosion is needed, there are other ways.

For this explosion, you just need to protect it.

Although a lot of information has been obtained last time, but such a comprehensive test will be able to better understand their power, and also to try what kind of creatures can survive this explosion.

To this end, Lin has prepared a variety of different creatures. Generally speaking, some extreme fungi are very likely to survive. As long as there are ones that survive, they can grow back among the debris and debris.

Then start now!

In the sky, the transporter threw the 78-type explosive bomb he carried to the predetermined explosion center, and then stayed in the air to observe, because the transporter is also one of the 'test items' of the explosion ...

At the same time, the virtual civilian ship on the far west of the continent activated it at the same time when the explosive bomb reached the designated location.

Just as Lin thought.

The roaring smoke enveloped everything in an instant, and all the test items around them felt this power at this moment, because ... they are all alive.

Lin can clearly feel the high temperature and the strong shock wave. At a far distance, you can see things like clouds rapidly expand.

It ’s still as spectacular as it used to be. Every time I see it, it ’s very interesting. Such a small thing can produce so much power ...

Sure enough, through testing, it can be confirmed that the forms of damage inside are mainly shock waves and high temperatures formed by air. In the void, the power should be greatly reduced.

Then try to detonate in the void again.

Scholars have said that the purpose of this kind of thing was mainly used to restrict the same kind, and it was rarely used. Later, when traveling in the sky, there was only one more purpose for cleaning other creatures ...

If you bomb a wide area in general, nothing will be left in the cleaned area ... However, because the damage caused to the area after the "cleaning" is too great, they ca n’t live on their own, so this kind of There will be a 'use ban' on things.

In any case, they have no chance to clean up here.

Because of the large number of test objects, Lin obtained accurate information and also knew that there was indeed something that could be preserved after the explosion.

However, if you are already fighting them, you don't have to be too concerned about such bombs.

So, you can directly fight them. Although I said that you want to "penetrate", direct attacks will also be more interesting.

On the land edge of the western continent, huge arks slowly floated in the sea. These arks are not used for fighting, but are 'launch pads'.

A huge olive-shaped object covered the back of the ark. Now, because of the use of a new type of fuel, Lin does not need to circle around the pompon to fly out of this world ...

These olive-shaped arms are called 'voyagers'. Each has a length of tens of meters and is loaded with a large number of weapons. It is Lin's first 'fleet' for combat use.


Along with the powerful energy, a large number of sailors took off from the ark and rushed towards the sky.

This time, they should be sent home.