Seems to be found?

The spy's body felt a burst of pain. Two spikes pierced the spy's back and neck, and protruded a lot of barbs from it. It seemed to try to fix the spy here ...

"Wow!" The cubs around screamed, and Lin realized that they also understood fear. They all tried to withdraw or turned around and escaped ...

The spies looked around and found that nothing strange came, but they fixed the spy here.

If this is the case, then start preparing.

At the same time, outside.

"You! Run out quickly! There should be no problem! There are no guards guarding you!" Under the voice of the shouting soldiers, the people in the city were very puzzled. They did find that they had not started since ten days and nights. The cones came to find them to be cubs, but they still did not dare to go out, let alone run away.

However, they now encounter many problems that force them to leave.

Some of the food in the Xumin's house has been eaten long ago, and the water has stopped because the coral may have broken the pipe when it fell.

They are now in a state of no water and no food. The homes of the vacant people usually have some reserves, but they have almost been consumed.

"Hey, this method is good." A Void soldier looked at the shouting soldiers and said: "Let them run out of their own, even if they are killed, it's not our business."

Another soldier said, "Yeah, otherwise we have to wait for them to starve to death."

"It's okay! The military is protecting you! Come here quickly!" Under the continuous voice of the shouting soldiers, several residents on the edge were already tempted.

Two virtual people walked out of the building. After looking around, the two of them immediately rushed towards the military blockade outside ...

The two virtual people ran in the ruins between the city and the blockade with extreme tension, but it did seem to be as the soldiers said, there was nothing to chase them down, and the cones shaking in the city Without any movement, they successfully ran under the blocked wall.

"Good job!" A soldier immediately opened the fence and said: "You can take the aircraft directly back."

"Why didn't you think about this method in the first place!" Said the two vain people in shock and joy and anger: "Also, why not send troops to pick us up?"

"We used to be attacked," the soldier said. "But you won't come out."

The two vain people kept talking in a state of emotional excitement: "How do you know that we will not come out? How do you confirm our safety? And if you damage my house when you fight, you will compensate Is there some compensation? "

'boom!'And a bullet hole suddenly appeared at their feet, causing them to shut their mouths.

The soldier was holding a smoking weapon and looked at them with an impatient expression: "Are you going to walk?"


After these two virtual people successfully escaped, soon more virtual people eagerly tried.

Soon, under the command of the shouting soldiers, the virtual people in the city began to escape one after another, and they were not attacked.

"It seems that this method is indeed feasible." As the captain who initially made the decision, he looked at the situation in front of him with satisfaction on the high platform on the wall.

"Captain!" Suddenly, a soldier said behind the captain: "The general calls you."

Back at the barracks, the captain confidently reported to the general: "General! Is this a good method?"

Although the captain was full of confidence, the general was obviously very dissatisfied with the current situation: "I was eating just now, so I did n’t notice that you arbitrarily executed the order to let the people evacuate, but this will not be investigated first, you must stop now They can't let them run out! "

"Why? General?" The captain asked puzzled. "They all ran out safely. Those things will not attack, General."

"Did you not notice the movement of those things?" Said the general: "They have become strange now!"

The captain listened to the general's words and looked at the camp to show the impact of the surrounding conditions.

Now, when many evacuees succeeded in escaping, the evacuees in the city all went out of the building and ran to the blockade area.

The cones were not taken care of when the first few evacuees fled, but when a large number of evacuees came out, they exhibited abnormal behavior. These cones dangled around the evacuees who ran out, and kept on Said: "Hand in, or die."

Because they have seen a lot of things they dug into the heart, these people are very afraid of cones, but they did not return to their homes, but wanted to run out of this place.

However, the more people come out, the faster the cones move, and they look like they are panicking.

"After the first one came out, it was impossible to stop it." The general said: "Try to keep them in order, and only run out a few at a time! Otherwise, there may be a big problem!"


"Attention! Don't run out too much at once! A few and a few come!" The shouting soldiers shouted there, trying to keep their actions, but these vain people were in front of their eyes because of the way out. Came out.

Coupled with the cone shaking around, they could n’t wait any longer, but ran out together ...

A large number of virtual people rushed to their destinations in the ruins, and the cones chased this time.

"They are catching up!" "Run!"

The vain people watched the rear cones catching up, and they fled desperately to the direction of the army, while the shouting soldiers on the wall shouted, "Don't run so fast! Don't stimulate them! Hurry back!"

And those who did not return after hearing this, but ran faster. Those cones also caught up at a faster speed, and the cone that ran at the front gave a sharp cry: " Hand it in, or die! "

'boom!'A small explosion sounded among the fleeing virtual people.

The explosion was small, but it was enough to crush a virtual people, and the headless body fell to the ground at the same time ...

"Ahhhh!" The virtual people screamed in horror at the sight of them. They ran forward frantically, and the small explosions sounded again.

'Boom ... boom!'Every time there was an explosion, the head of a dummy was blown out. The dummy screamed and ran away. They were only tens of meters away from the wall, but this distance seemed to them. Very far away ...

"Hurry up! Get down!" The soldiers on the wall have gathered, and the weapons in their hands are aimed at the fleeing people, because of their cover, they can't hit the cone behind.

"It turned out to be ..." In the command room, the general looked carefully at the situation on the image. Now it can be clearly seen that these cones are a small and explosive spike.

'boom!'Under the successive explosions, all the virtual people who ran out were shattered into their heads, and no one could run across the distance of tens of meters. After tens of seconds, the wall between the wall and the city was blocked. The ruins were covered with headless bodies.

"They ... all ..." The soldiers on the wall looked at it in surprise, and the captain was initially speechless ...

"Captain!" Suddenly, a soldier walked behind the captain and said: "The general just came to order us to attack."

"General ..." The captain froze a little, then said: "I know ..."

............ A short time later, a loud announcement rang through the blockade.

"Pay attention to all! This is the general's order! The whole army attacked! Completely smash the group of alien monsters!"


After the announcement sounded, the explosion sounded again.

And this explosion was in a cone.

……… outside finally started to fight.

Lin's spy is still in a pierced state, and other cubs have long climbed out of this cave.

However, they did not run far, but crawled around ...

Lin, just now discovered the reason why they found Lin.

These two thorns are mainly used to detect the cell information of the pups, and are detected by light.

Although Lin ’s cells basically imitated the internal structure of the cubs, there are always some differences, such as nuclear information, they seem to find this.

But so far, they have not taken the next step, so ...

'Ka!'The place where the spy pup was pierced was broken at the same time as the place where the neck was pierced. Its body broke into three segments in an instant, and at the same time got rid of the spikes piercing the body.

Immediately after being disconnected, the spy's upper body immediately repositioned his head back, while the two halves of the body rushed out of the cave together.

"Wow!" The cub outside the cave screamed when he saw the spy, which had become two segments, ran out.

But they are not afraid of the spy becoming a two-segment thing, but surprised that the spy has broken away from that thorn.

In fact, Lin had noticed before that this group of cubs had a sense of companionship. They had been swaying outside the cave just now, just to save the spy, but they dared not come because of fear.

Some of them are like wild social creatures, but they only follow the information in their thoughts, and there is no leader.

In this case, perhaps more than one can be taken out, and all of them can be taken out.

Thinking, Lynn asked the spy to close the broken body and then ran in one direction while making a sound.

The cubs were puzzled when they saw it, but they all followed the spy.

Sure enough, pure curiosity can drive their activities, so that they can all be taken away, as long as they find an exit.