"Starting the wake-up procedure, we are close to the target location."

The central area of ​​Drift.

The Wanderer, which has been flying in the void for nearly three years, is now finally close to the safe transmission point, and in the operating room, the commander's voice resounds.

Although the surrounding voids are still endless, they are close

A few virtual people who have not entered the cold and sleeping are quickly operating the image in front of them. Under control, the freezing devices in the various rooms in the central area begin to move ...

"Ah ..." In the opened device, the first Xumin climbed out.

"Woo ... so uncomfortable ..." The moment it crawled out, it ran to vomit while covering its head.

"Woo ..." "Ah ..." In the other rooms, the virtual people climbed up with tragic cries one by one, Lin observed them and found that they were awakened by the long sleep, It does produce a huge disgusting reaction ...

"Okay, sober, soldiers." During the broadcast, the commander's voice continued to echo: "In seven thousand two hundred seconds, get ready, put on armor, and gather at the central square."

Each of the virtual people in the room quickly washed their bodies to make them more sober. Several virtual people with good adaptability had put on armor and left the room.

Lin noticed that the difference between males and females of Xumin is obvious. Actually, there are two types of armor, but the difference is not big, and the fight is regardless of gender.

"Are you finally here?" "What's the matter, I just feel awake after a moment." "Hypothermia is this convenient, but when I wake up, I feel sad ..." "Are you going back?" "I still I have n’t seen what our cue ball looks like. I ’m really looking forward to it. ”The virtual people wearing good armor chatted and walked towards the central square.

In fact, Lin is also looking forward to what their cue ball looks like.

Although I have read it on the information, it seems that the information has not been updated for a long time ...

In more than seven thousand seconds, the prepared virtual people gathered one by one in the center area, where they clashed and chatted with each other, unlike a soldier who had just returned from a fiasco.

It seems that they went to a pompom just to travel.

However, now it is Lin ’s turn to travel here, it will be very interesting.

There is a huge multi-faceted video installation in the central square, which shows these outsiders what is outside. What we can see now is a starry sky.

"Now it has entered the safe transmission area." "The speed is reduced to 10 slow." "Commander, it is already possible to request transmission."

In the operating room, the operators reported while operating, and their commanders looked at the data in the image and then said: "Very well, all the staff are ready to transmit, contact the transmission department, and confirm the location for them."


"It's finally time to go back!" "I thought I had to wander in the void all my life ..."

The virtual people in the lobby were chatting with anticipation, and at this time, the broadcast heard a voice: "Confirm the target, prepare to start sending ... Welcome home."

In the dark void, a strong flash of light surrounded the entire central area of ​​the Wanderer, and it disappeared into the void instantly, leaving nothing behind.

At the moment of transmission, Lin felt a strong shock coming from the Wanderer, but only for a short while.

When the vibration stopped, the image in the central square showed a special image ... a tumbler.

"Welcome to the space station in Area 52, all passengers please follow the procedures to prepare for landing." A voice that was not the commander sounded, and the virtual people here cried excitedly after hearing ...

"Oh! We're here!" The virtual people in the square cheered excitedly, but Lin felt a little strange.

space station?This seems to be something that the virtual people are floating in the void, doesn't it mean that the transmission is directly transmitted to the tumbler?

However, there seems to be no dissent from the void people.

"Okay, everyone is ready to land." The commander's voice rang again: "Make sure your things are brought, and you still have 360 ​​seconds to pick up what you didn't bring, and we will take the X52 empty track back . "

The virtual people checked what they were carrying. Lin was also checking some things, but Lin checked a special individual-a spy.

When this spy started, Lin started to make it. It had been hidden in a certain cabin, and the growth time was exactly the same as the time when the virtual people slept. Now that it has been completed, Lin intends to get it out.

However, if there is an extra dummy out of thin air, they will obviously doubt it, so Lin's spy replaces the identity of a dummy, and Lin is completely created according to the appearance of the dummy, without any suspicious mistakes.

Lin's spy put on armor and left the place where she had been staying.

When doing this, Lin is using a special method, because there are generally monitors for the virtual people who are in a frozen state of sleep, and if they are found to be in a poor state, they will wake it up for treatment, because this kind of low temperature sleep is also a certain danger.

However, if Lin let the miniature arms slowly infiltrate from the outside and devour the virtual people inside, they are completely undetectable ...

"Ah, where did you go just now? I haven't responded by contacting you all the time. I thought you were missing!"

When Lin's spy ran to the central area, a virtual person greeted the spy.

Missing transmission is an occasional accident. It is said that some objects or missing people will occasionally disappear during transmission. Usually, the missing person will not weigh more than one ton, and they have not yet figured out what is going on.

"I just encountered a small problem."

The spy answered in simple words, and then ignored it.

"Okay, it seems that all the people are here." The commander's voice rang: "Now get out of the cabin!"

'Ka!'A wall in the central square suddenly rose slowly, and a passage appeared behind the wall.

The Void people here are arranged in a neat team, and Lin's spies are also standing where they should be. Although the Void people are very excited, they are very orderly.

After lining up, the spies walked with them towards the front channel. In addition to the spies, there were several pompoms floating above the team. Although they looked around, there was no scenery, and the walls of the channel were pure metallic colors.

This passage feels a bit long ...

After a few turns, suddenly there was a loud noise in front of her, and Lin's vision suddenly became brighter ...

"Oh oh oh! Welcome back to the expedition drift team!"

Appearing in front of Lin, there is a large group of vain people, not wearing armor, but wearing a variety of wonderful costumes, they are cheering wildly here, if there is a fence to block them, Lin I think they will immediately rush ...

"What kind of colony is it?" "It is said that you found a place that is very beautiful, is it true?" "I heard that you fought a fierce battle there and finally won, so please tell us the process!"

There are a lot of virtual people squeezing the guardrail, they are holding some round things to this side, and they keep asking questions.

Judging from their problems, it seems that the vain people here are not yet clear about the things on the pompoms.

"We haven't told the people there yet." The commander's voice rang out from the helmet: "You can't disclose any information now, and the offenders are treated as crimes."

After saying this, Lin saw several commanders and operators coming out of the back passage. Under its orders, the previous virtual people who originally wanted to answer immediately shut up, and they followed He followed the commander forward.

It seems that the guardrails have been prepared long ago. They divide the surrounding virtual people into two halves, otherwise they may be blocked and cannot advance completely.

These vain people are vain people with great interest in the wandering. In fact, three years ago, the commander sent contact information to the cue ball to inform them to return here.

Therefore, the virtual people here will gather here in advance.

Under the cheers of the virtual people, Lin's spy and the large team were advancing, while Lin's pompoms were scattered everywhere, observing the surrounding environment.

Here ... I feel like a very interesting place.

This place is like an open square. The ground here is as smooth and transparent as crystals. Numerous virtual people go back and forth in the whole space. In addition to those who gathered to watch the wandering numbers, there are still a lot of people walking here. Most of the vain people are followed by a three-legged walking machine. These machines seem to be used for transportation and usually carry large things.

Most of these virtual people walk around in this space,

"Flame grilled wings, as long as ten virtual coins! Buy ten get one free, come and snap up!"

Lin noticed that various stereoscopic images flashed between the groups of the virtual people, and various things flickered and rotated in the images. These seem to be what the virtual people called "advertising" ...

When you look further away, you can see the transparent wall. Behind the wall, you can see the huge drift center. It is parked in a nearby pier-shaped pier. In addition to the drift, it is also on the pier. Various aircraft were parked, but I didn't see any warships or anything.

There are many aircrafts connected by transparent pipes, and you can see a lot of virtual people waiting in line to board the ship.

It seems that this is a place called 'airport', but there is no doubt that it is in the void, why did you go to this place?

Anyway, it seems that the expeditionary drift team is now planning to return to their cue ball ... and here, you can almost see what it looks like, it seems to be a world shrouded in silver.