4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 1060 Slow Response

The little war is over.

The little creature won.

Lin ’s tiny troops were blocked during the aggression, which reminded Lin of the sword fleas in the previous creator.

However, this time the opponent seems to be made of metal, because it cannot be swallowed, so it is more difficult to deal with ... In this case, it needs more strengthened cells.

Lin felt it was a good practice to put a stronger shell on the cells, but Lin felt that the form of atmospheric organisms should be studied first.

See how to make a single cell into a variety of forms like atmospheric creatures, which is more conducive to combat, but it does not need to be so large, it is better to keep it small.

Create a new ... miniature cell force.

In short, it seems that it is not so easy to study them for the time being, it seems that this time the enemy is more difficult to deal with than before.

However, Lin feels that they are probably a creature with the system of the Void Bus. Although the "jelly" in the crystal lizard body is black, but the composition of the starfish body is very similar ... but has the ability to maintain at room temperature, just It is similar to the starfish after it grows up.

It is not yet known whether the crystal lizard is the core creature of black metal, or is it only an accessory creature on the edge?

Lin feels that their size is unlikely to make such a huge thing. It is possible to make an invasion of a micro fleet. It is difficult to manufacture something that weighs billions of them, even if the technology is high.

So, there should be some creatures in charge of these crystal monsters ... But Lin only sees them now, and they only do one thing now: driving the cone to find the virtual people to ask for cubs.

The pompon flew over the space dome and looked down from a height, you can see that there are many cones dragging the cubs into it ...

Because the pups are almost all rubbed on the ground, it is estimated that few can survive. Some pups are wearing clothes, but the crystal lizard will strip their clothes.

There are probably thousands of households in the vicinity, so Lin feels that the train may not be full.

It seems that this place was specially selected when the black metal invaded, because Lin found that 70% of the vain people here have cubs.

The crystal lizard's cones are not that many, so there are still many people who are safe.

However, there are already many people who have been dug out of their hearts because of their resistance, and their bodies have been exposed to the street in this way ... Speaking of them, how many hearts did the people have?

There are not many types of multi-hearted creatures, but Lin found that there are more creatures with more hearts on the cue ball of the virtual people, and on the pompon, there are usually similar systems of worms. For example, a creature called 'earthworm' is obvious Multi-heart system.

However, no matter how many there are, the virtual people are not worms, as long as one is dug out, it will not survive, but Lin feels that these things have some uses.

Lin let the pompon make many hundredths of the size of the pompon. These tiny pompons began to drill into the bodies of the virtual people on the ground to absorb their nutrients, so as to multiply more.

After the nutrients are sufficient, let the pom-poms gather to the dome train, where Lynn will create a cub-type spy exactly like the cubs around, use this spy to see what they will do to the cubs thing.

At the same time, Lin can also confirm whether they can distinguish between spies and ordinary people before ...

There are many vain people who keep trying to contact the outside, but their signals seem to be blocked by the huge spears surrounding the city, and the outside cannot receive information at all, so they only look forward to the rescue ...

So what are the outsiders doing?In fact, Lin also looked forward to the troops of the Void.

Because what Lin thought was to let the virtual people fight the black metal first, in order to understand the essence of this group of black metal.

However, the actions of the Xumin people seem to be too slow.


"Alien attack ..." "Alien invasion ..." "Alien ..."

In a research institute far away from the location of the attack, the spy was looking at the stereoscopic image in front of his eyes. It seemed that no matter which channel was switched to, the news of the Vumin reported about the invasion.

And on the Internet, you can also see a lot of related information and discussions. Many people are desperately talking about this matter, and there are also ferrous metals mixed in to publish the end of the world information.

However, most of them are old news. Lin hasn't seen a message about what to do. There are a lot of people on the Internet who say they are throwing Type 78 explosive bombs directly at the aggression area.

Most of the vain people are complaining about why the military has not taken any action until now, while others want to go in search and rescue. Lin found that these vain people do n’t seem to know what to do, and the show is almost all news, except one of.

"Is it an opportunity or a crisis? An open international conference on alien aggression!"

This is the title of the show ...

In this show, a group of virtual people are forming a circle, discussing the alien invasion ...

"This is an opportunity for us! Just like before, just after receiving the teleportation, our void aviation industry developed rapidly!"

"No!" Said another Xumin: "This is a huge disaster for our race!"

These virtual people have been arguing there. Many virtual people regard the alien invasion as an opportunity, while the other side considers it a disaster.

Lin feels that they are really idle. There is time to do this kind of thing, and other channels seem to be playing older things, as well as some disaster loss statistics, casualties, etc ...

But do they decide to attack black metal?

Lin thought that it was only necessary to go directly to the general's decision ... but where did the general go now?

The general ’s base is also in the city of Kayo, but it has not been affected. The pompon is now flying over the sky, and it can be seen that the city was hit by coral ...

The central area was basically destroyed, leaving only a few buildings, which made the central area look like a barren plain.

The edge area is also a coastal area. The buildings here are basically not attacked. The general ’s base is also in this place. Although it has not been affected, the citizens here have evacuated because of fear.

The general is no exception, and it is the fastest one ...

However, Lin didn't follow it all the time, so I don't know where it went. It may be the base of a nearby city, or a farther place.

Although there is a top-ranking role as the leader in the country, the decisions of war are basically determined by such roles as generals.

But once there is a big problem, they often need to discuss there to discuss it is very troublesome ...

Therefore, Lin decided to send it some 'distress messages' to stimulate them to immediately dispatch.

Lin let the pom-poms on the edge of the disaster area start to move. The pom-poms found a portable video device in the ruins, and now the pom-poms are operating this thing, imitating the residents trapped inside to send messages to the outside.

There is still signal interference here, but it seems that the signal is still sent out.

"Temporary announcement of official announcement." The moment the pompom presses to send a message, the spy sees a special picture on a channel.

"Just now, we received the message. Although the location cannot be accurately located, it can be sure that it was sent from the disaster area."

Is it so fast?No, this is ...

'Poop!'Lin saw the picture flash for a moment, and then the news picture disappeared, and then a metal statue of the virtual people was shown on the picture.

This is ... the statue I saw before in the dream of the director is exactly the same.

At this time, the statue in the picture said: "We are from DB4649T2007RS, join, otherwise die."

After saying that simple sentence, the screen disappeared and became the screen where the news was just broadcast.

Although there is only a very simple sentence, this program is broadcast to the whole world, so it seems that the virtual people are boiling, and the crazy increase of discussion information can be seen on the Internet.

While Lin is investigating the information that appeared just now, it seems that black metal has inserted the information into the news of the virtual people in some way. The number they just said seems to be the name of a certain star for the virtual people. Various stars observed on the sphere have names similar to this number.

It may be possible to find their location from this, although it may be used to deceive the virtual people ...

Moreover, Lin found that this message was sent from the center of the disaster area, and the sending location happened to be the space dome ... behind it.

Behind the space dome, there is a dome of almost the same size, and this egg is the first thing I saw in the news.

It is the only thing that differs from corals in the incoming things, and the cones of those crystal lizards also come out of it.

Because she felt dangerous, Lin hadn't investigated this thing before, but now she should investigate it.

The dome fell in the air, and the surrounding ground was knocked down by it, but the dome itself had no problems and seemed to have considerable defensive power.

On the bottom edge of the dome, there are many open doors, and a large number of crystal lizard cones are in and out there. At present, Lin has not found anything else in and out, but the signal just came from inside.

It might be a higher-level creature than Crystal Lizard. Lin decided to take a look.

The channel inside is too narrow. If the pompon flies in, it may be found.

Need to find a way that will not be discovered ...

Thinking, Lin looked at a cone below.

The pompon suddenly rushed towards the cone, and the cone reacted, but the speed was not fast enough. It was instantly caught by the pompon with a lot of fluff, and then the pompon dragged it and flew to the sky.